Birmingham Mail - A Birmingham gambling addict who lost £10,000 in a decade-long betting spree went on the rampage after frittering away his last £230.Hassan Yousaf smashed up a roulette machine with a stool, causing damage put at £6,000 at a Birmingham bookies.The 26-year-old lashed out at Ladbrokes branch in Green Lane, Small Heath, just a year after being convicted over a similar attack at a bookies in Manchester.After the first vandal attack, Yousaf told police he had gambled away £10,000 on fixed odds machines since he was 16.He told Birmingham Magistrates' Court he was not a danger to society - but was told he could now be jailed.John Purser, prosecuting, said Yousaf saw red when he lost the cash at Ladbrokes on April 25. A member of staff told the gentleman he should leave, he ignored her, Mr Purser said. Then he picked up a stool and smashed it against the machine three times, smashing the screen and internal mechanisms. The damage caused to the machine was valued at £6,000.<a href="" >Continue reading ...</a>