It was a hoax! The moon landing, that is. bahahaha!
There's nothing hoaxy (I made up a new word lol) about "male model man buns"! Oh wait. I forgot about Photoshop. lol
Sure it did. (I'm just messing with ya. lol)Well, it's now 48 years - and it really did happen.
I love me some good conspiracies though.I appreciate your messing, but there are some idiots that honestly believe that it was all faked.
Sure, they are delusional, but some people can't stay away from drugs!
This had to be one of the later moon landings - the first landing didn't include a "buggy"Make that 49 years!
View attachment 10918
Where's the shadow from the flag and stick?Yes, I really meant to spell it that way!
46 years ago today...
Where's the shadow from the flag and stick?