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Another quick trip to the grocery store.


Hello everyone :It's a quiet Friday night for me here in Michigan.  I will stay at home tonight and accomplish very little if at all possible.  Truth is  I would rather be at the land casino but as we all know, sometimes out bank accounts just dont agree with us doing the land casino thing every night. So I go to the grocery store today for a few odd's and ends.I'm gonna be in and out. No problem. Why is it when you go for just a few items you come home with at least three bags full of stuff? Yet,  these items are never the stuff on the list.  Seriously, I went in for bread, milk, and some Gatorade.  I came out with Ho-ho's,  Dr.Pepper, and some frosted flakes.  I feel like I need to wear blinders on when I go shopping.  Why do I bother to even write a list?  I can always fall back on the ever popular...  But it was on-sale. It's Friday, late afternoon,  so everyone and their brothers, mothers coisin's son is at the store when I show up.  The aisles are full of people all going after the same things I am. I see aisles with literally no one in them, and of course, nothing I need or want is down them.  Slowly I make my way thru the crowded store. Kids are screaming at parents for all the things they want.   Parents are screaming at kids to not scream.  Then the parents start to scream at eachother under the stress of the moment.  So I make it to the check-out.  The only line that isnt a mile long that is open is the dreaded U-Scan. This thing hates me, and I dont care for it etheir. I have what I call U-Scan-phobia.  I swear , I hear it snicker at me as I start to load my items. Sure enough, it isn't long, and now my line is the longest in the store. The U-scan lady in charge is giving me dirty looks as she hurries me thru the line. Even the U-Scan machine seems glad to see me go as well. Ah yes, another quick stop at the grocery store.  Took me an hour and fifteen minutes, not including drive time. Thanks for reading:                                                  Pam
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Madame of the Slots
I know we talked about this earlier, but while laundry is my ABSOLUTE LEAST FAVORITE chore to do, grocery shopping is a very close second!! There is nothing worse than a $75 grocery bill, when you only went to pick up bread and milk!! Thanks for sharing the torture, Pam, lol!


A Mommy Machine
Oh I love the grocery store. I don't like the million people, but I do loooove to shop. I go down every single aisle, and get something from each one. Nick hates it when I go shopping with him, but I hate when he goes shopping by himself."
You stories are always fun to read, and I look forward to them. Just one question...."
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I agree with mommy on this one, I love the grocery store, but hate it when David goes alone or with me! lol He is worse than me at picking up the extras. He is a junk food junkie, but never gains a pound! How is that fair? He is 6 feet tall, 300 lbs, with 20 inch arms and calves. Yes he has a little belly, but mostly muscle, and he can't work out or exercise because of his injuries. Hell yes I'm jealous!!! After surgery he will work out again and lose his belly and still be 300lbs!! Of muscle!! "
But to get back on track lol, the grocery store is like an outing, no kids, unless I take a teenager to push the 2nd buggy I know I'm gonna need! LMAO!!!


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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I hate going grocery shopping! And I hate when something you paid for does not make it home with you even more! "
Like the package of Double Stuffed Oreos I just paid for that was not in by bags when I got home! That really GRINDS MY GEARS!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
So do I drive all the way back to Walmart to get them or just eat the 2 dollars and 50 cents and wish they were Oreos?!?1
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