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I am about to jump off the online gambling bandwagon thanks to Inebet


 <a title="Click to search for messages with same subject">Re: Your Account @ iNetBet!!</a>  FROM: <dl class="details"><dd class="hdr-info"><ul class="inline-items"> <a href="http://36ohk6dgmcd1n.yom.mail.yahoo.net/om/api/1.0/openmail.app.invoke/36ohk6dgmcd1n/4/1.0.35/us/en-US/view.html" title="support@inetbet.com">support inetbet</a> </dd><dt class="hdr-info">TO:</dt><dd class="hdr-info"><ul class="inline-items"> <a href="http://36ohk6dgmcd1n.yom.mail.yahoo.net/om/api/1.0/openmail.app.invoke/36ohk6dgmcd1n/4/1.0.35/us/en-US/view.html" title="stinger444444@yahoo.com">lane jones</a> </dd></dl> Friday, August 5, 2011 3:31 AM Message body</h3>Hi Lane,There are no post on our wall matching your name.We also note that you only just signed up to our page. This was done after the coupon was claimed?Regards,CSR LukeiNetBet Support<blockquote style="padding-right:0px;padding-left:5px;margin-right:0px;margin-left:5px;border-left-color:#5167c6;border-left-width:2px;border-left-style:solid;">----- Original Message ----- From: lane jones <a href="mailto:stinger444444@yahoo.com" >&lt;stinger444444@yahoo.com&gt; </a> To: Support <a href="mailto:support@inetbet.com" >&lt;support@inetbet.com&gt; </a> Cc: Date: Thursday, August 4 2011 11:14 AM Subject: Re: Your Account @ iNetBet!! I did post but I felt had to under my own name. I used my secondary email account and hope I do not get a lot of junk. Thank you.   From: Support &lt;support@inetbet.com&gt; To: stinger444444@yahoo.com Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2011 9:02 AM Subject: Re: Your Account @ iNetBet!! ? Dear Lane, Thanks for your mail. It sounds like your twitter account may have been compromised. As we said below, we don't make phone calls to players. You can use these sites without including your phone details. We're just waiting on your post on our facebook page as verification.   If there is anything else we can help you with please let us know.   Regards,   CSR LukeiNetBet Support   Please ?like? our Facebook page for all the latest news, coupons and exclusive free chips! <a href="http://www.facebook.com/iNetBet" >http://www.facebook.com/iNetBet </a>     <blockquote style="padding-right:0px;padding-left:5px;margin-right:0px;margin-left:5px;border-left-color:#000000;border-left-width:2px;border-left-style:solid;">----- Original Message ----- From: <a href="mailto:stinger444444@yahoo.com" title="stinger444444@yahoo.com">stinger444444@yahoo.com </a> To: <a href="mailto:support@inetbet.com" title="support@inetbet.com">Support </a> Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 3:55 PM Subject: Re: Your Account @ iNetBet!! Will do and regardimg the twitter alerts I never did sign up for alerts but started like month later, responded with STOP, contacted twitter to no avail, cancelled twitter but only 1 thing worked. Changing my phone number. I like what you showcase on social network sites but I do not like the way social networks do business.Sent from my LG phoneSupport &lt;<a href="mailto:support@inetbet.com" >support@inetbet.com </a>&gt; wrote:&gt;Dear Lane,&gt;&gt;Thanks for your mail.&gt;&gt;Regarding Tweets to your phone etc. You simply need to de-activate sms alerts on your twitter account. No phone calls were made from us so it could be your account was compromised.&gt;&gt;There is no problem with your facebook account being discreet, we simply need to verify that you are eligible to claim the facebook promos. If you could put a simple message up noting your win and including your username we can proceed.&gt;&gt;If there is anything else we can help you with please let us know. &gt;&gt;Regards,&gt;&gt;CSR Luke&gt;iNetBet Support&gt;&gt;Please 'like' our Facebook page for all the latest news, coupons and exclusive free chips! <a href="http://www.facebook.com/iNetBet" >http://www.facebook.com/iNetBet </a>&gt;&gt;&gt; ----- Original Message ----- &gt; From: lane jones &gt; To: Support &gt; Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 1:06 PM&gt; Subject: Re: Your Account @ iNetBet!!