Grandprive in my opinion has never really had a great reputation, however I play at Jupiter Club every week at my own risk. Understand they use to be Microgaming... and that was probably an old post you read for the free 1 hr of play, because that was how microgaming casinos used to promote...Welllll... I am not one for just jumping in and having my say BUT after reading the post from you ( AQUARIANLADY ) it seems you baited and hooked this mess all by yourself.... I will say that I have had my fair share of the run around with the support staff with many support persons, however you get more with honey rather than lemons.You picked up a code from a forum... all you had to do is give the support person the code ... Just reread your conversation below, maybe you will see where you could have been a bit better at explaining yourself to her. You immediately went into Hey, YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE THIS TO ME MODE............. You are now chatting with 'Catherine Stone'You are now chatting with 'Catherine Stone'Catherine Stone: Welcome to The Grand Prive Casino Group... how may I assist you today?Sheryl: Hi, I would like to get the One hour Feetime Bonus that your Casino Advertised. I JUST Made an accountCatherine Stone: Would you mind waiting one moment while I access that information for you... I appreciate your patience.Sheryl: okay, Thank YouCatherine Stone: thank you for holding Catherine Stone: our new players bonus offer is Catherine Stone: 100% match bonus with a deposit Catherine Stone: minimum deposit is $20.00Sheryl: That is offered AFTER 1 hr. of free time.. Hold on and i'll show you the adCatherine Stone: okay Sheryl: Free Play Time Casino Bonuses / Free Spins Promotions Casino No Deposit Bonus Match MaxBonus Software Rating 1. Golden Cherry Casino $333 $3000 300% Rival Gaming 4/512345 2. Crazy Luck Casino $150 $100 100% Rival Gaming 3.67/512345 3. Bella Vegas Casino $30 $1000 100% BetOnSoft 3.8/512345 4. Desert Nights Casino $8 $750 300% $8888 Real Time Gaming 4/512345 Country: Catherine Stone: Bella Vegas Casino $30 $1000 100%?Catherine Stone: this offer its not clear Sherly Sheryl: It says your Casino gives $30.00 FREE Time and win you run out then they will match 100% of your depositSheryl: ONly for 1st time playersCatherine Stone: do you have like a bonus code so that i can check it at the casino Sheryl: No, I don't think so. It just says to go to chat and claim the promotionCatherine Stone: what is the web site ?Sheryl: sorry, I couldn't find you.... here it isSheryl: Stone: please find the bonus code Sheryl Sheryl: I JUST GAVE YOU THE WEBSITESheryl: DID YOU READ IT????Catherine Stone: i can not see the offer you are trying to claim Sheryl: grief... Here, I'll do your work for you... THIS IS THE CODE. YOU PEOPLE NEED TO BE AWARE OF WHAT YOUR DOING IF YOUR GOING TO WORK FOR THESE PEOPLE AND KNOW WHAT IS GOING ONSheryl: Use the code BVBRA30FS for 30 free spinsCatherine Stone: all offer have a bonus code to claim Sheryl: ANd you apparently aren't aware of it... THIS IS ITCatherine Stone: its not $30 free its 30 free spins Catherine Stone: i am aware of 30 free spins on BucksyMaloneVideoSlotCatherine Stone: Sheryl: Good grief.... Is it just me OR does this say 30 FREE SPINS Or IS THAT A $ sign... Bella Vegas Casino $30Catherine Stone: i am sorry but that offer is for 30 free spins only Sheryl: Whatever it is... can I get it or not, If not... the Casino needs to TAKE it OFF because it's FALSE ADVERTISEMENT!Sheryl: That is fine.. I'll take thatCatherine Stone: please be aware that that offer is from the affiliates program and not directly from the casino Catherine Stone: please hold while i check if you qualify for this offer Catherine Stone: thank you for visiting the casino Catherine Stone: you can play the free game Sheryl: Look.... IT HAS BELLA CASINO and I just saw the one YOU are speaking of, BUT it is NOT The one I WAS SPEAKING of... Whatever. I have never seen so much commotion for such a SMALL amount of money or spins This is ridiculous! It Is NIOT $300.00 is 30.00 or 30 spins or whateverCatherine Stone: you can claim 100% match bonus with a deposit Catherine Stone: minimum deposit is only $20.00Catherine Stone: The offer was sent to a select few players by invite only. Unfortunately this was posted on 3rd party forums or sent from 3rd party websites via email. These sites did not check the requirements or get authorization to post these. Our apologies for the inconvenience.Sheryl: I'm Turning this CASINO IN FOR SCAMMING AND THERE IS A BLOGSITE, I AM COPYING THIS CONVERSATION AND POSTING IT FOR NOT KEEPING YOUR END OF THE BARGAIN! DONE!Sheryl: HA!! Just to let you know! YouR CASINO APPEARS TO HAVE A BAD REPUTATION AS IS, HERE ARE ::SOME COMMENT YOU DEFINETLY NEED TO BE TURNED IN AND AM JUST THE PERSON TO DO IT! Printer Friendly you're darn tootin! This was in no means directed at you guys...more like those who staff CS reps who possess a lack of knowledge about what's really going on. There are plenty of us out here in the world who would be quite helpful and knowledgeable CS reps and we're not even getting paid by the company. You hear what I'm sayin? (*^ - ^) Catherine Stone: you may take this up with the public forum , however the offer that is running by our legitimate affiliate with the code BVBRA30FS is 30 free spins only Sheryl: Suzie: The promotion is not on our website, it was posted by players on a forum Suzie: We dont post any free offers on our sitesCatherine Stone: please visit our website for bonus offers and affiliate information Catherine Stone: I DON T THINK SO. BUT I WILL TAKE THIS UP WITH ONLINE CASINO FAIR ADMISTRATION.....Sheryl: SCAMMERS!!