Quote from PSP: I'm starting to believe that the only answer - cruel as it may be, is to answer some of these threats with such overwhelming carnage that our adversaries think twice about challenging our way of life. For example, what would our response be if North Korea lobbed a nuke at Japan or Hawaii? I'm afraid that anything other than massive nuclear retaliation would be an invitation for more attacks. It's a no-win situation, but can we afford to be passive? I agree with PSP. I make it a point to very seldom talk politics, with anyone, as it can so easily become heated. As for the Boston Bombings? I could very easily rant and rave for a long time but I wont. What happened was so wrong, on so many levels. The reason behind it, is still coming out. All I know is the surviving Brother is laying in a hospital, getting top notch care so he survives. Perhaps he can tell us more about the who and why this happened. He will survive I am sure. Have a lenghty trial where he will claim innocence. Blame someone else, claim insanity, etc etc. He will get three meals a day, medical care, and likely be in seclusion so nothing happens to him. Perhaps he will even get visits from his parents as well as his lawyer. What about the victims? Something just doesnt seem right that this guy has so many rights. I'm just saying. If he is found guilty he will then sit on death row for a number of years while his appeals play out. We are talking years. I know this is America, we are civilized, we dont take matters into our own hands. If we did, we would be no better than some of the other places we see on the news and find barbaric in their justice. I just want to know....when does this guy suffer anything? The poor victims, laying there, in pain, limbs blown off, bleeding, and crying. This accused won't ever come close to suffering the way he made others. This is the part that doesnt sit right with me. Talk about wrong. I know I am not alone in my feelings, Many Americans are angry and would like a piece of this guy if given the chance. Sigh..........