OK If you ever deposited at Cleo's More than once then you should know what im talking about. I have been wondering why itsis something like you can not add more chips while you still have a existing balance would you like me to take it from you.. (bythe way what up with all the casinos with the pop ups before during and after play) so i asked live helpless what the deal withthat. and at first i was ignored and then i was ask what could she help me with and then after i repeated what i had alreadytype in the chat window she replies ... you would like to make a deposit while you have $20.00 in your account ?? (keep in mind ionly had ..$.07 in my account. i replied um-mm??? what??? 4 or five minutes go by nothing so i ended the session.. AND.... why is it now you can only deposit if you take a bonus. I guess that don't matter when before if you deposited with no bonus addedyou still had a play thru to cover. (kinda funny loop hole in there benefit if you ask me).Don't get me wrong as far as pay out they rate higher then any other casino i have had fortunate privilege to withdrawal fromIf your lucky enough to make there what i think is 40X play thru --. (im not factually sure about that number and there cashierpage isfreaking out right now.)-- there checks come fast and clear the bank NP.if your still awake thanks i needed to get that off my chest//Jay