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Daily Horoscopes for you 2012


Claire's daily horoscopes for Sunday 1st January   ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)If youre bored with your usual routine, try mixing with different people.  You need some exercise, either mental or physical to stimulate you after all thats been going on in your life and in your mind. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)Wait for further developments before making a decision over a family matter. A change in connection with your work should definitely be to your advantage over the coming days and life starts to feel good again. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)Stress is apparent, but friends will rally round and help.  A special effort brings substantial rewards later on. This is a lucky time for family matters to be cleared up to your advantage. Take advantage Gemini! CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)A lucky time for romance. A new path in your career is forecast which may lead to you neglecting your current professional obligations. Careful Cancer, important faces will be watching, so pay attention to detail. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)A tricky personal problem requires a harsh decision. Its time to make up with that friend you fell out with. Be the first to offer a hand of friendship. You know you want to! VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)It may be necessary to tell a white lie in order to avoid hurting someones feelings. Travel prospects are especially good and are sure to lead to some memorable and possibly life changing events for you. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)Clothes and the way you look need careful consideration. You need to wear the right things for the right occasion. Youll be glad you put the effort in when you see what an amazing effect it has on events. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)A change to your daily pattern, as youre liable to develop an interest outside your usual sphere.  A difficult confrontation must not be met with dread but confidence as youll finally gain the closure you needed. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)A family problem which has caused anxiety can finally be resolved.  Make sure youre dealing with your own problems, not interfering in others, as aspects suggest you may not have all the facts at your fingertips. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)A new romantic possibility is likely but you must make the first move. You become involved in a new group of friends which improves your social life enormously.  Smile, the past is clearly now behind you. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Mutual attraction is indicated when you meet someone for the first time. Challenge your intellect and aim higher in your career. The stars are waiting to take you to great things. Listen to your instincts. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)There appears to be a great deal of competition on the social scene.  Rather than fight for attention youd be far better to take a backseat and wait for others to embarrass themselves, which they will.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Monday 2nd January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) An unexpected trip will turn out to be most enjoyable, so make sure you accept.  Your financial picture is beginning to look much brighter and should put you in a far more optimistic frame of mind. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Some legal or official matter is forecast but the outcome may not be what you expected.  A lot of upheaval is apparent in your domestic surroundings which causes you worry. Dont. Youll come out on top! GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Work-wise, youre against a time limit and you will have to toil extra hard.  Romance may hit stormy waters, possibly because of a misunderstanding.  Talk to each other and not to third parties tonight to bring results. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) There could be a change to your daily routine. An accidental meeting has important consequences.  Take a good look at your plans. Make sure youre doing all you can to turn your dreams into a reality. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Those of you who are single are spoilt for choice.  Just make sure you keep those standards nice and high and that youre not accepting second best. Leo, some admirers really think youre worth treating well. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) A heavy expense you werent expecting may cause you to dip into your savings. Doing your sums sooner rather than later, you may be able to work your way around this.  Make financial affairs a priority. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) You come into contact with someone you havent seen for a long time. This could stir up an array of mixed feelings in you.  There appears to be some undercurrent of trouble socially. Dont get involved. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Follow your intuition today and it should lead you particularly well. Youve been listening to rumours which led you up a very windy garden path.  Health wise its time to adopt that healthier lifestyle you promised. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) You may have to spend more time on home interests than usual.  A personal relationship should be more stable than of late.  Youve finally realised that addressing your problems brings solutions and communication with close ones. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) Play things by ear where your social life is concerned as plans are liable to be broken.  Changes are apparent on the domestic scene that you are not entirely happy with. Wait! Theyre to your advantage. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) I dont know why youre worried about what other people are saying and doing when the focus should be on your own life and the turning point youre at. Honesty in work today earns you respect. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Many of your sign are drunk on love and it will be hard for anything to sober you up. Those of you who arent, then watch out. Its coming your way sooner than you think.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Tuesday 3rd January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) A third person could cause trouble between yourself and someone of your own sex.  Make sure you keep things in perspective, think before you speak or you could be in danger of casting yourself as immature. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) You will have to be prepared to knuckle down to some serious work if you want to achieve your aims.  A special effort now is well worth the future rewards both for reputation and financial reasons. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Influences in your love life appear mixed, so expect some turbulence and dont say things you know you dont mean or you could end up having to make apologies for weeks and not just days. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) A visit to an unusual place is indicated.  Travel is well starred and signifies the tying up of something important.  Dress well, or youll feel out of your depth when you meet powerful new influences. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Someone from your past could reappear now and this may cause some pretty mixed feelings.  Any new relationships formed now are particularly well starred but then you always were a sign to go forward, not back. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) Theres a lot of stress in the workplace but try to focus on what can be done, rather than what others arent doing.  Showing how well you work as a solo artist brings amazing offers your way. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) Good news is indicated from someone in the family circle. Youll save time and money if you sit down and plan a new project thoroughly before making a start.  Dont rule out accepting help either Libra. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Some exciting romantic moments are forecast. Your relationship with a colleague improves from here on in and this has a lot to do with the charitable side of your nature which recently came to the fore. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Dont let your emotional feelings interfere with a decision you have to make. You need to be completely practical in order to reach a successful resolution. Travel plans are in abundance and are set to bring much joy. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) Work out a better budget to make ends meet as you appear to be living above your means.  A certain relationship appears to be heavy going and you may have to draw back to keep independence. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Travel has special significance. If you have to go out of your way for work, even in your own time, do it. Its will have more benefits than set backs. Relationships move up to the next level. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) You may have more responsibility on your shoulders than usual and may surprise yourself at your ability to cope with it.  Money problems can be solved by being honest and avoiding half truths today.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Wednesday 4th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) If you are to get through your work you will have to set yourself a schedule and stick to it. You should make some interesting new friends who will encourage you to take up new hobbies.  TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) You have the chance to achieve something youve wanted for a long time.  It may mean you changing your original plans and causing some inconvenience but it should turn out to be well worth the sacrifice. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Your personality should sparkle and you get on well with everyone around you. Thats why this is the perfect time to make that apology youve been holding back on. Its sure to be well received. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Some sort of upheaval is predicted in a close ones life which may end up putting your nose out of joint. Listening, not talking helps you find out the true story which is being played out around you. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) You havent had the easiest time of late. You have however, proved how good you are in a crisis and in the process youve earned the respect and support of those around, as this week will show. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) There could be some news which will change your present lifestyle. This should be a particularly satisfying time as you will be able to sail through your work with ease and get a lot more done besides. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) You should start to reap the benefits of a past investment or endeavour. Anything to do with the home or property is under lucky influences. A decision you found impossible to make now finds a successful solution. