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Help!! I need answers about Cleo's VIP Room withdrawal


I really don't know if this is where I should post this, but here goes.  I was wanting to make a withdrawal from Cleo's VIP room.  Have really heard nothing but good things from this casino, but my first impression has not been that good as far as customer service is concerned.  I hope you or someone here can help me with a question I had for the customer service department, because they really were no help at all at explaining what I need to send in for withdrawal or any explanation or reasoning to send in a utility bill when you don't have one in your name.  Here is a copy of our conversation; and,  as you can see, I never got a logical answer to my question, nor did he/she? (profile pic was a a girl, but the name of the CSR was STEVEN!! lol) transfer me to someone else like I requested numerous times throughout our conversation.  Please help me with this!!  I don't want to play back my winnings and need to do this asap!!! -- Edited by Mben on Saturday 2nd of March 2013 11:50:47 AM
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I really don't know why the transcript of our conversation is so messed up, but I will try to post it again...... -- Edited by Mben on Saturday 2nd of March 2013 11:51:33 AM


I am sorry, don't really know what is happening with this post. Hope you can read the highlights of our conversation. If you have any questions, please send me a message and I will be happy to respond.


Here I go again, please edit the previous posts if you can. Finally got it copied correctly, sorry!!StevenHello Tonya. How may I help you?3:27 am Tonya I was wondering what I need to send you when I make a withdrawal?3:28 am And, how long does it take to receive the withdrawal....what form do I receive it in?I know I am probably throwing a lot at you at once, but I need to know all of this...3:29 am Also, can I withdraw to my debit card which has a routing number and account number? It is a Dollar General Visa.3:30 am Stevenhello tonya after you rquest a withdrawal, you have to wait for our message that will you ask you send us your driver's license, copy of your cards, utility bill and some other two documents that you have to sign3:30 am Tonya Ok, I don't have a utility bill, I live with my boyfriend3:31 am Steventhis utility bill is necessay to see your address and name3:31 am Tonya I understand, but I don't have one3:32 am is there something else I could send with my name and addresss on it?My car registration lists my address3:32 am Stevenwe need that document3:32 am Tonya my license do too as well3:32 am Stevenjust to see the addresswhere the money will be sent3:33 am Tonya If you don't have a utility bill in your name, you can't send one?3:33 am Stevennot your name , but your address3:33 am Tonya I have a lot of bills with my name and address on it that I could sendI know, but the utility bill is in his name....!! Not mine!3:34 am Stevenokjust his address3:34 am Tonya do you understand??3:35 am I can do that, but my name will not be on it at all and I really do not understand why you would need itWhy would you need his utility bill to show my identity? Does not make any sense at all!!???3:36 am Like I said, I have plenty of documents to send in with my name and address on it if you need them3:38 am I have phone statements, Credit and Debit cards, auto insurance and registration, Social Security proof of income letter,would any of these be sufficient?3:39 am helllo???3:40 am Guess I will need to speak with someone else about this matter, huh?3:40 am Stevenwe need this because the apartment in charge of payment requires it3:41 am Tonya the DEPARTMENT?3:41 am Steventhere is an area that is in charge of sending the moneythey need those documents to verify3:42 am Tonya think I need to speak with someone else who can explain this a little better to me, because I see no sense in sending something like that to prove my identity that has nothing to do with me and does not verify my addresss!!Can I please speak with someone else about this?3:43 am Stevenit's for saftey. Our payments have to be sent to the address our customers give us3:44 am Tonya I can see by looking at your profile pic and your name, that you may not be very knowledgeable on this issue or anything else as far as that is concernedwith that said, can I please speak with someone else on this matter?3:45 am because I really would like to make a withdrawal now, but it is important that I know what I need to send in to complete the transaction3:46 am StevenI already told you waht you need to send3:46 am Tonya The payment would be sent to my account, would it not?3:47 am Stevenwe will send you through a e check3:47 am Tonya ok, then why do you need a utility bill?you are making absolutely no sense at alle check is electronic3:47 am Steventhe department of payment needs this document to make sure that the money will be sent to the right address3:47 am Tonya wont go to my address??!!3:47 am Stevenits mainly for safety3:48 am anbd verification3:48 am Tonya You need to read what you are telling me here.....double check itbecause you are contradicting yourself3:49 am and there is no logic to anything you are saying3:49 am Stevenwe will send you a check to any bank near the place where you liveso we need to have your address as a verification3:50 am Tonya seems to me, it would be quite confusing to send in somebody else's utility bill that does not have my name on it to verify my address.....how the hell would that verify my address.....tell me that?3:50 am Steventhis requirment was established by the department of payments at cleos3:50 am Tonya BUT, like I said, how would that VERIFY anything.....with someone else's name on it3:51 am doesn't even have my name on the bill at allTHAT MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE AT ALL3:52 am Seems to me, that would throw up a red flag!And I don't want any red flags! Don't want it to hold my withdrawal up. And I'm afraid it will.3:54 am I am going to post this conversation on a forum that I am a member of, and will see if I can get any help from them. This is not really going anywhere and is wasting my, and your, time.3:55 am A copy of this will be sent to management of Cleo's as well.Seems customer service may need further training in this area4:07 am StevenTonya, Im just informing what I ve been told by this department.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
allnth69, your withdrawal is going to be ok from what I have read here. First of all in your mind, take your boyfriend and his utility bills out of the picture. You have enough documentation with your name and address to send them. I have sent in my car registration and insurance bill as proof as to who I am and where I live to casinos in the past and they were accepted with no problem. Once they get your docs, they will double check the address you registered with at the casino I'm pretty sure and everything should check out. Send them what you have. Then if there is a problem, start figuring out what to do. Right now, there really is no problem. Congrats on your cashout! :bigclap: Let us know what happens.PS - I am writing this reply as I send positive vibes your way that all will be ok. :smile:


