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"Big Brother 17" Has A Fixed Winner?


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09/14/2015 - The gossip website Celebrity Laundry is claiming that poker pro and former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Vanessa Rousso is the fixed winner of “Big Brother 17”.

The claim is that producers of the show want to use her win as a vehicle to promote her new show in which Rousso hosts Vegas poker tournaments.

The past two weeks, fans have touted that the game must be rigged. One of the biggest reasons is Vanessa seems to win EVERY competition NEEDED to ensure her safety especially when other houseguests are considering targeting her. It was brought up on social media that it appeared that Vanessa could have inside information. Either, Vanessa was the best player to set foot in the house, or she has inside helped to facilitate her wins.

Gossip sites have insisted that “Big Brother 17” has been fixed to ensure poker pro Vanessa Rousso will win this season in an effort to promote her new show “Poker Face”.


09/16/2015 - “Hogwash,” her partner, Melissa Ouellet, says in an interview with Poker News Daily. Okay, we don’t know if that was the word she chose or maybe some other expletive.

“I would love to make this nice and clear that this is absolutely NOT true,” Ouellet said. “Vanessa has worked extremely hard to get herself to where she is at in the game and if she wins Big Brother it’s because she deserves it and has played an incredible game.”

Gail Porter was the last “Big Brother” contestant voted out.

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