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Plans for a forthcoming get together or celebration are indicated. Unexpected developments are indicated in connection with your work, which could give you reason to lay out a large sum.  Cut back accordingly. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) You appear to be in the limelight, so make the most of your appearance as you never know who you might bump into.  Time to focus on the future, opportunity is all around you now. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) Dont be backwards in coming forwards in love this week Capricorn or you could miss out on the opportunity to land the perfect partner.  Conversations at work reveal whos been responsible for recent gossip. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Its up to you to break the ice if you want to get to know someone. Youll find youre more popular than you thought socially but careful youre not stealing someone who is taken by another. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Romance could take a more serious turn and you will have to decide where you stand. Avoid the temptation to be extravagant with your money. Youll need extra funds to take advantage of a career opportunity soon.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Thursday 5th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Red tape could hold up some of your plans.  You could be making arrangements for a holiday or even thinking of moving altogether to a new area.  A great deal depends on your cash situation. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Its no use just moaning about the things youre dissatisfied with as it is up to you to do something positive to change them.  Dont be too disappointed about setbacks today. They are blessings in disguise. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Everything youre associated with should run smoothly and you should be feeling very optimistic about future projects.  Your main aim seems to be improving your home life and opportunities tonight allow you to make great headway. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) A day for making a good impression, as others seem to be trying their hardest to please you.  Dont mistake a new flirtation for a passing infatuation.  Aspects suggest this could be a match made in heaven. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) A minor problem may make you feel like giving up. Dont be so easily discouraged. This is an especially favourable time for anything to do with affairs of the heart.  Talks had now change your destiny. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) Attend to any neglected correspondence or paperwork. This is a good time for dealing with contracts or documents.  Paying to keep things on a professional level is sure to pay you dividends long term.  LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) Educational matters seem to have some special significance. A bit more time for you and less spent giving in to that emotional blackmail would serve you well right now. Its time to assert your independence. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) If youre worried about a close one, make tonight the time to talk things through. The stars are behind you for communications to be open and honest.  Someone from your past has news for you. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Finish off tasks to leave yourself clear to start new projects. An older person needs your attention.  Your stars suggest that there is much you can do to help those close to you at this time. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) You make a good impression on people today, so its an ideal time for confrontations and meetings.  Dont be afraid to investigate new paths of education to fill in the gaps in your knowledge. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Romantic partners are liable to be temperamental.  Not a good time to push boundaries but a great time to help younger faces with their dreams and ambitions. Its sure to bring you back closer together. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Your funds appear to grow in some way. A task you had not been looking forward to turns out to be quite easy and you surprise yourself with your abilities.  Travel and romance tonight prove fulfilling.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Friday 6th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Affairs of the heart should take a turn for the better from this weekend.  You appear to spend more of your time with someone from your past than usual or even just thinking about them.  TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) You should be feeling really fit and should get down to some of those challenges you set yourself for New Year.  You would be advised to consult an expert before making any important decisions this month. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) This weekend is lucky for buying new clothes and for socialising. Youre sure to find the perfect items and the perfect friends or even love matches. Dont call that ex. They werent right then and arent now.  CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) If you have a job, do it properly. Short cuts will only cost you more time and money in the long run.  Accept that apology if you want it. It wont be offered twice my friend. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Officialdom is likely to cause you a few problems, but youre sure to get an agreeable outcome if you stick to more fact than fiction. Flirting with those you work with can damage your reputation. Careful. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) Family are prominent.  It may be that you have to go out of your way for one, or make room for them to come to you. Either way, the favour youll be doing is a worthy one. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) A problem which has been hanging around for some time is solved at last.  You need to devote a little more time to a younger person who could do with offloading their troubles on you. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Dont settle for anything less than total satisfaction.  Stick to your aims and dont let other people put you off.  You, my friend, can achieve your wildest dreams plus more.  Wear green for luck today. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Children are prominent and you may hear news of a birth or pregnancy from someone you did not expect to.  Watch out for the chance to shape your job as youd like this afternoon too. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) Plans for some sort of celebration or party are indicated. Careful who you tell though as this could be a gathering where a smaller number of guests is most appreciated.  Mars brings intrigue and new desires. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Travel is really strong in your chart right now and appears to be connected with your work or a business matter.  Dont tell tales on friends or they may start sharing your secrets in return. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) New doors are opened from today in connection with your work and it is up to you to follow up all possibilities.  The chance to mix with faces from the past brings new love opportunities.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Saturday 7th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) You have a lot to put up with at the moment havent you Aries?  Im so impressed by your patience, but please dont fall at the final hurdle, or youll waste the personal sacrifices youve already made. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Try to deal with one thing at a time, rather than several all at once.  You see Taurus, attention to detail is everything and can even invite love if youre willing to trust in me. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Some sort of a challenge is indicated which should be treated as an interesting new experience. Dont let a lack of self confidence stop you from experimenting with your possibilities.  Theyre endless, my friend. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Youre nervous about new projects but let me assure you, the people around you are as jittery as you, if not more.  Stand tall, even if you just appear to know what youre doing itll give you the edge. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Someone appears to be leaving your surroundings and its not quite clear how you feel about this.  Take time or at least a night to let it sink it before you do anything drastic, please Leo. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) You should finally be able to find a way to make your money stretch further, allowing you to do something which you thought was out of your reach.  And youll never guess who will there. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) More stress than usual is indicated over money matters and it would be best to sort it out immediately.  A journey can lead to a new career, but think carefully about what to wear. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Your social life and choice of partners is getting more and more exciting by the day and youre at your most popular. Thats why its important you raise your standards in love, my friend. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) There seems to be some sort of pressure on you which is tiring both mentally and physically.  Good food and rest will give you the clear mind youre in search of. Ensure you get it. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) Dont let another person pressure you into something you are not too sure about. Youre as entitled to your opinion as they are theirs.  Work offers a very exciting foreign link. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Avoid mixing business with pleasure right now Aquarius as, although it may be fun in the short term, it is likely to provide many problems in the long run.  Family gatherings offer introductions to far more compatible faces. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) You may not be feeling on top form physically but mentally you really do know your own mind right now.  Thats why you must not allow yourself to be beaten down over something you dont want.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Sunday 8thth January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Concentrate on one thing at a time please Aries. Put all of your efforts into completing what you are doing now, not what youll be doing in the future and success will be yours. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Thoughts of someone from your past are weighing heavily on your mind and in your heart, but by picking up the phone and actually giving them a call youll be in for a pleasant surprise. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) If you have children this should be a particularly rewarding time. If not, your giving nature will find some poor soul to help, whether they want it or not! Wear blue for power in family confrontations. