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Conspiracy Theories - What Do You Believe?


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I thought this was interesting. These are results from 20 known and not so known conspiracy theories where participants were asked if they believed in them. What is not surprising is the amount of those who do not believe but that all of them have believers!I thought it would be interesting to hear what our members believe in or not.  On our national poll this week we took the opportunity to poll 20 widespread and/or infamous conspiracy theories.  Many of these theories are well known to the public, others perhaps to just the darker corners of the internet.  Here's what we found:1. -          37% of voters believe global warming is a hoax, 51% do not. Republicans say global warming is a hoax by a 58-25 margin, Democrats disagree 11-77, and Independents are more split at  41-51. 61% of Romney voters believe global warming is a hoax2. -          6% of voters believe Osama bin Laden is still alive3. -          21% of voters say a UFO crashed in Roswell, NM in 1947 and the US government covered it up. More Romney voters (27%) than Obama voters (16%) believe in a UFO coverup4. -          28% of voters believe secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government, or New World Order.  A plurality of Romney voters (38%) believe in the New      World Order compared to 35% who don't5. -          28% of voters believe Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks.  36% of Romney voters believe Saddam Hussein was involved in 9/11, 41% do not6. -          20% of voters believe there is a link between childhood vaccines and autism, 51% do not7. -          7% of voters think the moon landing was faked8. -          13% of voters think Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, including 22% of Romney voters9. -          Voters are split 44%-45% on whether Bush intentionally misled about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. 72% of Democrats think Bush lied about WMDs, Independents agree 48-45, just 13% of Republicans think so10. -          29% of voters believe aliens exist11. -          14% of voters say the CIA was instrumental in creating the crack cocaine epidemic in America's inner cities in the 1980's12. -          9% of voters think the government adds fluoride to our water supply for sinister reasons (not just dental health)13. -          4% of voters say they believe lizard people' control our societies by gaining political power14. -          51% of voters say a larger conspiracy was at work in the JFK assassination, just 25% say Oswald acted alone15. -          14% of voters believe in Bigfoot16. -          15% of voters say the governemnt or the media adds mind-controlling technology to TV broadcast signals (the so-called Tinfoil Hat crowd)17. -          5% believe exhaust seen in the sky behind airplanes is actually chemicals sprayed by the government for sinister reasons18. -          15% of voters think the medical industry and the pharmaceutical industry invent new diseases to make money19. -          Just 5% of voters believe that Paul McCartney actually died in 196620. -          11% of voters believe the US government allowed 9/11 to happen, 78% do not agreeFull results <a href="http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/pdf/2011/PPP_Release_National_ConspiracyTheories_040213.pdf" target="_self" title="here">here</a>-- Edited by Mben on Tuesday 2nd of April 2013 02:52:19 PM
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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1. - I don't know2. - I don't believe3. - I believe4. - On the fence lol5. - I don't know6. - I don't know7. - I kind of believe8. - LMAO! No!9. - I believe10. - I believe!11. - Wouldn't put it past them!12. - They add it but for sinister reasons? On the fence!13. - LMAO! No!14. - I believe!15. - I want to believe!!!!16. - I don't believe17. - Very possible!18. - Big corps are money hungry bastards! lol19. - Really? LOL20. - I believe something is fishy about 9/11


1- i don't think global warning is a hoax2- i don't believe3- i believe4- i don't believe5- i don't believe6- i don't believe7- i don't believe8- i don't believe9- i believe10- i believe11- i don't know but i wouldn't put it past them12- i don't believe13- i don't believe14- i believe15- i don't believe16- i don't believe17- i don't believe18- it is possible19- i don't believe20- i think the government knew about it and there is a cover up of some sort, and that the government could of possibly been behind it


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
You and I are on the same page from what I see, daremeto. Cool!


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Hey, me and my cat look like those guys with our tin foil hats on too! :thumb: Well, I don't have the facial hair though! hahahahaha

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