&gt;&gt;&gt; I go to facebook under a login that is not my own to be honest just like twitter because a few months ago I signed up for twitter just so I could receive your updates and what did I get? Tweets to my cell phone, constant emails and unsolicited phone calls. I prefer anonimity because that is the way I am and always will be. and I have also have become a fan of not receiving bothersome calls, emails and that very annoying spamware. I am however questioning why after a cashout that you are questioning my facebook promo eligibility when I redeemed numerous free chips on Twitter and Facebook. Please inform me if this is an issue with me keeping my personal life personal because I like your casino but if I get any issues over this withdrawal then I can honestly say I will not continue to play with you. I fully understand your procedure but I am a disabled Gulf War Veteran who receives a monthly VA Pension from the Federal Government, I use my bank account to fund my account, I pay my bills, my kids are well taken care of but I prefer to keep my internet gambling hobby as it has been for the previous 13 years and that is as quiet as possible. Thank you for all your help and I still think you have the best site!&gt;&gt;&gt; From: Support &lt;<a href="mailto:support@inetbet.com" >support@inetbet.com </a>&gt;&gt; To: lane jones &lt;<a href="mailto:stinger444444@yahoo.com" >stinger444444@yahoo.com </a>&gt;&gt; Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2011 3:02 AM&gt; Subject: Your Account @ iNetBet!!&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Dear Lane,&gt;&gt; Firstly WTG on your win!!&gt;&gt; We're having a little trouble verifying you as a friend on facebook, please could you post up a quick message regarding your win on our wall? We can then check you are eligible. It would also be nice for everyone to hear about your win! :)&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www.facebook.com/iNetBet" >http://www.facebook.com/iNetBet </a>&gt;&gt; If there is anything else we can help you with please let us know. &gt;&gt; Regards,&gt;&gt; CSR Luke&gt; iNetBet Support&gt;&gt;&gt;iNetBetCasino [/QUOTE] FACEBOOK SPECIAL CODE (Facebook bonus 100% match 15x d&b 40 for VP) - DG9Y8 - Good thru Tues & Weds...Of course there is nothing stating I have to expose myself just to cashout. [/QUOTE]    Reply to:Reply to support inetbet Reply to support inetbet  <a href="http://36ohk6dgmcd1n.yom.mail.yahoo.net/om/api/1.0/openmail.app.invoke/36ohk6dgmcd1n/4/1.0.35/us/en-US/view.html" title="Send Reply">Send</a>  
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
So, let me see if I get this straight, stinger.1. You claimed the free code on iNetBet's FB page, made playthrough and cashed out.2. Now they want to verify that you liked them before they posted the code to see if you are eligible for the cashout. ( liking them before the code is posted and claimed is one of the T's and C's)3. They say they cannot find you or the log in you went in under when you liked them. If I understand that all correctly, can you find the like from the FB account you logged in with and maybe take a screen shot and send it to them as verification?I can completely understand not wanting to post under your own name or FB account just to keep what you do as a hobby to yourself. I was hesitant to post as myself also just because it's non of my friends business what I do in my spare time unless I have told them specifically. I do hope you get it all straightened out with them.


It most likely will not but I personally feel like I am being railroaded to admit that I do not follow them on Facebook but to be truthful I have been following them for at least past 2 months but since I am being treated unjustfully along with having them remove my Facebook post at least 3 times (Who else could remove it). The only way I got the codes were on Facebook and Twitter. Isn't that what a fan or follower is?