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) This is a good time to ask for favours or to set up future plans. You should find it easy to get your own way with people.  Just know how far is too far to go though Cancer. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) A fairly new acquaintance appears to be more important in your activities and life.  You have far more in common than you thought and your relationship moves to a new level. Interesting Leo. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) Some sort of misunderstanding is forecast in the family and its up to you to sort it out before it grows out of all proportion.  Some good news is indicated over a very delicate financial issue. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) A rather disruptive day is forecast and youll have to get through it as best you can.  Just beware of falling out with a Pisces who may be more in the right than you at first realise. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) An expense youve half agreed to may turn out to be a lot heavier than you had anticipated so make sure you let those involved know just how much you can afford to lay out. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Life should be brighter from today onwards and the people around you finally start to become more cooperative.  News from family tonight brings surprise and a reason to celebrate. Aries tell lies. Beware. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) A challenging problem can only be sorted out today through deep and meaningful discussion. Someone in your family suffers a setback which you can help retrieve them from. Dont flirt with attached friends tonight. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) A stroke of good luck in your life could boost your financial position.  A good time to take chances in love Aquarius, as the stars are behind you to cast anyone under your spell. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Socially you could find yourself at a disadvantage, but act naturally, have confidence in yourself and youll soon find the right circle instead of the pompous set.  Lies told tonight come back on you so be careful.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Mondy 9th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Dont take conversations with strangers for granted today as they could turn out to be most valuable.  Follow up all leads and ensure you keep manners to the fore. Your destiny depends on it. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Finances may allow you to be extravagant but dont forget to save something for a rainy day.  Its in your interests to keep on the right side of people in authority. Heed my warning dear friend. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Your home life appears to be a little neglected or disorganised and you need to spend more time sorting it out please Gemini. Invitations for tonight come with an ulterior motive. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Other people will be looking at you Cancer to take the lead and to make important decisions for them. Treat this power with care and dont spend others money you know they havent really got.  LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) A minor change to your day could cause a lot of inconvenience.  Show that you can be the bigger person and ride the storm. Youll earn yourself an important new admirer if you do Leo. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) The full Moon makes it hard for you not to say what you want and how you feel.  Your inner circle becomes smaller but you know what, thats not a bad thing now is it Virgo? LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) An emotional and sensitive day which could well see you asking questions which youll cringe about this time next week.  Therefore, think before you speak Libra and let others do the seducing for a change. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Dont let the full Moon push you into the arms of an ex. Youll only hate yourself later. Stick with friends you know you can trust and who only have your best interests at heart. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Some enjoyable disruption to your normal routine is likely and you may not be able to get all of your chores done.  Dont be too hard on yourself; even you have to let your hair down. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) A social gathering could bring old friends back into your life today. Beware of wasting money on items you dont really need or youll be kicking yourself for what youll miss out on later. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Stop thinking about taking up something new and start doing it instead.  Youre a forward thinking sign, so move forward and make life fun again. A younger face needs you to keep that secret they shared. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) The full Moon in Cancer will bring out the need in you to sort out family differences. Just make sure others are willing to talk about such issues before you arrange any confrontations.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Tuesday 10th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) It is up to you to make a special effort to improve a close relationship which has been going through a rocky patch.  Youll be proving youre the bigger person if you do Aries! TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Youre still reeling from yesterdays full Moon arent you Taurus?  This is a good thing as it stops you from making the next move, leaving room for seduction.  Virgos prove lucky in business. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) A long journey is forecast and some sort of parting. In fact my friend, this really is quite a dramatic week.  Discussions with faces from your past help you realise what a better road youre on. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) A recent stressful domestic problem which has been worrying you for a long time is sorted out at last.  Personal relationships should be particularly harmonious and you get to understand a close one better. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Dont just join in and follow the crowd, but be your own person and show what you are made of. Life is what you make it, so make yours count my friend, starting now. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) Beware of someone who will be wanting to use you to get closer to someone they like. If they continue to use you in this way it could cause a divide in your circle. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) From here on in, life appears to become more settled than it has been of late. Youre happier within yourself and it shows.  Good times and romance link to phone calls and texts today. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) You should be feeling on top form and able to brush away any small difficulties which have been hindering you and feel more confident to get on with your main objectives in life. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) The next two months see your love life improving in leaps and bounds.  Dont let someone from your past stop you from going forward with a relationship which could be the making of you. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) You have a lot to look forward to both emotionally and business-wise but youre letting someone who is not even as strong as you, be a fly in the ointment.  Take control while you still can. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Be careful not to let your heart rule your head where money is concerned.  Your loyalty is liable to be pulled in two ways and this could cause a lot of soul searching.  PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) The stress you felt when you woke up today is an obvious culmination of a recent chain of events, so try to look at it from a practical point of view. A new friendship makes you smile.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Wednesday 11th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) This is a good time to catch up with those neglected chores.  Several new faces are apparent in your surroundings and youre about to make a new friend for life in one of them. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Its good day to catch up with family.  In fact by doing so, you can learn some news which will give you reason to realise how far you have come with your life in recent months. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Beware of flirting, however harmless, it is likely to cause jealousy and trouble. Find out before and not after if they are as free as you think. A good day to ask for a pay rise! CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Someone close may resent your relationship with another person and this need sorting out today please before things escalate.  At last you finish a project which has been the bane of your life. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Some form of entertainment or the arts has special significance today.  Something you read or hear may set you thinking about making a major change to your life and to a relationship. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) You seem to have romance on your mind and may find it difficult to concentrate on your work.  Make that phone call then Virgo and put us all out of our misery. You know you want to! LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) This is a good time for organising social activities so use your initiative.  There are signs of a major breakthrough in your career, if you can make the effort to go the extra mile today. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) You may find that outside influences are making it hard for you to concentrate on your work as you should.  Try to get something done today please, youre about to find out youre being watched. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) You appear to have more leisure time than usual and this gives you room for...mischief.  Just make sure you dont tread on friends toes in love, or it will come back on you. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) Something happens which revives a happy memory and may lead you to call someone from your past.  Think before you do, as you need to try and remember that you closed that door for a reason.  AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) A new incentive is forecast to give you reason to make the most of your appearance.  The depressed phase you experienced is finally over and Im happy to say that life is beginning again. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Try not to be too disappointed if you cannot achieve all that you set yourself to do.  You have a tendency to place the bar higher than most.  Success links to emails and faxes.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Thursday 12th January     ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) This is a really lucky time for making changes in connection with your work and for job interviews and meetings.  