There has been talk about 20,000+ Hotmail accounts that were hacked into recently. The hackers are sending out phishing emails from the accounts. How does a hacker hack your account in the first place? Hacking a hotmail account is quite easy to do and done through phishing exercises. Basically the recipient who is to have their account hacked is sent an ecard from someone like hallmark to their hotmail address. To view their ecard they must continue with their msn login (ie. re-entering their password). Their password no matter what is entered takes them through to view the card. It is very likely the user unknown to them enters their real hotmail address as the site they visit looks like hotmail including hotmail in the toolbar and hey bingo they have your account creditentials... All I can say is to BE CAREFUL and not open any mail from people you don't know and DO NOT enter any confidential information!!