I'm not saying there cannot be life other than earth, but here is why I don't believe ANY of them have come here.1) They are no more technically advanced than we are.2) What we see in the sky are something Earth Governments are doing, that are top secret.3) Today, they can look at a pimple on your ass, while you stand naked in your bathroom,all from space. There's just no way no one has not identified ANY ufo by now!4) Say all these reasons are wrong, and there really are beings capable of travelingthrough space for light years, cause that's how far away we can see, and pretty much know there is nothing live...close.If they are this intelligent, why in God's name would they want to make contact with us?We still kill in the name of our Gods. We are trying very hard to KILL the only planet we have to live upon!We refuse, don't say can't.....to feed ALL the starving people that remain.We humans are disgusting as a whole, and only my love for a few specific people,keeps me around at all! Sorry to be so negative, but Dayum!