Better trends are also indicated in financial fields, allowing you a personal life again. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) There appears to be something missing from your life and you really need to try and find some new activities to fill the gap.  Daring to do something different can also attract love, my friend. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) A good time to get started on a project you planned but didnt have the courage to delve into.  There seems to be stress in the home when there doesnt need to be. Sort it. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Relationships in your life were never going to be straightforward, but then again, thats half the fun.  Worries you have about a relationship prove to be unfounded later today.  Wear blue for power in business. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Dont be afraid to break with old ties, as it will be for the best in the long run. News of births or new relationships gives you cause to re-evaluate your own life. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) Be bold and adventurous and go ahead with confidence.  News of someone from your past makes you realise your decisions were the right ones. Be nice to Scorpios. They have the contacts you need. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) This is a promising time where affairs of the heart are concerned. Youre finally working out what and who you want and not a moment too soon. Be nice to new faces, theyre important to your future. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) You may have to take a stand over a matter which has been causing not just you, but others a great deal of inconvenience.  Time spent with a Sagittarius can fill in some important missing information. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) The current line up promises opportunity in abundance. What and who you want can at last be yours. The Sun in Capricorn offers you the chance to finally put down some roots and know where you are going. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) Any sort of legal or official matters are under lucky influences. Dont tell lies as certain people know more than you would imagine. Dont tell tales on colleagues, its not worth it. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) If you need to get a job done, then do it yourself Aquarius. To rely on others will only invite failure as many of the signs have more going on in their lives than you realise. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Try to keep your plans as flexible as possible as unexpected events are likely.  A change of plan could mean that you have wasted time and energy. Wear green for luck in love and life.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Friday 13th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Fight that urge to let things slide and focus on the positive Aries. You are nearer to success than you would believe and stepping out with true friends at this time can confirm this. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Make the most of your appearance and you can attract good luck and new faces into your life.  Stop living in the past. There is much to be gained by sticking to the planned schedule today. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Dont hesitate to try your hand at something new if the opportunity arises.  Friends turn into lovers for many of your sign.  Mind you, a sign such as you always did need both rolled into one. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) An improvement is indicated in your relationship with someone in the family or inner circle.  Youve learnt that everyone is different and that we all make mistakes. Neptune brings you a message in a dream. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Financial affairs need careful handling and sorting out today!  Aspects suggest you may not have done your sums correctly. Short trips bring success and help you to tie up a deal of some sort. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) Try being a little more ambitious as you are capable of much bigger things.  Anything connected with property or the home is forecast to go your way, especially if you make the first phone call.  LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) The home is highlighted and you may have to pay out money for your abode or things relating to it.  Spending money you think is spare will be regretted when an offer of travel soon arrives. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Any contracts or legal dealings can go in your favour. All you have to do is make sure you get to where you need to be today.  Check your diary; youre likely to have forgotten something. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) You know you cant change the past but you can shape your future. Without your experience you would not know what you want from your future. Events today open up an exciting door to you. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) This is a really good time for you to start new projects and enter into new agreements. You think youre unsure but youre speaking with clarity. Trust your instincts my friend. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Fate appears to be smiling on you favourably so dont be afraid to speculate or gamble.  A busy and successful programme is in store for you and you appear to be playing the staring role. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) New responsibilities today should turn out to be both interesting and fulfilling.  Life is finally starting to shape up as you had originally planned. Unless you let gossip ruin your reputation that is.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Saturday 14th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Your romantic life could become a little complicated and caution is advised.  You may not be feeling on top form and may need to get some me time to recharge your batteries and thoughts. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Younger people appear to be on your mind more than usual at this time and it would be worth your while being straight with them rather than glossing over problems when giving advice. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Try to avoid getting het up over trivial matters as you are only wasting the energy you need to deal with some important matters.  There are changes in the air, make sure youre leading them. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) An ambitious scheme could be successful if you get access to the right people.  This is one time where it is worth your while using contacts that you have social ties with as well as business ones. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) You need to stop and think about the drama you are involved in Leo. You see, you think you can go back if you change your mind, but youd be wrong. Travel ties up a contract. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) Your emotions are all over the place at the moment Virgo.  Dont say yes or no to anything but work instead from the start again. Things have changed, which may alter your views dramatically.  LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) Dont cancel todays plans as the stars have lined up something really special for you.  The stars promise that from here on in youll have no doubt that success and happiness are ahead. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Writing, study and exams are all under favourable influences at this time. A good time for you to think about learning or re-learning skills to help you in the future too my friend. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Youre not working at your usual pace and this is because you feel as if you have the world on your shoulders. Answers can be found by putting confrontations forward and dealing with them head on. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) People will be noticing you today Capricorn and so it would be a good idea for you to think about what you wear and how you present yourself to the world.  Wear yellow to attract money. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) I know you dont really want to work but youd be far better just getting on with it and tying issues up.  That way you can focus on having some fun, relaxation and seduction.  PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) There could be unforeseen problems to cope with in a new project. Remember the saying that if you think you can you will and if you think you cant you wont and success will be yours.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Sunday 15th January     ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) New responsibilities you take on should turnout to be more than suited to your needs. Youre finally getting what you want, but just dont let arrogance ruin what should be a productive time. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Changes in the family may not sit well with you but are certain to be to your advantage in the long run.  Responsibilities will be lifted from your shoulders and your time becomes your own again. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Theres a lot of stress around you at the moment and it is vital that you start to move yourself away from the situation and the people causing it. You dont need to live like this. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) You may have to spend a lot of your time helping other people with their troubles. Dont worry; its sure to make it easier for you to get on with your own affairs far quicker. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Dont worry too much about a financial problem affecting you as aspects suggest that its all moving very slowly but by taking the initiative speed and success can be yours. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) A certain relationship is beginning to take up all your time and energy. Use today to take a step back so you can see the bigger picture. Understanding is yours if you do. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) A much happier and more relaxed atmosphere is indicated all round this week, thank goodness. You reach a much better understanding with someone youve been at cross purposes with for some time.  SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) You find out something which makes you view a close one in a different manner. Arent we all allowed a past though Scorpio?  I hope so, or you would be in a lot of trouble. Wear grey for luck. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Property manners have special significance and youll find yourself having to dress differently in order to fit in with different surroundings.  Be nice to Leos, youre going to need them sooner than you think. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) A change is indicated in the workplace which youll hear about through social links.  