How to Celebrate National Punctuation Day® By Jeff RubinFounderNational Punctuation Day® <a href="" >See how people around the U.S. have celebrated National Punctuation Day.</a>I've been giving this a lot of thought, as several newspaper reporters who have interviewed me for stories have asked me this question.Here's a game plan for your celebration of National Punctuation Day® . A few words of caution: Don't overdo it.Sleep late. Take a long shower or bath. Go out for coffee and a bagel (or two). Read a newspaper and circle all of the punctuation errors you find (or think you find, but aren't sure) with a red pen. Take a leisurely stroll, paying close attention to store signs with incorrectly punctuated words. Stop in those stores to correct the owners. If the owners are not there, leave notes. Visit a bookstore and purchase a copy of Strunk & White's The Elements of Style. Look up all the words you circled. Congratulate yourself on becoming a better written communicator. Go home. Sit down. Write an error-free letter to a friend. Take a nap. It has been a long day.
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