For some reason, this has always stuck w/me. When I was young, prolly 10 or 11 years old, I wanted a Tyco racetrack for Christmas. Remember those? The little yellow trigger controllers, and the smell of burning copper? Anyway, woke up at my house (mom & dad's), & did Christmas. Didn't get it. I hate to say it, but I was disappointed. But, we always went to my grandmother's house Christmas afternoon to do Christmas with the rest of the family. Get to my grandmother's house, and there's a gift for me, wrapped in a box that was approximately 48" x 30" x 4". Perfect size for a Tyco racetrack, ya know. We always had to eat 1st and talk and talk and talk, then we talked some more, and finally after all that talking, we talked some more then we talked. Finally, we opened presents, and my anxiety was thru the roof at this point. Came my turn to open the present.......and I received a queen size blue comforter to go on my bed. I was devastated. I love the gift and the idea now as an adult, but as an 11 year old boy with all signs pointing to this being my Tyco Racetrack (then to get a comforter), it was disappointing, to say the least. That's just always stuck w/me. Now, I love to give presents, more than I like to receive them, and I have several kids, so everything they get me is as great as anything, so no favorites, I guess. But, there was that 1 major disappointing gift I got 30 years ago..