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$8 @ Players Place casino


I got this today so check your accts usa is ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Also got one for casino share  for $8 played both8 Bonus Credits have been added to your account!=================================================If money makes the world go round, then Bonus Credits must be thejetfuel that propels it! Get your 8 FREE Bonus Credits simply bylogging in to Players Palace Casino it could be just what you needto kick-start your winning streak into action!With over 350 games to choose from youll be spoilt for choice, andwith 8 FREE Bonus Credits added to your account youre already awinner!Simply login and play today at Players Palace Casino!Kind Regards,Steven BarryPlayers Palace Casino Manager


Thanks, dmcali, I found $10 in my <a href="http://www.playerspalacecasino.com?btag=pl825016_aff__6f73e8a690d64464a4b7cdae791853a2" >Players Palace </a> account!
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nothing for me but i do play here,... and i have withdrawn with no problems from here as well,...but there is not alot of free $$ after you start depositing ...u got to earn it for sure!...with the loyalty points and all,..which they give double on fridays.Of course I had to hassle them for not getting me any free $$!So here's how that went....they are all stiff, penny pinched jerks in chats....all but those from GO WILD CASINO...THEY ARE ALWAYS AWESOME AND GIVING!but back to the jerks,......if anything scroll down to the bold print statements,...they are sure to give us all a chuckle!lol here ya go: Pascal: will be assisting you, how could I be of service...tccr05835473: hellotccr05835473: i was wondering why i have read about others getting bonus $$ and i do not get comp'ed?Pascal: What bonus are you refering to please?tccr05835473: this is text from email to someone else:tccr05835473: If money makes the world go round, then Bonus Credits must be the jetfuel that propels it! Get your 8 FREE Bonus Credits simply by logging in to Players Palace Casino it could be just what you need to kick-start your winning streak into action! With over 350 games to choose from youll be spoilt for choice, and with 8 FREE Bonus Credits added to your account youre already a winner! Simply login and play today at Players Palace Casino! Kind Regards, Steven Barry Players Palace Casino Manager tccr05835473: and another person claims she got $10 freePascal: Kindly note that you don't qualify if you did not get any e-mail personlay.tccr05835473: Personally,...I play here alot and spend alot of $$ ....and nothing for me in my account....
tccr05835473: besides, what was the qualifacations to get the email?tccr05835473: just wonderin.... Pascal: Kindly note the promo department attributes bonuses at their own discretion. tccr05835473: well,...kindly note to the promo department that they can discretely attribute bonuses to my account at any time! lol ***to this, LOL he is silent , of course! So after 10 minutes I respond *** tccr05835473: ty for the imput,...i just felt forgoten thats all,...you have a good day and play on player! Its all good!
  ***and then he responds right away with the ever so common rap up:*** Pascal: You are welcome. Please feel free to contact us anytime, as we are available 24/7. Good Bye.
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i found $8 at players palace , casino share and grand mondial, i didnt receive any emails about it but decided to check anyways,,im glad i did :)

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