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A look at the Gamblers Dictionary....


Hi gang:Found a neat site and will post about 4 new words each day that is gambling related.Lets see if we can increase out gambling vocabulary.    A Bite : A request by a gambler for a loan. Action: The amount of money wagered. In poker, the placing of money into the pot. Action Jackson - A gambler who wagers every day - day and night. Active - One who is still in the pot.    Stay tuned for more words each day......                                                                            Pam -- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 30th of March 2011 08:33:23 AM
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Our Gambling dictionary lesson for today......  Active Player - One who is still in the pot.Add on - The place where a player may purchase additional chips in a Poker tournament. Agent: Definition 1: Player cheat who frequents casinos and works with casino dealers and employees. Definition 2: Person who, for a fee or commission, lures people to a crooked game to be fleeced. Aggregate Limit - Total payout of a casino during a single game. Aggregate Winnings - Total winnings.
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Our lesson for today. There will be a quiz next week.  All In - When a player bets all his/her chips. All or Nothing - In Keno, a ticket that only pays if either all of the picked numbers are drawn or if none of the picked numbers are drawn. Anchor - The player sitting in the last position on a blackjack table before the dealer. This is the person who makes the final decision, thereby anchoring the game. Ante - In poker, a small portion of the minimum bet that each player is required to put into the pot before a new hand starts.
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 Any Craps - A one roll dice bet covering the 2, 3, or 12.Any Seven - A one roll bet that the next roll of the dice will be a seven.  Apple: An unexperienced player who does not know how to win.  Apron - The outer edge of the felt table layout.  At Risk - Usually, when a player's bet is active or in action
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Consistent loser - see PSP
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Baccarat - A card game where the winning hand totals closest to 9 discounting all units of 10. Back Line - Same as the Don't Pass Line. Backer - A person who will stake a gambler with a good reputation during a difficult period. Banker - In a card game, dealer or the player who books the action of the other bettors at the table. Bankroll - A players total available gambling money. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Sunday 3rd of April 2011 09:40:17 AM
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
PMM2008 wrote: Bankroll - A players total available gambling money.
Mben's Bankroll definition - A big, fat goose egg!   
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Our lesson for today..... Bar the 12 - In craps, makes the 12 a push on the Don't Pass Bar. Barred - A person who is not allowed to enter inside the casino. Base - Area on the dice table where the majority of bets are made and paid. Base Dealer - Dice dealer in charge of one of the bases. Basic Strategy - In blackjack, the set of plays that a player should make to maximize his/her advantage.
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Beard - A person who places bets on behalf of a bettor, so the bookmakers will not know the identity of the actual bettor. Beef - Any situation that is or may cause a problem. Bet - Gamble or wager. Betting Limits - The minimum and maximum that can be wagered on one bet. Betting Right - Betting on the Pass Line or with the shooter. Betting Wrong - Betting on the Don't Pass Line or against the shooter.
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Big 6 - A bet that pays even money that a six will be rolled before a seven in Craps. Big 8 - A bet that pays even money that an eight will be rolled before a seven in Craps. Big Dime - A $10,000 bet. Big Order - A large sports bet of five or six figures. Big Red - Placing a bet on Any Seven. Big Slick - A hand that contains an A-K. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 6th of April 2011 08:05:24 AM
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Bingo - A wagering game. Bingo Marker - A crayon or ink dauber that is used to cover the numbers on a bingo game card. Black - The most common color used for $100 chips. Black Book - A list of persons not allowed to enter any casino in Nevada, USA. Blackjack - A card game where the players try to beat the dealer by getting closest to 21 without going over. Also known as 21 Blackjack Hand - A hand whose first two cards total 21. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Thursday 7th of April 2011 06:57:38 AM
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Blind Bet - A bet that certain poker players are required to make as a result of their betting positions. Bluff - In poker, players bluff when raising a weak hand in the hope of driving out players with a stronger hand. Board - In poker, the community cards dealt face-up in the center of the table are referred to as on the board. Boat - Another term for a full house. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Friday 8th of April 2011 07:28:27 AM
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Boat Race - A crooked horse race. Bones - Dice. Bookie - A person who takes racing and sporting bets. Box - In craps, the area of the dice table controlled by the boxman, where the center bets are placed. Boxcars - In craps, when you roll two sixes. Boxman - The casino dealer in charge of the craps table. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Saturday 9th of April 2011 07:32:05 AM
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Break Even Point - The point at which the bets made by a player would approximately equal the payoffs made to that player. Bring It In - To start the betting on the first round. Bring-in - In 7 card stud poker, this is the mandatory bet made by the player with the lowest upcard in the first round of betting. Broke Money - Money the casino gives a broke player for transportation home. Buck - A $100 wager.  