Dont believe anything thats not straight from the horses mouth. I believe Chinese whispers are in play, my friend. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) This is a really good day for sorting out a domestic problem and for getting to grips with a difficult task which you have been putting off.  Dont be afraid of confrontation. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) You and a friend seem to have grown apart since Christmas. Rather than fall out about this fact, accept it as it is. Besides, theres someone coming that youll want to spend all your time with.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Monday 16th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) It is time you stopped to think about where you are going and what your aims are as it seems you are just allowing yourself to be carried along with the tide.  Become the captain. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Life has not been easy for you and this time last year you probably felt the future was bleak.  Today and from here on in you know its brilliant. Phone calls and contact confirm this. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Try to keep your plans as flexible as possible as this is an unstable period. You can make it a very secure one though, if you admit what you want and stop hiding from your heart. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Alterations to the home or changes to where you live are all a possibility right now but just make sure youre not trying to fix something which is more about the person than the object. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Nows a really good time for making changes and trying out new ideas. Your imagination should be at its best and you may even surprise yourself with your abilities and charm. Wear something pink to attract love. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) A matter which has been causing you concern for some time is cleared up at last, thank goodness.  This is a good time to brighten up your surroundings, in fact your whole life. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) You have an important job to do which will take priority over everything else.  Pay attention. A responsibility which has been holding you back is removed and its vital you run with it Libra. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Seeing someone from your past will have quite an effect on your emotions but look to the future for happiness before you miss out on what could be a match made in heaven Scorpio. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Some new faces are apparent in your surroundings which may make it difficult for you to concentrate on the old and current relationships. Tie up loose ends, or youll lose out and regret it. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) Money should prove easier to come by than usual.  A rather restless mood is indicated and you feel like doing something completely out of the ordinary.  Instant attractions also await you. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Younger people will take up far more of your time than usual now.  There could be talk of some drastic change in your working week. This could force your hand to make a major change. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Suddenly your prospects appear to be a so much brighter and you should be feeling on top form. Your personality should sparkle and you are able to tackle anyone or anything that comes your way.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Tuesday 17th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) This is a really good time to brighten up your surroundings. In fact, your whole life Aries.  Look on the optimistic side and incredible things will happen, starting now.  Phone calls bring journey plans. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Something that happened recently which you now regret is weighing heavily on your shoulders. Right now you cant see the wood for the trees. Share it with a friend and the weight is sure to lift. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Be more tolerant with the younger faces in your life. You appear to be working to a deadline and it could be a bit of a rush if you keep thinking of personal issues. Prioritise, Gemini. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Today financial arrangements could come up against problems.  Your social life should improve with the beginning of a new hobby or activity and you start to realise the benefits of effort and hard work. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Make the most of the opportunities before you Leo.  Life takes a turn for the better and you get back on track with a relationship which this time last week you were ready to give up on. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) If youre thinking of going into something new, nows the perfect time.  Yes, you fell at a few hurdles recently which is why youre wiser and more apt to know right from wrong now. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) A relationship hits a very sticky patch and you need to talk things through.  Dont talk to friends but to the person concerned, or youll lose control. Aries spell luck in your career today. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Where your work is concerned you have the chance to branch out in a different direction.  Visitors are apparent in your surroundings but are they welcome? Either way show manners please, others are watching. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) You will have to fit in with other peoples plans and you may not like it but those concerned are sure to take note, so dont moan. Theyll do the same when your turn comes. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) This is a really good time for making changes in your job and career. Your romantic life appears to be rather erratic and could be causing emotional strain. Speak from the heart for results tonight. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Be on the alert for changes to make extra cash.  By the end of play today your worries over a younger person should turn out to be unfounded and are replaced by a feeling of respect. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Expect the unexpected and youll still be in for some surprises Pisces. Its time you thought about what you want and made yourself a priority. Doing so sees miracles occur beyond your wildest dreams.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Wednesday 18th January     ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Try to focus on what can be done, rather than what can't. You have so many opportunities open to you at this time if only you could focus on the present instead of the past. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Persevere and all will come right in the long run Taurus. A good day for dealing with financial and business matters. If, that is, youre willing to be truthful about what you really spend. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Try to get more involved in the activities of a close one if you want to improve your relationship. The truth is, if youre not meant to be, this is the time to realise it. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Joint financial agreements could hit problems today and tomorrow. If youve been keeping any secrets then you need to think of ways of delivering the truth, as this is what will save this union. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Some reorganisation is needed if you want things to run smoothly and efficiently. You appear to be adjusting to new circumstances and may find it difficult.  Come on Leo, youre a born leader. Lead. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) The rather disturbing influences that have been so obvious recently should disappear this week and a much calmer and pleasantly eventful phase opens up to you at last. Recognise and enjoy this occurrence Virgo. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) This is a particularly good time for moves and travel.  Someone that you meet at this time plays a major role in your future. Far more than you could dream in fact, my friend. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) The lack of energy which youve been experiencing has been a source of worry for you but should be overcome far quicker than you thought. Be proactive and organise life. Its time to take the initiative. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) With the Sun preparing to leave your sign, you may feel slightly nervous or anxious about life, as if youre losing control. Thats not so, youre simply getting to the stage where you enjoy the rewards. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) Teaching and educational links are all lucky for you at this time and should help you to take your career to a whole new level. Dont tell lies on the phone, youll be rumbled. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Very soon a big decision while will be linked with finances and emotions will have to be made. This could well cause you to part company with a particular person and its for the best. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Events could cause close ones to change the way they act towards you.  If there are lies being told about you then now is the time to stand up for yourself, before you lose the chance to.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Thursday 19th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Your chart highlights luck and success and this is one time where I would back you in trusting your instincts and following your heart. Clear vision means a major decision is made now. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) You bulls should be careful of any commitments which are binding and may cost you.  You need to find out all of the finer details first, which your chart indicates you have not, have you Taurus? GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) You should finally start to feel much more relaxed and confident in your own abilities and decisions.  However, a very frank talk with a close one is advisable before things get out of hand. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) So far this year has been rather a fraught and unsettled time but promises of better things are now here and can lift your spirits. Phone calls you receive on this day will confirm this fact. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) This is the beginning of a period when opportunities and promises someone made to you come to fruition. Mars, the planet of quick change, enables you to get the freedom you thought could not be yours. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) You should be a little wary of offers or opportunities received at this time.  Look for strings attached before making any commitments as something better is just around the corner.  Sooner than youd dreamed, in fact.  LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) Some rather delicate matters have to be dealt with during the next two to three weeks, all of which involve others close to you and will affect them equally so make sure youre communicating. