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Cleo's VIP deposit quirk????

OK If you ever deposited at Cleo's More than once then you should know what im talking about. I have been wondering why itsis something like you can not add more chips while you still have a existing balance would you like me to take it from you..  (bythe way what up with all the casinos with the pop ups :spam:before during and after play) so i asked live helpless what the deal withthat. and at first i was ignored and then i was ask what could she help me with and then  after i repeated what i had alreadytype in the chat window she replies ... you would like to make a deposit while you have  $20.00 in your account ?? (keep in mind ionly had ..$.07 in my account. i replied um-mm???:surprise: what??? 4 or five minutes go by nothing so i  ended the session..:pants: AND.... why :question::question:is it now you can only deposit if you take a bonus. I guess that don't matter when before if you deposited with no bonus addedyou still had a play thru to cover. (kinda funny loop hole in there benefit if you ask me).Don't get me wrong as far as pay out they rate higher then any other casino i have had fortunate privilege to withdrawal fromIf your lucky enough to make there what  i think is 40X play thru --. (im not factually sure about that number and there cashierpage isfreaking out right now:weird:.)-- there checks come fast and clear the bank NP.:dollarsign:if your still awake thanks i needed to get that off my chest//Jay


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Yeah, the fact that you MUST take a bonus now kind of bites, jaythenutz. They took away the $10 purchase option (the only option you didn't have to take a bonus with) and replaced it with a $50 option. Ouch! lol"
The fact that you're account has to be bonus free before purchasing again bites too. There have been too many times that I am sitting with a penny in my account and when I go to make another deposit, that has to wiped out. A penny is just a penny, but they add up. And one never knows .... you could get lucky with that one penny. Sometimes I am able to play my balance to 0 and other times, a message pops up and says my balance is too low even though I have .01 sitting there. This happens on the same game too. Weird.


I was seriously bummed when they took away the $10 deposit option.Many times I used that option.  You simply can't play with out a deposit bonus anymore.As far as losing a few cents in my account when I deposit has never bothered me. When I play, I take my deposit down to where I can't spin anymore. I think the most I have ever had to give the casino is $.18.I know it isnt right of the casino, but I just rack it up to being able to play at a place that actually pays with little hassle. It is worth it to me.Thanks for the post jaythenutz. 
yeah the 10 dollar option was cool i hit um for 265 on a 10 dollar deposit but i still had to make a play thru. I don't know if you can still deposit just 10 i know i did a 20 a couple days back. hmmm i only have 10 left on my pre-paid  i think i will go try. Party on.. thanks///Jay

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