<a href="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002726834449" >Lane Jones </a> I just want to say how much I love Inetbet! I used your Facebook 100% promo, deposited $30 and won $375! User-stinger444444. </h6><a href="http://us.mg.mail.yahoo.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=128763147216984&id=100002726834449" >23 hours ago </a> This is what I posted on the facebook wall but mysteriously it has vanished and I have reposted at least 3 times. I would not delete my own post so who on your end is and I saw it just above Connie Fi yesterday then was gone again.       This is your Wall. Update your status, share photos, post links, and upload videos for your friends to see. <ul class="yiv2035079898uiList yiv2035079898uiStream yiv2035079898fbProfileStream"><li class="yiv2035079898pvm yiv2035079898uiStreamMinistoryGroup yiv2035079898uiListItem yiv2035079898uiListLight yiv2035079898uiListVerticalItemBorder"> RECENT ACTIVITY <ul class="yiv2035079898uiList"><li class="yiv2035079898mbs yiv2035079898uiStreamStory yiv2035079898uiUnifiedStory yiv2035079898uiStreamMinistory yiv2035079898uiListItem yiv2035079898uiListVerticalItemBorder"><em class="yiv2035079898UIImageBlock_Image yiv2035079898UIImageBlock_ICON_Image yiv2035079898img yiv2035079898sp_82bsig yiv2035079898sx_e62bd7"><a href="http://us.mg.mail.yahoo.com/neo/" title=""> </a> I just want to say how much I... on <a href="http://www.facebook.com/iNetBet" >iNetBetCasino </a>'s <a href="http://us.mg.mail.yahoo.com/iNetBet/posts/128763147216984" >Wall </a>.<var></var></h6>     From: support inetbet &lt;support@inetbet.com&gt; To: stinger444444@yahoo.com &lt;stinger444444@yahoo.com&gt; Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 3:28 AM Subject: Re: Your Account @ iNetBet!! Blank email?     She did not scroll down to read my message but here is evidence that I did post but yet it has again done a David Copperfield.
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I know it's a lot of space but I need someone else to see this:I have not told you different stories and I have been 100% honest. I am expecting this to be resolved by Monday because I am deleting the Facebook account with my name associated with it no later than Tuesday. My account was on fraud alert by Inebet only and your representative corrected it hence abling me to deposit $130 total in less than week time span. I used a Facebook login and no I will not disclose due to promise I will not. Either pay or not but will continue posting the updates on this issue. The No Deposit Forum until this wrong is righted. I do not harbour any dislike for you (you get a lot of praise) but a follower or fan should not be forced to put his or her name out there or login every day to participate in your offers. I do not like social networks and now I really know why but please do not call me a liar because I still like your site but after I re-post again today I will never go back to your Twitter or Facebook pages ever again. Thank you.   Dear Lane,Thanks for your mail.I hope you are not insinuting that your posts are being deleted?You have told us several different stories in relation to our facebook page. That you signed up under another name, now you are posting under your name but we don't see this on our page.Please forgive us for being cautious here, however there are fraud alerts on your account so we will proceed with due care.Please could you try posting up again? Or send a friend request to Emily, you can then direct message her.Regards,CSR JaneiNetBet Support <li class="clearfix"><a href="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002726834449"><img class="img" src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/static-ak/rsrc.php/v1/yo/r/UlIqmHJn-SK.gif" /></a>Lane JonesLane Jones Lane Jones posted to iNetBetCasino I just want to say how much I love Inetbet! I used your Facebook 100% promo, deposited $30 and won $375! User-stinger444444. </h6><a href="http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=129728650453767&id=100002726834449"><abbr class="timestamp" title="Sunday, August 7, 2011 at 7:52am">28 minutes ago </abbr></a> · Like Unlike · <ul class="uiList uiUfi focus_target fbUfi"><li class="uiUfiAddComment clearfix uiUfiSmall ufiItem ufiItem uiListItem uiListVerticalItemBorder uiUfiAddCommentCollapsed"><img class="uiProfilePhoto actorPic UIImageBlock_Image UIImageBlock_ICON_Image uiProfilePhotoMedium img" src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/static-ak/rsrc.php/v1/yo/r/UlIqmHJn-SK.gif" />  Write a comment...   Press Enter to post your comment.