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Broke Money - Money the casino gives a broke player for transportation home. I guess the online casinos don't have to worry about putting that in their budgets. lol


Buffalo - Placing a bet on each of the Hardways and Any 7. Buffalo Yo - Placing a bet on each of the Hardways and 11. Bug - A joker. Bum Steer - Erroneous information. Bump - To raise. Burn Card - Any card placed in the discard rack without being entered into play. After the deck is shuffled and cut, one card is burned. Bust - To exceed 21 in Blackjack, making it a losing hand. Also known as break . -- Edited by PMM2008 on Monday 11th of April 2011 09:33:17 AM
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Busted - A player who has run out of funds and credit. Buster - Odds of 15 to 1 on a winning horse. Button - In poker, a small plastic disc used as a marker that is moved from player to player after each hand to designate the dealer position. Buy - Paying the house a 5% commission to get true odds on a Place bet. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Tuesday 12th of April 2011 08:25:58 AM
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C and E Bet - A proposition bet on the 11 (E) or any Craps (C). C Note - A $100 note. C.O.D - No assets, no credit. All bets must be for cash only. Call - In poker, when a player matches the current bet on the table. In keno and bingo, to draw the numbers for each game. Came Up Lame - A person who left town owing money leaving no forwarding address. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 13th of April 2011 08:07:14 AM
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Camouflage - What a gambler does to hide his/her activity from the casino.   Cap - Definition 1: Maximum amount a player may wager on a specific bet or event. Definition 2: Maximum amount a player may increase a previous bet (at poker, etc). Definition 3: Maximum amount bet before the casino/bookie changes odds and/or the points. Capped Dice - Crooked dice. Card Counting - A system to keep track of the percentage of high to low cards since the last time the deck was shuffled. The system can be used in Blackjack to reduce the house advantage. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Thursday 14th of April 2011 07:58:05 AM
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
PMM2008 wrote: Camouflage - What a gambler does to hide his/her activity from the casino.
 Camouflage - what Mben does to hide her activity from her household. jk
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Card Sharp - A person who is an expert at cards. Caribbean Stud Poker - A 5 card poker game where all players play against the house. Carousel - A group of slot machines that are positioned in a  ring. Carpet Joint - A plush class operation. Cashier - The person (casino employee) who assists players in redeeming their casino chips for cash. Cashiers Cage - The place in a casino where players may redeem their casino chips for cash. Casino Advantage - The edge that the house has over the players.  -- Edited by Mben on Sunday 17th of April 2011 08:23:58 PM
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
PMM2008 wrote: Came Up Lame - A person who left town owing money leaving no forwarding address. ... or maybe they didn't leave town fast enough and the boys got to them.It's hard to walk with broken kneecaps  
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Casino Rate - A reduced hotel room rate that the casinos offer good customers. Catch - In keno, to catch a number means that a number you have marked on your keno ticket has been drawn. Chalk - Any favorite team, horse, greyhound etc. Chalk Player - Player who only bets on favorites. Change Color - To exchange one color denomination casino chip for another. All denomination casino chips are different colors. Chase - Trying to win back lost money through a second bet. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Saturday 16th of April 2011 06:08:06 AM
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Check - A check is another term for a chip.  In poker, a player can check in order to stay in the game but not bet. Chip Tray - The tray in front of a dealer that holds that tables inventory of chips. Chips - Round tokens that are used on casino gaming tables in lieu of cash. Coat Tail - Betting on the same numbers on a table that someone else (who is winning) is betting on. Cold - A player on a losing streak or a slot machine that does not pay out.  -- Edited by Mben on Wednesday 20th of April 2011 12:00:08 PM
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Cold Deck - A pre-arranged deck or shoe of cards. Cold Table - When shooters are not making their points. Color Up - Exchange smaller denomination chips for larger denomination ones. Combination way Ticket - In keno, a ticket in  which groups of numbers are bet several different ways, allowing the player to spread money over more combinations. Come Bet - A wager placed on the Come Line in craps. Same rules as the wager on the Pass Line except it is placed after the point has been established. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Monday 18th of April 2011 08:39:32 AM
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Come Line - The area on a craps table where the Come Bets are placed. Come Out Roll - The first roll of the dice or the first roll after a point has been made in craps. This roll establishes the point. Complete Hand - A poker hand that is defined by all five cards. That is a straight, flush, straight flush, or a full house. Comps - Complimentary gifts used by casinos to reward players for Gambling. Cooler - A pre-arranged deck or shoe of cards. Copper - When a gambler takes the opposing side of another gambler's bet, position or opinion. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Tuesday 19th of April 2011 06:20:42 AM
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Copy - In pai gow poker,  when a player and the banker have the same 2 card hand, or the same 5 card hand. Correct Odds - The ratio of favorable vs. unfavorable possibilities. Cover - As in covering the spread . This occurs when a favorite you have bet on wins by more points than you have had to give up. Cowboys - Two Kings. Cracking The Nut - Winning enough money to cover one's expenses and make a little profit. Craps - Dice term for 2, 3, or 12. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 20th of April 2011 07:18:23 AM
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Cracking The Nut -  Winning enough money to cover one's expenses and make a little profit.  Also known as every gamblers dream.
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Craps Out - Rolling a Crap (2, 3, or 12) on the come-out roll. Credit Button - A button in video poker that allows the player to bank coins won as credits and to use the credits to play without depositing more money. Crew - Craps dealers assigned to the game. Crossroader - A gambler who does not bet without cheating. Croupier - The French word for casino dealers, mainly referring to Roulette and Baccarat dealers. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Thursday 21st of April 2011 08:40:04 AM
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