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It's that time again for the Casino Cash Giveaway fantasy football league. We have a private leaugue set up at  www.nfl.com. The leauge consist of 12 teams, and we will add additional leagues if the demand is there. This is your chance to go head to head with me, a winner two years straight.To get in on Fantasy football you need to PM me your email addy and I will send you an invite. We will fill the leagues on a first come first serve basis.The winner of each league will get $50.The rules, how to play, and tips can be found at http://www.nfl.com/fantasy.
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ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?!<img class="media" src="http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a142/qteepie628/OakR.jpg?t=1249184380" alt="OakR.jpg picture by qteepie628" />COUNT ME IN, PLEASE!YES, MODS ARE ELLIGIBLE.
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Now you know i been waiting for this for a year now, i have last year to avenge and i feel like this year  i will be the cats meow and belgamo your going down my friend     
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Staff member
I just had to post this PM I received along with my reply. It says it all! Bel, I'm sending you my email. I definately want in now!! LOL
peteyweestro wrote: This year you are gonna get Smacked down by peteyweestro yeababy!!!!
Mben wrote: ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!And here I thought I was gonna open this PM and read hey, Mben, you gonna join FF? It'll be fun. Come on! But instead, I read some serious shit talking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was debating whether or not to join this year, but after reading your little note, all I have to say is YOU'RE ON PETEYWEESTRO!!!!!!!!
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I sent you a pm with my email address so count me in. Time for a repeat of last year."


No Deposit Forum Founder
Keep those entries coming if you want your shot to take me down!! C'mon dare you !
I love my fantasy football


No Deposit Forum Founder
I have sent all the invites out to those wantying in, we still have room! Just PM me or leave your eai addy here


n.cas575n@yahoo.com  I have no clue how to play this but sure would like to try and why not? But seriously, how do you play this? I am not into this sport at all...I once went to Raiders vs  Minesota Vikings...it was horrible. People were so freaking annoying, screaming in dirty words, women flashing their body-nasty!- two guys punched me in the back and I almost hit them back but well? I paused 'cause they were damn big, ugly men. I almost wanted to shout what is wrong with you football people,huh?
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LMAO...I love to watch the game, but really have no clue how to play either. Guess we need to read the rules at www.nfl.com to find out. I am still planning on kicking some butt!!
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Greedy Gambler
I'm in...Hubby said he would help me...And will read up on it...Any tips would be greatly appreciated LOL Our first pregame is Aug 14th. Can't believe football is almost here already. Time flies!!


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Ok ladies, here's the short version.......................oh, vacant1 and peteyweestro feel free to brush up a little by reading this! You'll need it!It's draft day! You are going to make a fantasy team by picking players from the real football teams. On draft day we are all going to be online picking up a quarterback, wide receivers, runningbacks, a tightend (and no, it does not involve pilates lol) a kicker and a defense team. If you are not online for the draft, you will automatically be given players. It would behove (I luv that word!) you to be there for the draft and to have a list of players you want. You will not get every player you want because the draft goes in rotations and another member may pick the player you want. You will also be able to pick up backup players.It's kickoff time! Your team will be playing against another member's team every week. You want to win every game you play but the real football team does not have to win their game because you are going to accumulate points by what your players do in their real game. For example, your wide receiver catches a ball that was thrown a million yards away and he runs it in for a touchdown, you will receive XX amount of points for your fantasy team. Your defensive team starts with 20 pts and with every screw up they do in their real game, those points will be lessened. I can't stand the Dallas Cowgirls (sorry whattheck LOL!) but if I have a player on my FF team that plays for them, I'll be rooting for them cowgirls! During the season, real football teams will have a bi-week. Meaning they will not play a real game that week. Their taking a break from the all the cuncussions and broken bones! Remember, if you have a player that has a bi-week, HE WILL NOT MAKE ANY POINTS FOR YOU BECAUSE HE IS NOT PLAYING!!! This is very important to remember!! Replace him with your backup before the game starts!!We will be divided into 4 divisions and towards the end the season, the top 4 teams will go to the playoffs and then there will be 2 teams left to play the SuperBowl of Fantasy Football and everyone will be singing You are the champion Mben!!! There are other details, like trading players etc. but that's a whole other ballgame so run with this and GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE LADIES!! That includes Belgamo, whattheck, vacant1, peteyweestro, star8lagger and chas!!!!-- Edited by Mben on Sunday 9th of August 2009 01:53:04 PM


krystalkitty wrote: I'm in...Hubby said he would help me...And will read up on it...Any tips would be greatly appreciated LOL Our first pregame is Aug 14th. Can't believe football is almost here already. Time flies!!
Could borrow your hubby then?  
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queenmap wrote: LMAO...I love to watch the game, but really have no clue how to play either. Guess we need to read the rules at www.nfl.com to find out. I am still planning on kicking some butt!!
Alright sounds like a good plan...but...could you read and tell me all about it? oh, and don't forget to tell me how to KICK ANY BUTT!!! 
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you should have 2 teams bel so maybe then you could combine your points and may just beat me, but i still doubt it!!!


For the Record you never shoulda won that Superbowl game season before last I scored 40 points less than my lowest score that whole season in that game you got lucky Belgamo and you know it :)


Dont know if it is to late but my email address is bingonut945@suddenlink.net dont know much about it but will give it a try


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We still need one more player to sign up for Fantasy Football!!!!"
jonzee, did you ever get your invite email from Belgamo??


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Thank you elflady!! It'll be fun!! Go and read this little <a href="forum.spark?aBID=89469&p=3&topicID=30012824" target="_self" title="FF Beginners Guide">beginners guide </a>I wrote for all the ladies............peteyweestro, st8rlagger, chaz, whattheck, stallions, vacant1 and belgamo.HA HA HA HA HAI'm sure you can get a idea what FF is all about too!!


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Staff member
elflady, thank you so much for wanting to play and help us out. We did manage to get all 12 teams together."
Thanks again!!


I signed up in the beginning with belgamo but I guess I didnt get in its okay I just want to make sure I didnt so I dont mess things up incase I am reading who is in wrong?

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