Get Ready to Fall Head Over Heels for The Wheel of Love at Fair Go!
The Wheel of Love is the ultimate matchmaking contraption. Designed and built by loving hands to bring Fair Go heartthrobs and sweethearts just like you together with your ideal casino game suitor. Rather than just give you a box of chocolates though, these well-groomed wooers come with a special bonus and free spins to be used on their corresponding game.
There are 16 characters in total you can date, including an equal number of men and women. All of which will bring something different to the table (just don't expect any roses). Also worth mentioning is that if you spin the wheel but decide your date is a dud, you can always try again... we won't even make you buy them dinner. Now if that doesn't sound like the dream date scenario, we don't know what is.
So, whether you're hungry for love, yearning for la pasión or just want a bouquet of big wins instead of flowers, spin the Wheel of Love today!
The Wheel of Love offer runs until 28th Feb 2019.
Click the link above, or the picture, to get to 'The Wheel of Love'.