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Debit Cards


Hello,I don't know if this is the right place or not to post this.But anyway has anyone had thier debit cards closed after using them at a online casino?I have had two closed in the last 6 weeks.They both told me the same thing that I was a suspicious person .Both cards are loaded using green dot money pack, but issued by different banks.I had problems with green dot about 5 or 6 years ago when I used their card to load funds on my payspark account.So I know they look at our transactions. At that time when I called and asked why my card no longer worked, they said they knew what payspark was used for and talked to me as if I was the lowest form of life.Anyway getting back to my latest card to be closed, I only used it at Cleo's VIP room. Their site states that they are US based and 100% legal. And the transactions don't post as forgien like the others.OK I just wanted to share my experiences with you & to see if anyone else was having these problems.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Yes, I had my NS closed recently ... again. They closed it a couple of months ago. I called them and they reopened the account after warning me not to use it for gambling. Well I used it again at a casino and pushed it a bit too far and they shut it down again. I haven't called them again. I'm a little bit embarrassed. lolYes, they do look at the transactions and even though the casinos do what they can (or the processors I should say), the banks are a step ahead of them sometimes. Transactions might not be foreign but the same description over and over is a dead giveaway.


Thank You Mben,I guess it's time for me to give up and look for my entertainment else where.I can drive 90 minutes to a land based casino. I might have to do that since they wont let me play online.Good luck to everyone & thanks. 


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
The convenience of gambling at home is great! And it sucks when we are made to feel like criminals just to gamble from home. You're welcome, apg.

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