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How to React to a Bad Christmas Gift. LOL


When reacting to a bad Christmas gift you can let the giver know how you really feel, or lie. Lying though, just isn't enough. You have to have the right body language to really seal the deal. Difficulty: Moderately Easy Instructions </h2> <ol>When opening the gift, tear off the wrapping paper with reckless abandon. The enthusiasm that you put into unwrapping the present may translate into your reaction.Try to avoid the initial shock of getting, socks, peanuts or whatever the gift may be. If you are shocked, it will show and disappoint the gift giver.Say thank you enthusiastically, and follow up with an it's perfect . Just make sure that you don't overdo it because a thank you, it's perfect for a life sized wax statue of Rodney Dangerfield may come across as sarcasm.Smile. Always smile when saying thank you. This goes back to body language. A big old frown and a thank you seems like a formality or requirement.Try not to laugh if the gift is particularly bad, unless you are supposed to laugh.Try not to cry either.</ol> -- Edited by PMM2008 on Sunday 28th of November 2010 01:26:11 PM
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
....but I'd like a full-size Rodney Dangerfield wax statue! I'm doin' OK now, but yesterday was rough.... "


No respect, no respect at all...   I love Rodney Dangerfield.  Thanks for posting....                                                                               Pam
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Pretend that the gift is the best you've ever been given. Be enthusiastic about the gift, not just polite. The giver must never suspect that you really hate it.Think of an adjective to describe the gift without offending the giver. Words like unique or unusual are good choices. No one will know that you plan to hide the gift in a dark corner when you get home.Ask the giver where they got the gift. This is a good way to slyly discover where to return it, if the receipt is not included.Smile as you think of an equally bad gift to give to them. Planning your revenge is the best way to receive a bad gift while maintaining a polite and gracious smile.Just a few more tips for this Holiday season if you become the recipient of a BAD gift.
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  good advice !!  i plan on gifting the song by Cee Lo Gree:  F#@k You to my closest friends... guess if they don't like it they'll be re-gifting it to ME!!  lol(in which case, btw, they were never deserving of it anyway)
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Seriously wrote:   good advice !!  i plan on gifting the song by Cee Lo Gree:  F#@k You to my closest friends... guess if they don't like it they'll be re-gifting it to ME!!  lol(in which case, btw, they were never deserving of it anyway)
  I wasnt familar with the song, or video, so dont you know I had to look it up.                                                                                                      Pam 
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