My husband and I and my then 14 yr. old son, were in a car wreck on 8/28/08. We were hit head on by an off-duty EMT talking on his cell phone. He dropped it in the floor and went after it. When he sat back up he was coming straight into our van. My son had internal injuries requiring emergency surgery, and my husband broke his thigh (femur) bone in 2 places. I broke my leg, 2 toes and my left arm (my dominant hand) 10 times from my elbow to my fingertips. My husband returned to work in 9/09 after having his knee rebuilt. My son is deaf in one ear, and is having complications still in his abdomen. I had my 2nd surgery in 09/09, and was told last week this is as good as it gets (they obviously don't know me very well)!!! I have to have a knuckle replacement in my left ring finger and at least one other surgery. I can no longer drive a truck--commercial truck--or lift more than 3lbs, or do repetitive motions. Somehow we have managed to hold it together and with 7 kids still at home, that is something. We are all permanently injured or disfigured in some way. Any prayers you might be able to include us in would be much appreciated.Thanks,Trish
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