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Do not be influenced by advice from other people but follow your own intuition and own thoughts and you wont go wrong.  Being nice to new faces today can bring opportunities beyond your dreams. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Some news you have been waiting for should reach you at last which will enable you to carry out plans you have laid aside for some time. News of a birth shocks and surprises. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) This is a good time to recoup lost monies and indeed to improve funds on a long term basis. You have skills you need to use, so do something about it.  Flirtations turn serious tonight. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) You were in a place you didnt want to be not so long ago but stop and look behind you and youll see how very far youve come. At least be proud, youve done well Aquarius. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Youve completed something which took hold of you body and soul and yet rather than stop and appreciate the view, youre on to the next thing.  Give yourself credit, or others will ignore your achievement too.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Friday 20th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) This appears to be the beginning of a much more settled phase emotionally.  There could be some surprising family news, but just remember you dont need to be forced to do anything you dont want to. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Something youve been waiting for arrives at last and gives you reason to be excited and to recognise that you are entering a new chapter of your life. An Aquarian is using you. Dont let them.  GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Some news you receive may worry you but it will soon be sorted out.  Financially, things may be a little uncertain but with good management you should pull through. Text tell lies tonight, beware. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) You could find yourself getting involved in some official or legal type of matter. A special interest is apparent in looking and feeling better. Youre back and weve missed you Cancer.  LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) You feel restricted from doing the things you want because of a lack of money. It may be necessary to adapt to changes in your surroundings which were forced upon you, but will only be temporary. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) You appear to be more involved than usual in the affairs and problems of relations or close friends.  Just make sure your own life is not suffering dramatically in the process. Stick to your pre made plans. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) This is an important turning point for you and a lot depends on the decisions you make right now.  Careful of spreading gossip which is not yours to give out or it will come back on you. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) A bill needs settling sooner rather than later, before your reputation becomes involved Scorpio.  Youre so good at earning money but youre even better at spending it, so take stock.  Wear grey for luck in business. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Changes are likely in your surroundings which should turn out to be to your advantage.  Children and the younger generation in general are more prominent and theres much you can do to guide them. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) Be careful not to overtax your energy or you will be irritable and nervy.  You could find a way to make some extra money if you put your feelers out for contacts today Capricorn. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) You make a discovery which could throw a new light on a certain delicate situation. An exciting event is forecast in your surroundings which puts you in the path of not just one, but several compatible faces. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Nobodys perfect Pisces and you shouldnt try to be. Why dont you work on being yourself, as thats whats attracted the people who are in your life to you in the first place.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Saturday 21st January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Go easy on your spending this weekend as an unexpected expense is likely.  An invitation to a big event is indicated on which youll want to splash the cash. Budget, youll see the reason why soon. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Theres tension in a close relationship. The key, Taurus will be not too bite, as this will only push the person to argue more. Time will prove you were right, so sit back and wait. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) The Sun in Capricorn brings out the more mature side of your nature and you may find yourself committing to things which you would not usually entertain.  Youre beginning to realise what and who you need. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) You should make good progress with your work over the coming week, if you discipline yourself. Use this weekend to formulate a game plan. A social contact tonight can help you to do this. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Dont be jealous if friends who all knew you first go off on their own. They still care for you Leo, theyre just spreading their wings, so dont let jealousy cast you in an immature light. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) Emotional affairs seem unsettled and need sorting out.  Short journeys are favoured and will bring you into contact with some really interesting people.  Wear red for luck in love tonight.  Its sure to give you the edge. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) Some sort of reunion is forecast and you find it hard to control of your emotions this weekend. Maybe if you tried dealing with them instead of sweeping them under the carpet youd be less stressed. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) A change in circumstances can take some time to get used to and you will have to inform others or you could end up landed with a cost which is not really yours to pay.  SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Your element of fire is pushing you to say things which you may not really mean and you need to be careful that you dont end up letting someone down that you care about. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) Property matters are under some really lucky influences and those of you looking for a new home are likely to find it around this time. Selling properties now should also get you the right price. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) A good time for meeting new people and making some lasting friendships.  Someone you come into contact with makes a big impression on you professionally and could change what you decide to do as a career. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Some sort of material gain is likely.  New developments are also indicated in your relationship with a person of the opposite sex and either a relationship or a friendship for life is set to be formed.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Sunday 22nd January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) A new hobby or job will keep you busy and you could learn a new skill which can change the amount you can earn in life.  Dont tell tales on family or it will come back on you. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) You should be feeling extra confident and happy and should be successful in everything you undertake.  Other people will want your company and time and it may be hard to stick to all arrangement. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Your ruling planet Mercury pushes you for promotions. A hidden talent or ability will be discovered. This is your time. Go for it, the world is your oyster. Also, a new admirer is more compatible than you think. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Something you do at this time could have a big impact on your life later on.  There could be a heavy financial commitment to sort out but go through the right avenues, not the short cuts. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Concentrate on achieving a special aim even though it may interfere with your other activities.  Try to plan ahead as much as possible and dont leave anything to chance. Wear something brown to calm down arguments. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) Try to take some time off where you can to get yourself properly organised for what you know is ahead as youre currently spending all your time worrying and doing nothing, which is unproductive Virgo. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) It looks as if within the next month you will find a new solution to an old problem which will enable you to overcome it once and for all. Conversations with family dispel a rumour. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) This is a time for you being able to get your own way and a peak time in all your personal affairs too.  Youre in control again, so use it to your full advantage. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Signs indicate that you should soon be feeling very self satisfied with some new achievements. Some very exciting news should also be received which will enable you to carry out a long held dream.  CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) This weekend you are in for a chain reaction of events which will cause some considerable upheaval in your way of life.  Particularly lucky influences hang over financial and emotional matters. Aries spread untrue gossip. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) The Sun brings out your need to be with your family and you may find yourself going out of your way in order to see them. Youll be glad you did when you hear their news. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) With the Sun in Capricorn you start to take life more seriously. That heart to heart youve been avoiding now seems like a good idea and you dont care who knows how you feel.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Monday 23rd January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Youre in for two big surprises, both of which affect your personal happiness youre your professional life as a knock on effect too. Just be careful that you dont allow confidence to turn to arrogance. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) A very lucky period lies ahead which should prove highly successful for you and make up for recent setbacks and heartache.  Just remember to be yourself. Not being you is what let you down before.  GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) You should take particular care with the current difficulties you face and not rush into anything. Thought before action ensures success so make sure you take the time out my friend. Aries offer a new attraction. