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crazy vegas 20 free spins on TOMB RAIDER Secret of the Sword!


crazy vegas 20 free spins on TOMB RAIDER Secret of the Sword!  check your account i got it no email
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I was going to post because I received an email stating I had the free spins in my Sun Vegas account BUT thought it was player specific .Sooooooo.......since ady found them it might not be so player specific! Everyone check your Vegas Partner accounts for free spins!!!!!Some of them are:<a href="http://www.crazyvegascasino.co.uk/index2.asp?btag=w391c314p001b2370d" title="ccg">Crazy Vegas Casino</a> <a href="http://www.goldenrivieracasino.com/index2.asp?btag=w391c1603p001b2383d" title="ccg">Golden Riviera Casino </a><a href="http://www.sunvegas.co.uk/index.asp?btag=w391c397p001b2380d" title="ccg">Sun Vegas Casino </a><a href="http://www.rivernilecasino.net/index.asp?btag=w391c1598p001b1967d" title="ccg">River Nile Casino </a><a href="http://www.777dragoncasino.eu/index.asp?btag=w391c322p001b2361d" title="ccg">777 Dragon Casino</a> <a href="http://www.aspinalls.com/index.asp?btag=w391c823p001b1602d" title="ccg">Aspinalls Casino </a><a href="http://www.maplecasino.ca/index.asp?btag=w391c533p001b2421d" title="ccg">Maple Casino </a><a href="http://www.casinous.co.uk/index2.asp?btag=w391c361p001b1220d" title="ccg">Casino US </a> <a href="http://www.cinemacasino.co.uk/index2.asp?btag=w391c253p001b1592d" title="ccg">Cinema Casino </a>Good for only 7 days so hurry!-- Edited by Mben on Wednesday 13th of January 2010 02:58:03 PM
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Here's what chat said, rebago, regarding their flash casinos and free spins................."
Please wait for a site operator to respond."
You are now chatting with 'Daniela'"
Daniela: Welcome to the Casino Support Desk. How can I help you?"
Michele: Hi. I received an email stating I had free spins on Tomb Raider.Can they be played in the flash casino rather than downloading the casino?"
Daniela: Hi Michele, One moment while I review your account."
Michele: Thank you"
Daniela: Yours would be claimed by logging into the downloaded casino software."
Michele: Ok, thank you! So there could be a chance that a player could play them from a flash version?"
Daniela: Not in your case Michele, only if a player has a flash account which would start with Fsvr and the numbers following."
Michele: Ah Ha!! Thank you for that info! I'm a moderator on an online forum and want to give correct info!"
Michele: Have a great day Daniela!"
Daniela: Great stuff. Thank you Michele!"
Daniela: Is there anything else that I may assist you with?"
Michele: Nope that's it! And thanks again!"
Daniela: It has been a pleasure to assist. Please do not hesitate to contact us again with any queries you may have. Enjoy the rest of your day."


Oh thanks Mben! I have a flash account and now, thanks to you, know it! But that also means no free spins for me. Thanks for all of your hard work!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
rebago wrote: Thanks for all of your hard work! You're quite welcome! I'm here to serve! (and not cocktails either! LOL)


I got the email for 20 on Tomb Raider at Sun Vegas and got enough to move on to Bars & Stripes which made it up to $92 and then, well I just don't have the magic anymore. sigh LOL but it was fun so thanks Sun Vegas.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I made $10 and change off of my free spins and turned that into $38 and change and then turned that into $0 and change! "
Whoo Hoo!!! LOL "
Thanks for the free spins Vegas Partners!! It was fun!

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