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Grand Hotel is turning dirty...BEWARE


I belong to a site that rewards depositors at their sponsor casinos.  You can accumulate points and then cash them in at their sponsor casino for free bonuses if you have deposited in the past thirty days.Grand Hotel was one of their sponsors until now.  They have new management and apparently have turned against their players.  Heres the email I received from the owner of the other site:**The guy we were dealing with at Grand Hotel Casino, Colosseum Casino, Vegas 7 Casino and Vegas Country Casino appears to have been let go sometime in November 2008. We were not made aware of this fact at the time. We did eventually make contact with a couple of reps at the casino. Although all our efforts appear to have been a total waste of time. Grand Hotel Casino pulled out of the GoneGambling games sponsorship promotion without notice. This was in spite of my having forwarded to them a copy of an email (sent to them before they started sponsoring our games) that clearly stated we would need at least three weeks notice to let our members know if and when they did decide to withdraw from sponsoring bonuses on our games.  I have tried to make them see sense. What they have done is ripped off loyal players who made deposits of $50 or MORE with the expectations of being able to win bonuses from GoneGambling based on those deposits. The people I corresponded with didn't really see that it was a problem not letting players know. In fact, Pedro Calderón, who is the MiniVegas Casinos Media Buyer in Spain, told me he didn't like the 'tone' of my correspondence and that I wasn't to contact him again. Well, pardon me for caring about the casino not only doing the right thing, but being SEEN by players as trustworthy and reliable. I honestly thought casino management would have sorted this problem out instead of having staff pass the problem on in the hope that it would go away. They are saying one thing and doing another, which is not unusual in the Internet casino world.My correspondence was finally passed over to a new Marketing Director at the casino and I was told by Pedro Calderón that he or she would get back to me. That was over a week ago. I seriously doubt that anyone will get back to me now unless players start screaming and posting about how wrong the attitude of the casino is. Of course once the genie has been let out of the bottle, it's almost impossible to put him back again. I have seen this time and time again with Internet casinos. They let the genie out, and then panic in an effort to put him back, but it's too late, the name and reputation of the casino has been tarnished and in the minds of many players will remain that way. It makes no sense. When casinos take this attitude towards players, to save less than a couple of thousand dollars, what they are in fact doing is valuing their name and reputation at that $2,000 amount. Who want's to play at a casino that places such a low value on it's own name and reputation? I have been given the run around on this matter since early December, I did everything I could to protect the casinos reputation, I even kept the casino live on the site for the month in the hope that the problem would be resolved to everyone's satisfaction. To my mind, I'm the ONLY person to have really cared about the casinos reputation in the latter stages of 2008. I won't soldier on alone in 2009. Players now need to know what the attitude of the casino is towards them. I'm sorry but I can't help you further on this matter. I tried to have the casino management see sense and I failed. Good luck to you and other players getting a better result if you ever have a problem with Grand Hotel Casino.***Now I don't have alot of money to gamble so I decided to put what I did have into Grand Hotel thinking I would get a freebie from the site but, alas, Grand Hotel pulled a BIG dirty by pulling out without notice.  I personally am not going to be depositing there anymore if this is the direction they are going towards their loyal players.  Just something to think about.


I knew something was up with them.  I used to receive $5 free chips here and there from them, but haven't seen any for a couple of months.  I too signed up with Grand Hotel because of Gonegambling.  I was shocked to see that I could no longer do a conversion with them.  I'm glad I didn't have any withdrawls pending.  Thanks for posting your letter, it was extremely helpful.
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Felicie it was Grand that this particular problem was with.  I play at Vegas 7 also and got a bonus at Christmas and got loyalty bonus this month so I'm not too worried about them...YET!!! lol  They are part of the same group.


Personally, I wouldn't see this as a casino turning dirty . They've changed management & changed marketing - nothing unusual about that in business. In addition, their agreement was with the site owner, not the players themselves. He's mad about that & trying to turn players against the casino. In my opinion, anyway.


Thinks Too Much
well since i live in the US after Tuesday the 1rst of june be all over with for me."
Only good thing to come out of it is more disk space on my computer.

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