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) The rest of this month is of more importance than you could imagine where relationships are concerned and no matter how tempting, you must avoiding telling untruths however small they may be.  LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) The new Moon in Aquarius makes for an interesting time to say the least. Youre likely to feel as if nothing is real, but pinch yourself, it is and it can stay that way if you want. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) You should feel as if you are getting a new lease on life.  Within the next week, signs strongly indicate offers and opportunities and new avenues which up until now have seemed impossible to find. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) New interests are likely to take up a good deal of your time and energy this week. You should gain some satisfaction from some sort of investment you made and life starts to feel fun again. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) The new Moon is shedding light on the dramas which happened over the last few days and you can finally see with clarity again. Announcements you make tonight create permanent changes and divisions in your circle.  SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Finances could have hit a sticky patch and you may need some expert advice. You have the opportunity to apply a newly acquired skill to your advantage. At last, progress for your hard work. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) With the Sun now firmly in your sign you exude confidence and hold the power to talk close ones into making changes. Just dont allow this to turn to arrogance or youll lose the respect of others. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) The new Moon in your sign is giving you the inside scoop and power to find out what really went on last weekend. Youll be able to see straight though any lies so use it to your full advantage. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) I love the way you say one thing and then do another. I dont expect your loved ones do though, so at least try to only say what you mean or you could end up with a major fall out.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Tuesday 24th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) You will be in demand socially but dont forget, its still only a Tuesday, so make sure you have your work done and that you are fit for work tomorrow. Those with power are watching. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) It is possible that you will be drawn back into a previous social circle. Over-indulgence in a certain area will have to be curbed if youre to keep a certain person in your life. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Home and family are under especially favourable aspects and it seems as if youre finally starting to find your feet again after a drama which clearly rocked your world and those around you. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) There appears to be a lot of work to do this week and not much time in which to do it.  Asking for help from those you work with can create a great new alliance. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Stop gossiping Leo, and remember the saying that people who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.  Why not put all of this energy into sorting out that monetary dilemma youre ignoring more and more? VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) You have the chance to make a good impression on a powerful face who you have long admired from afar.  Dont try to be someone youre not, let the real you shine through for a lasting impression. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) You may have second thoughts about a certain plan of action, but its too late to change course, so soldier on as confidence is your key to turning it into a success for you and those concerned. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) You may feel the need for a change from routine. If this is so then why not organise something? After all, if you dont make time for yourself Scorpio, then why should anyone else? SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) You may get annoyed at the lack of help you receive in your surroundings and its about time you spoke up about it.  Talking, not shouting can cast you as the more mature person, remember that. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) There is a danger of some friction with those around you. A past experience should help you to cope successfully with a situation which arises. In fact you can turn a problem into a solution. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) It may be necessary to seek financial help to cope with commitments.  Take a good look at your situation. It may be best to cut losses now and start afresh.  Dont let pride make you a fool. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) A little more practical thinking is necessary with current dramas. Punctuality is important. You could be travelling further afield than usual for your entertainment which, judging by your stars, is sure to be memorable.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Wednesday 25th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Energetic activities are indicated and you should be feeling a lot fitter than of late. A good time for purchasing things for the home which are a sure indication of how much settled youre becoming.  TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) You could find your loyalty being torn in two different directions. Romantically, it seems you cannot go wrong this week but its time you began to think quality rather than quantity my friend. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Some sort of reunion is forecast. An interesting week is indicated as someone surprises you with their actions and dedication towards you. Dont talk about people if you think it may be repeated. It will.  CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Some sort of breakdown in communications is indicated. It seems as if its going to be down to you to be the one who has to do the mending. You wont lose face, youll only earn support. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Not a good time for taking chances so stick to well tried methods. Some sort of deception is indicated so be on your guard and dont tell those you dont know well all of your secrets. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) Travel is highlighted. Youll have the chance to extend your contacts where your work or business is concerned.  Be careful that a minor upset does not develop into a full scale row. Dont allow it to. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) You appear to be in the limelight so take special care over your appearance today.  Your social life and romance are both highlighted and money matters offer a challenge Im sure you can overcome. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Some interesting news is indicated from a distance. You could try new ways of relaxing as its clear your bored with your usual routine.  Just dont tread on a friends toes in love. You will get burnt! SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Events which take place this week will play a significant part in your future.  Rely on your own judgement over business and financial affairs, as you have more knowledge and instinct than you think. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) If your romantic life has been a bit boring recently it is up to you to inject some new life into it.  An interesting newcomer is apparent whos sure to give you much to think about. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) I know you want to get out and blow off some much needed steam but first you have to finish the tasks at hand.  That means not calling or texting a certain someone just yet, doesnt it?  PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Some emotional upheavals are apparent and its clear that you dont really know how you feel. Time spent with a Gemini helps you work out what you want later on today.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Thursday 26th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Finally you start to get back your energy and enthusiasm for life. Youve stopped feeling sorry for yourself and realised that you can, and should, fight for what and who you want.  Its your time Aries! TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) Someone seems to have something on you, but is it really as bad as you imagine Taurus? Try to use the helpful aspects today to come clean. Youll soon see you have support not criticism. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Mercury, the planet of travel and communication, finally allows you to wear your heart on your sleeve and admit how you really feel.  From today onwards life and love will never be the same again. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Your career takes an interesting twist and youre offered the opportunity to show how good you are at leading others and taking charge.  Dont repeat office gossip, it is unlikely to have any truth behind it. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Your ruling planet the Sun allows you to see the positive in any negative.  You surprise your close ones and yourself with the way you turn events around today. Love requires a white lie tonight. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) There is a great deal of stress in your chart which doesnt need to be there. Try dealing with those issues instead of sweeping them under the carpet.  Positive outcomes await if you do. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) Foreign links are strong and pull you towards a new future you never dreamed was possible. House moves and house sales go well at this time so dont be bullied into backing down. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) You dont seem to understand a close ones actions but have you asked yourself how open youve been? Heart to hearts are needed and the sooner you say how you feel the better the outcome. SAGITARIUS You cant choose your family but you can choose how you let them treat you. Confrontation may leave a bad taste in your mouth but if you keep manners to the fore youll come out on top. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) Sudden changes youre intent on making dont seem to have the backing of family and friends who dont recognise these actions as those of the Capricorn they know. But they dont know what happened last week. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) From here on you find yourself finally leaving the past behind and focusing on the future.  About time too. Just dont let an ex pull you back into their bad ways. Stay strong and focused Aquarius. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Look at what you can do to make your life a happier and healthier place to be. Giving up bad habits has the backing and strength of the stars. Come on Pisces, you can do it!
