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Could You Please Say a Prayer for Brittney?


Hi everyone:I also have a prayer request as of late. Brittney is 23 and like a daughter to me. I love her dearly. I helped raise her for 6 years. The other day I received a strange email request from a county jail from her. It was then that I found out she had stolen and pawned something that didn't belong to her, for drug money and ended up in jail.  Seems she is addicted to Heroin. With every ounce of my being I want to turn and look the other way, but I know God has not turned his back on her, and neither can I.  I know there isn't much I can do, just pray.  She is in a fight for her soul against this drug, and all the prayers for strength would really help. I know this kid well, she has a good heart, and I taught her good values. Like so many others, she just got mixed up in a bad thing, and now is struggling to find her life again.  She has dropped to 90 lbs. Although it breaks my heart to know she is sitting in jail, I know she is safe, fed, and off the drugs.  Seems no one has the bail money to bail her out. Has anyone out there experienced anything like this, and would consider sharing some of how you handled it? I am at a loss. If anyone has any advice for me, what to do, what to say to her, to give her strength, and courage to beat this thing.  It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance, for your prayers for Brittney. God is good, and I know he hears them.                                                                                                                    Pam  


So sorry Pam. All addictions are hard, but Heroin... that's a tough one! A couple years ago one of my sons spiraled out of control, he wasn't using Heroin thank goodness, but he was out of control and unreachable. When he finally ended up in jail, I have to be honest with you, the first thing I experienced was an overwhelming sense of relief. Because he was safe, fed, and out of trouble.Probably the best place for her right now and all you can do is hope they keep her long enough for her to kick and come back to herself somewhat. If they do, then it may be possible for you to help her when she gets out. Perhaps you can see about suggesting to the court that when she is released it must be into an in house rehab for at least 30 days. (90 days would probably be better but I guess you need to take what you can get if you can get it at all)They let my son out far to soon and he was off and running again as soon as he hit the door. It seems everyone thought I was a monster for not being happy they let him out. Luckily that is all behind us and he is fine now but I did worry so very much when I didn't know where he was or what he was doing. I felt much better when I knew he was safe from himself and others.I will add  Brittney to my list of prayer requests.


So sorry to hear that Pam. Unfortunately I see and know people like that where I live daily, it's really sad. I will tell you my son was in trouble a while back too, but he went to prison, not for drugs, well anyway it had something to do with them. Thank God he wasn't on them or I would be in the same situation. But all you can do is pray for them and love them and tell them that you will only go so far they have to want to help themselves because if they don't want to help themselves they will never change. My son's dad is like your daughter, no one can talk to him and he is so so disrespectful when he comes over for the family gatherings, it is just so sad the way he has gone down. But like I said, she has to want to help herself. They have all types of programs for people like them to get help, they just have to reach out for it.


Meant to say, yes she will be in my prayers. She sounds like a lovely young lady and I know you raised her well. She will turn around. God is Good!


I thank you both for your prayers!I do know she is in a fight for her life with this, BUT, as Slotgal47 said, she has to want it for herself. Isn't it crazy what drugs do to people. Seems like they forget there is a real life of good out there waiting for them. They become so low, they can't see anything else but the current situation. As one of her parents, I am at a loss how my kid got messed up in this stuff. You try to warn them of these exact type of things, yet, you find out they not only experiment, but become addicted. Unreal. Thank you both for sharing your experiences, it means so much. God is good.                                                                               Pam


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Pam, I know that this is breaking your heart and I will say prayers for Brittney. You can't beat yourself up asking how your kid got into that stuff. All we can do as parents is to teach our kids right from wrong and hope that they carry it with them when they go on their own. My parents instilled right from wrong with me (I got all the ass whoopings to prove it lol) but when I became an adult, I did what I wanted to do whether it was right or wrong. Unfortunately, Brittney's wrong decision now has a hold of her and even though she knows it, she probably is at the point where she needs help to fight it. I will pray to God asking Him for the help she needs to fight her battle.


I thank you Mben, for your prayers for Brittney. Seems like it is all I can think about right now, knowing her current situation in jail, knowing I can't bail her out or even send her cash due to financial strains here at home. Then I turn around and say to myself, She is safer is jail.  Constantly, back and forth in my head.  You are right Mben, kids do what they want. There is just that lingering doubt parents have if they did the right things, said the right things to make their children wiser. As parents, we would do anything to make sure our kids are safe from harm. Why is it , we cannot save them from themselves. Sigh. Brittney has been clean since the 28th of August. She is eating and told me a few days ago she wanted to change. (I have heard this before) Let us all pray together that this time is the one that sticks.  I fear she won't make it thru another bad run with drugs. Thank you to all, again, for your prayers, and kind words of support. It means so much.                                                                                                                                 Pam


Hi Pam"
As I have many hours of experience in addictions and mental health and presently working as a counsellor at a transitional home for women that's been incarcerated. There are many programs and resources out there that can assist people with Heroin addiction, now with that said it is one the big kickers out there that people have a hard time breaking and reaching their goals becoming clean. Don't give up hope one step forward and three steps back. Feel free to private message me if you need any assistance I would love to help."
Positive thoughts and energy for Brittney"


Hi jazzyy:I certainly appreciate your kind words, and your offer for me to PM you if needed. I just may take you up on that. It would be good to talk with anyone who has any kind of experience at all. As a parent, and as a human being, I am clueless on what to do, the first steps, in order to help her.  Sigh. I guess I feel out of touch with the whole drug thing. I have never has a desire to try them, and never known anyone in my immediate circle who has struggled with them. This is a first, and it is bad. My own daughter. I'll be in touch. Again, thank you so much jazzyy, and everyone who has offered prayers for Brittney. She is going to need them. So am I.                                                                                                                                                                  Pam 

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