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Need a prayer please :)


Please say a prayer for me and my family, we have run into really difficult financial times, and it is to the point where my husband cant even get to work because there is no money for gas.I know that there will be better times, soon. Its just getting through the hard part right now that is tough. I have no family that is here for me.  I have been looking for any kind of job so I can make a little extra money here and there, but so far nothing has come through. I dont know what we are going to do, and I am afraid that it will lead to  my husband  losing his job if we can't find a solution. I know alot of people are going thru tough times right now ugh  it has to get better soon. Thanks for listening and thanks for the prayers. Hugs to all :)


Prayers and thoughts for your family right now. I know first hand how tough finacial problems are, and how much they put strain on things, but looking towards God and seeking prayers are the absolute right thing to do. When all else fails, God is there. He will get your family through.


Ask for help! Ask all of your neighbors and friend and fellow church members and co-workers for a ride to work. Don't let your husband be afraid to ask. I read an article that says we make our own luck. The luckiest people are those that make their needs known. It will work out for you, people will help in your time of need. Then when you get back on your feet, you can help someone else out. That is what we are all here for.


Hi,  sending some love & light 2 u and your family.  keep a positive attitude. thoughts are powerful. stay positive and strong and the universe will answer all of your prayers!


  I hear you and will say a prayer for you.....I have found that I've been chasing money since February...and I know this is not the way to do it.We're going through a tough time also, and I can't get a job because I'm on permanernt disability.  Right now all I want to do is work on my budget and not stress about it for at least one month....however, it hasn't worked for me..and I worked for a major Bank here in Ontario, Canada...actually it was in Toronto, Bank of Montreal Head Office..I was an Executive Assistant, and have been with them since 1977.....They know that I've been going through tough times, but don't care.  I am actually meeting with peple from the Bank on Thursday, as after being turned down for a temporary overdraft on my account, I went higher up...and told them I was sick of being treated like I am nothing and a low life, etc. etc....so all of a sudden they said they may be able to give me this temporary overdraft (employees are usually only allowed a $50.00 overdraft protection).  So wish me luck!If you ever need to talk, please message me any time, as I know it helps to talk to someone also.We are lucky we have good people on this site who actually care...my prayers for you will be included in mine tonight.....(SENDING A BIG HUG YOUR WAY)<a href="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZKman000" ></a>and hopefully a little peace of mind.<a href="http://www.smileycentral.com/dl/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb097_ZKman000&utm_id=7925" ></a>
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