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21 Dukes Quiz worth a free $10 chip, $25 for depositors but you need to hurry!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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<table style="width:500px;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" > Happy Monday :) A man comes home to find his wife packing her bags. Where are you going? demands the surprised husband.  To Las Vegas! I found out that there are men that will pay me $500 cash to do what I do for you for free! The man pondered that thought for a moment, and then began packing HIS bags. What do you think you are doing? she screamed. I'm going to Las Vegas with you... I want to see how you're going to live on $1000 a year! In todays Newsletter:processing infoQuizz Well it is Monday already and I feel that it is going to be a great week ahead..Thank you to all of those that participated in the horrorscope question - we were overwhelmed with the response - be sure to take part in this weeks brain teaser as well. The last few days we have been very busy at 21Dukes. We have ensured that deposits and withdrawals are now easier than ever, regardless of where you live. We have added  new USA credit card processing as well as E-Check , all our ewallets are up and running like  click2pay, MoneyBookers, Neteller, UseMyWallet and EWallet!  This Weeks Quizz: A very large group, each with a different face,Usually in groups of four, its identity is your case.The first will bring a desire that is wealthTo steal it though is tough and takes stealth.The second group will distract you and lead your mind astrayDo not let this happen or you life will soon pay.The third group can be used to take a lifeA brutal murder it would be without a gun or knife.The final group is a tool that is used to hideThe man that was in your way and just happened to have died.What is this mysterious association I mentioned?Please note: All answers must be emailed to quizz@21dukes-support.com Only the first 5 correct answers will receive a prizeCompetition closes Midnight (EST) on Wednesday 15th Sep.This quizz is worth $10 in your account - if you are a depositi ng player then you will receive $25.__________________________________ Have a fabulous week,John BishopVP Operations21Dukes <a href="http://topgame-online.com/gs2c/21dukes/download/?sourceID=1014297" target="_self">http://topgame-online.com/gs2c/21dukes/download/?sourceID=1014297</a>
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I tried to figure out the answer, yes. But have no freakin' clue!!
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Competition Winners The competition from Mondays quizz saw the following players have their accounts credited with their prize money: Sparker23stormvickishielaraesudeolorifisherThe answer to the quizz is the following: A pack of cardsThe clues (vaguely) describe the 4 suits in a pack of cards.1st - Diamond - Diamonds make you wealthy but are very hard to steal.2nd - Heart - Hearts are considered what drives love that may lead astray from your job.3rd - Club - Clubs are weapons that can be used to kill someone by hitting over the head.4th - Spade - Spades can be used to cover up a murder by burying the body.
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I sent my answer in on Tuesday, but it diesn't show me as winning squat!  There's only one winner, so . . . . . WTF?!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I Am Loni, here are the winners that are in the winners posts above, but their names ran together ..................Sparker23, stormvicki, shielarae, sudeo, lorifisher."
There were only five winners for the contest so if you wanted a chance to win, you would have had to be quick on getting a correct answer submitted. "
I sent mine in on Monday and as you can see, I was not a winner.

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