I went ahead and sent in my docs, and as far as I can tell they are approved!! Yeah!! Sorry to get so worked up over this, but Steven already had made me pretty angry and frustrated because he obviously did not know what he was talking about. I am over it now, and I am so happy I've got money on it's way. It's about time!! Thanks for your help MBEN. Will let you know how the transaction goes.


For the future if you continue to play online, all of your chats are kept and referred back to for the casinos use. I read the entire thing and Steven did an outstanding job and was very patient with you.He told you he needs the utility bill even if your name was NOT on it, but for some reason you did not like that answer due to it was in your bf name?Most casinos have a rule ONE player per account PER HOUSEHOLD. So there are many many reasons for the utility bill with the address on it. Meaning if your BF has an account as well and lives in the same household you could NOT both play. Now I realize Cleo's has created a clever way of NOT saying they are a casino, but the withdrawal rules still apply and are the same for most cashouts. Also cussing at chat ppl is Never a good idea What the Hell does my bf name on a utility bill have to do with my identity its where you say you live!!If you continue to talk to chat ppl like this, especially if you are winning at a casino, and want to build a friendly relationship with them I really suggest you watch what you say in your chats. Especially because you want to get paid.Cause I guarantee, you do that again with them to another chat person, they can and will lock you out. Most casinos ask for many more documents than this, and it takes sometimes weeks to get verified, you are looking a gift horse in the mouth.


My DIL also had a problem witj Steven. She was a new player did not know about the current bonus deposited played for a hour or so then I told her went to chat steven would not give to her said rules stated need to request before play. This was her second deposit with a online casino very unexperienced player.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
jewelnurse wrote: My DIL also had a problem witj Steven. She was a new player did not know about the current bonus deposited played for a hour or so then I told her went to chat steven would not give to her said rules stated need to request before play. This was her second deposit with a online casino very unexperienced player.
Yeah, that term is always attached to their bonuses from what I have seen.It's too bad Steven with a girl avatar didn't give her a small comp chip. That would have been a case of doing right by the customer . 

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