Bel, As you may know (or guessed at) I am online almost 24/7, hunting fre chips just to play. I know I will never be able to withdraw, but how is that any different than when I DID deosit (way to fraking much, btw!), and I'd win, sometimes, but did I EVER request a withdrawal? Not in this lifetime I didn't! Sad to say, but true. It's just different playing with real money, rather than in fun mode, wherein you can reload your account helter skelter; it doesn't matter if you lose it all. Know what I mean?Anyhow, to get back on the subject, I played at Rich tonight, via your banner and code. Lost it as quickly as I do most other sites: fast, but it was a truly refreshing and enjoyable way to spend my time. I absolutely LOVE the graphics, there are a lot of games to choose from, and on top of it all, the game sounds are great too.When I redeem free chips and play, I ALWAYS, play keno almost exclusively,around 90% of the time. And the kicker is that I play the same numbers at ALL sites: the five column, and 51 through 59, sans 55, for 15 numbers, or I remove 51 and 59, and add 55, for 14 numbers. It is an experiment I have been conducting, just for curiosity's sake, not to mention that I am obsessive compulsive (NO DUHHHHH!). and in all that time and play, I have NEVER hit more than an occasional 8, a very rare 9, and only ONE, I repeat, ONE 10 of either the 14 or 15 numbers.I lost it fairly quickly here, but, again, the visual and audio stimulation I get from their keno, and slots was rememberable (I don't think that's a word, but it works, so . . . ) But I find it amazing, and mathematically impossible, if you ask me, that a supposedly random generator at so many sites, could avoid my numbers so often? I wish I had documented this, because it does not seem thar fair and equitable gaming is being had by all. I swear I'm not a conspiracy nut, just a regular nut who has seen the light Sorry to ramble, but it's what I do best. Tragic story, mine. An orphaned mother, and displaced worker the past three years since I lost my son, my best buddy, David, to Diabetes 2. I'm proud to say I raised him to be a man whom the world should have known more than the brief 19 years he was here, but I can escape via the playtime I put in online. Great therapy I think. But what do I know?