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Friday 27th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) A lack of communication with someone may worry you and it may be necessary to do something completely out of character to break down the barriers. Wear blue for luck in family issues. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) You need to take some more care over yourself Taurus as its clear youve been neglecting your own needs recently. It would seem that a certain someone knows just how to manipulate you. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) You could find yourself having to lie for a friend who has not even asked if you mind being invoked in their dramas. Its decision time Gemini. Have they crossed the line? Only you can decide. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Its time you got your priorities right.  You seem to be wasting a lot of time on trivia. Social activities cause you to be more out of pocket than you realised. Be aware of all youre spending. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) You may have to deal with a legal or official matter and more paperwork than usual is forecast.  The accent appears to be on money and ways in which you can boost your income.  VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) You want to put a distance between yourself and a certain person but they just dont seem to be getting the message.  Stop returning their calls and texts and maybe they will Virgo. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) A new and rather ambitious plan cold come up against a hitch but if you persevere you should find your way around it.  You underestimate your charm and abilities Libra. Dont! SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) A younger person would benefit greatly from some of your time and attention. You think they wont listen but youre wrong this time. Theyve changed since last month and so have you. Realise this. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Theres a lot of work to do so liven your ideas up. Theres money to be made and a reputation to be enhanced if you can be bothered, plus an attractive face to meet on the way. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) It may be necessary to be nice to someone youre not fond of but youll obviously be doing it for a very good reason so try not to feel too disheartened. Gambles in love tonight pay off. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Its time you started to think about yourself instead of everyone else. You see, you had a game plan and its vital you stick to it. After all, you and I know it had the ingredients for success. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Some sort of change is apparent in your appearance. Could it be that youre realised your sign is not meant to be the shy one in the corner?  Life starts to get interesting again.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Saturday 28th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) Dont turn a blind eye to something you know is bad for your health. Educational matters have a special significance from here on in and you make steps to make your life a better place to be. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) You should feel full of enthusiasm and ready to get a lot done.  You also have cause to change your mind about someone. You cannot afford to take any risk where money is concerned, so dont. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) Stand up to a dominant person in your surroundings as theyre sure to respect you for it in the long run. News of someone from your past gives you reason to make a series of phone calls.  CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Romantic influences are strong and could see many of your sign making some pretty extraordinary decisions. Just remember who you are as well as who others are expecting you to pretend to be. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) You may feel inclined to make any excuse to stop work but persevere and you will be very pleased with your achievements. Remember, if you think you can you will and if you think you cant you wont. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) You have the opportunity to achieve a much closer relationship with a younger person. Dont ignore this but use it and make up for the difficult beginning to the month you both experienced. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) A frank and honest discussion with your close ones should help you to understand each other better. Some sort of a material gain can be yours if youre willing to make a commitment you know is inevitable. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) A new social interest is indicated which will help bring you into contact with different people. Be nice to Aries, they hold the key to a crossover you want to make in your career. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) Be careful not to overdo things this weekend no matter how much friends encourage you to go for it.  You have important events ahead which will affect your long term future. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) A heavy financial commitment may cause you to feel slightly depressed. Dont let it but work on making it manageable and even enjoyable by talking to the person at the source. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Affairs of the heart should start to run more smoothly and you should be feeling much more settled emotionally. Visitors could upset your usual routine, but dont be rude, theyve made an effort to see you. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) You may come into contact with some very interesting people who can really help you to shape your career as you desire. A good time to talk about your true dreams and desires my friend.
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Claire's daily horoscopes for Sunday 29th January    ARIES (March 21st-April 20th) This is a good time for making changes so dont be afraid to take a gamble.  Your sign is great at being put under pressure but youre the only one who cant seem to acknowledge this fact. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) If you want to gain the attention of someone then dont worry, youve already gained everyones attention with your recent antics.  An offer of love will only be made once. Make up your mind. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st) You receive a message which is liable to change your usual routine. Only you can decide if the travel you will be offered is a good idea, so stop asking others and trust yourself. CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) Trouble with superiors or people in authority may give you reason to worry or lose sleep but dont let it. Time is on your side, use it and find out what is fact and whats fiction. LEO (July 24th-August 23rd) Something you've worked on for a long time is completed. You can start to think of other things at last. Dont fall out with faces from your past. You and I know theyre not worth it. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd) You have to cut back on a personal luxury but you know it will be worth it in the long run. Dont tell those you work with too much about your personal plans as jealousy is rife. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) People in your life should be far more cooperative than usual.  Favourable influences also surround your family and you can finally find peace over an issue which almost ruined Christmas and New Year. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) You will have to work extra hard at keeping a close relationship harmonious as it is clear from the stars that you are both under a tremendous amount of pressure so try not to bait them. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st) If you need help from a friend, this is a good day to approach them. Working as a team is well starred in general and a great opportunity to tie up loose ends. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th) You may be able to avert a future problem if you take the initiative and do something about it now. Dont make problems in personal affairs where there are none, but look at the bigger picture. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) You spend more time worrying about what you have to do than actually doing it.  Make a plan and set the wheels in motion. If you dont know now what needs to be done, you never will. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) A meeting with friends should be particularly enjoyable and will help immensely to cheer you up after recent events. Be sure you want to take friendship to a new level before you act though Pisces.
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Hello,This is awesome and well done PMM2008... i like your blog keep it up and keep updating every day....! great work

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