The reason behind the delay for these casinos: You are now chatting with 'Carol' Carol: Thank you for contacting customer service. This is Carol, how may I assist you? sara: Hi, are you having problems with your servers? sara: crazy slots, gocasino, and online vegas keep disconnecting me sara: the other casinos i can get on just fine, but i don't want them.
Carol: We would like to inform you that we are currently going through a general system update therefore the system in our end is not available at this moment.. We're expecting updates soon. We're sorry for any inconveniences. Please contact us later sara: so the tournaments you have going on, will they resume? Carol: yes, everything is currently paused until the update is donw Carol: *done sara: okay, when should i check back? sara: i won't quote you
sara: just an ballpark figure on when i should check back. Carol: I would say within the next 15-20 minutes we are still waiting for a response from our software provider sara: okay. thanks
Carol: Thank you for contacting us. Have a great night. sara: you too
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