Chat Transcript "
info: Please wait for a site operator to respond."
info: You are now chatting with 'Jenavive'"
Jenavive: Hello and welcome to GoWild Casino"
Dana: Hello, how are you Jenavive?"

Jenavive: I am just peachy, thank you

Jenavive: How about you "
Dana: good. I am ok too"
Dana: Got a ? for ya"

Dana: now that everyone is a vip, does that mean we no longer have vip mgr?"
Jenavive: Why would you say that "
Jenavive: of course that you do

Dana: my reason for asking is: I belong to a forum ...we all keep track of diff. offers from casinos.. a lot of my friends have recv d free spins and I have not. Some of them have not even made deposits in over a year...and since I have not heard from Gina in a couple weeks I thought I would ask."
Dana: hello?"
Jenavive: I am here Dana "
Dana: k"
Jenavive: Just taking care of something "
Dana: ok"
Dana: thought we got disscon."
Jenavive: To be honest this is something that was done by our promo department "
Dana: ah"
Jenavive: I could tell you about marketing techniques and ways of getting players back etc for whole day, still this is something that I shouldn't do

Jenavive: About Gina, have you tried to send her an email or anything "
Jenavive: She is working really a lot "
Dana: for some reason she does not get the emails that I send"
Jenavive: We are in the middle of couple of projects and she is occupied with a bunch of different tasks "
Jenavive: Hmmm"
Dana: so I use your mail on the casino site"
Jenavive: support one "
Dana: when I need to talk to her"
Dana: I am sure she is busy"
Dana: Your promo dept. should take care of the players that make deposit.......they spread the word around as I have when I am taken care of"
Jenavive: I understand you "
Dana: I even voted your site as my fav. awhile back"
Dana: on the forum that is"
Jenavive: I would like to explain that they are dealing with some certain number of players only and they are the only ones that know how and why will they do something "
Dana: we have over 2000 members at our forum"
Dana: well"
Dana: thanks for your time"
Jenavive: It is my pleasure Dana "
Dana: I will post our chat to let them know how it works"
Jenavive: I can tell to Gina that it would be nice of her to check up on you "
Dana: not ness."
Jenavive: I know, still I am sure that she will be glad to hear from you "
info: Your chat transcript will be sent to xxxxxxxxxx at the end of your chat."
Dana: goodbye"
Jenavive: Take care Dana, see you again soon "
