Here's a break down of how each county in the USA voted yesterday. It brings up a conversation I had with my daughter who voted for the first time in her life. (she's 25). I was ending the conversation by saying that I hoped her vote counted and that her presidential hopeful wins. She said yeah but it was too bad we were only an 11 electoral college state. I asked what that meant to her and she said that my vote won't count . Last night Alaska's polls were still open and Obama had already won. That doesn't make sense to me (it does, but it doesn't). I wonder if someone called the people of Alaska and told them not to bother voting because we already had a newly elected president without their vote. How do you encourage people to vote when they feel that their vote won't count? I never put that thought in my daughter's head (even though it is my feelings. Sorry but it is). She kind of blew me away when she said that about the 11 electoral votes which is why I asked what that meant to her. With the sea of Red, it looks that Romney would have won in a landslide but I know it depends on the population of people in each of the areas to determine how many votes each candidate actually received in that county. Obama won both the electoral and popular vote. Obama won 303 of the electoral vote, and Mitt Romney won 206 of the electoral vote. Obama won 59,583,302 in the popular vote, while Romney won 56,960,530 of the popular vote.I am no political expert and won't pretend to be. I am just making my own observations. We can discuss the topic but there will be members who will be teaching me a thing or two. That's my disclaimer for when I end up sounding like a politard. lolAnd yes, I know there are other races going on during the elections and the presidental race is not the only one at hand. There are many other things to vote on that pertain to an individual state and county that needs your voice. What are your views or opinions?
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