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Heartbreak In My Town


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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A week ago on July 15th, there was a terrible accident where a Sheriff's deputy, who was responding to a call, accidentally hit a 10 year old boy with his vehicle and killed him. It was said that witnesses had seen this little boy run across the busy street throughout the day. It was an unfortunate accident that broke our hearts here in Tucson. The story can be read <a href="http://www.kgun9.com/news/local/Crews-on-scene-of-accident-where-deputy-hit-a-child-215602531.html" >here</a>. And now this ....4 days later on July 18th, his best friend, who witnessed the accident and is just 10 years old also, took his own life. That story can be read <a href="http://www.kgun9.com/news/local/Families-marred-by-death-of-boy-killed-by-deputy-best-friend--216387061.html" >here</a>.  My heart is breaking for 2 families now and I ask that God heals their broken hearts quickly. 
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Unreal the heartbreak some people must endure in life.My heart breaks for both the families. :boohoo: I have no doubt the young boys, best friends that they were, are together once again in Heaven.


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I am curious ... how does a 10 year old take their own life? I still have not heard how he did it but will keep my ears open. "
10 year olds shouldn't know things like that! But in today's world ..... sigh.


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Mikey7a wrote: Just heartbreaking all around. Mben, the second story link seems to be broken.
I saw that yesterday and thought it was just a hiccup but it does seem the story was pulled. Anyway, here's another <a href="http://www.kvoa.com/news/family-of-ten-year-old-struck-by-deputy-facing-two-tragedies/" >link</a>. 


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
You know why the story was pulled, which then left the broken link in the original post?Because the mother of the 2nd little boy LIED about him committing suicide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!UNBELIEVABLE!!!!<a href="http://www.kgun9.com/news/local/216873071.html" >http://www.kgun9.com/news/local/216873071.html</a>


This woman is either demented, or was trying to cash in on the first families grief. As you saw, that bar raised money to help bury the child that was killed. I realize there have been con artists since man first learned to speak, but in my opinion, it's all going to hell, and fast. I hope her crazy ass goes to prison for adding to the first families heartache!!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I agree, Mikey. The world is going to hell in a hand basket quick!

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