According to this article, state lottery directors are urging Congress to block online gambling legislation that they say would unnecessarily steer money to Nevada.Meanwhile Catholic activists and conservatives offered their support for the bill that would legalize online poker while banning other forms of Internet gambling.Interest groups have heightened their lobbying efforts as the 112th Congress closes in on adjournment at the end of the year. Proponents hope - and opponents worry - that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., will attach the bill to must-pass legislation during the lame-duck session.No bill has been officially introduced, but Reid and Minority Whip Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., have drafted a version that surfaced publicly.Seven lottery chiefs making the rounds on Capitol Hill this week are pointing to provisions in the draft bill that would effectively guarantee the Nevada Gaming Control Board licensing duties bringing the state about a quarter of all the poker activity fees set aside for state and federal governments.Read the full article <a href="" >here</a>.