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Hi stinger4444:I have read thru the post on this issue several times, and I am only being honest when I say I am still unsure exactly what is going on.I know you are upset at InetBet about a facebook issue.  I  am understanding they are reportedly removing your posts, yet they claim they are not.Am I to unbderstand this is about a cashout issue?  Rather if you liked them or not?I apologize for not understanding better your situation. I am trying to, and hope you can clear it up for me.                                                                                                    Pam


 Actually I am not upset with them but unhappy would be the word and yes my $375 cashout(had over $500 that could of sunmitted). The CSR Jane said my account IS, not WAS alerted for fraud. A guilty person would not post this: Hi Lane,We just got the following email: Please note that this account was associated with evidence 1-1 (credit card fraud).The account is now free from evidence and will be able to deposit, but please let us know of any fraudulent activity in the future So please try again now.Regards,CSR LukeiNetBet Support -----<blockquote style="padding-right:0px;padding-left:5px;margin-right:0px;margin-left:5px;border-left-color:#5167c6;border-left-width:2px;border-left-style:solid;"> From: lane jones <a href="mailto:stinger444444@yahoo.com" >&lt;stinger444444@yahoo.com&gt; </a> To: Support <a href="mailto:support@inetbet.com" >&lt;support@inetbet.com&gt; </a> Cc: Date: Tuesday, July 26 2011 10:47 AM Subject: Re: iNetBetCasino - Not Played Recently... ? Just a little frustrated but I really appreciate all of your help.   From: Support &lt;support@inetbet.com&gt; To: stinger444444@yahoo.com Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 5:35 AM Subject: Re: iNetBetCasino - Not Played Recently... ? ?Dear Lane, Thanks for your mail. I am sorry but I do not understand your attitude. There are FRAUD WARNINGS on your account, we cannot ignore these. The processors will not let your card through, we have contacted them on your behalf? If there is anything else we can help you with please let us know. Regards, CSR FrediNetBet Support <blockquote style="padding-right:0px;padding-left:5px;margin-right:0px;margin-left:5px;border-left-color:#000000;border-left-width:2px;border-left-style:solid;">----- Original Message ----- From: <a href="mailto:stinger444444@yahoo.com" title="stinger444444@yahoo.com">stinger444444@yahoo.com </a> To: <a href="mailto:support@inetbet.com" title="support@inetbet.com">Support </a> Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 12:28 PM Subject: Re: iNetBetCasino - Not Played Recently... ? You told me that was needed to deposit but forget it just shred my paperwork and stop emailing me.Sent from my LG phoneSupport &lt;<a href="mailto:support@inetbet.com" >support@inetbet.com </a>&gt; wrote:&gt;Thanks for your mail.&gt;&gt;Perhaps you did not understand our last email. The card processors are blocking your card because a previous fraud warning again your name. There is nothing we can do about this other than request an explanation from you and them.&gt;&gt;If there is anything else we can help you with please let us know. &gt;&gt;Regards,&gt;&gt;CSR Luke&gt;iNetBet Support&gt;&gt;Please ?like? our Facebook page for all the latest news, coupons and exclusive free chips! <a href="http://www.facebook.com/iNetBet" >http://www.facebook.com/iNetBet </a>&gt; ----- Original Message ----- &gt; From: lane jones &gt; To: Support &gt; Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 3:00 PM&gt; Subject: Re: iNetBetCasino - Not Played Recently... ?&gt;&gt;&gt; I have copied and pasted what I was instructed to do from our past emails:&gt;&gt;&gt; &gt; Thursday, June 16, 2011 2:44 AM&gt; Message body&gt; Dear Lane,&gt; Thanks for your mail.&gt; We require a fully completed fax back form in order to complete the verification of your account, instructions: <a href="http://www.inetbet.com/banking/verificationform.asp" >http://www.inetbet.com/banking/verificationform.asp </a>&gt; We can then increase your security settings, this will allow you to deposit.&gt; Please forward this to us at your earliest convenience. &gt; Regards,&gt; CSR Luke&gt; iNetBet Support&gt; ----- Original Message ----- &gt; From:lane jones &gt; To: support inetbet &gt; Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 11:43 PM&gt; Subject: Re: iNetBetCasino - Not Played Recently... ?&gt;&gt;&gt; Every option states contact Customer Service. One representative stated maybe I had a credit card chargeback which is not true.&gt;&gt;&gt; From: support inetbet &lt;<a href="mailto:support@inetbet.com" >support@inetbet.com </a>&gt;&gt; To: lane jones &lt;<a href="mailto:stinger444444@yahoo.com" >stinger444444@yahoo.com </a>&gt;&gt; Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 4:25 PM&gt; Subject: Re: iNetBetCasino - Not Played Recently... ?&gt;&gt;&gt; Hi Lane,&gt;&gt; Thanks for your mail, we have not blocked anything, the restrictions in place are completely out of our control.&gt; We would recommend that you use the Express Payment option available via your Casino Cashier. This great new option allows you to fund your account using your credit card, the funds are added instantly.&gt; We can still offer MyPayLiq, Click2Pay and Bank Wire in terms of payouts. We are also adding an Overnight Check facility within the next couple of days.&gt; We have no US players who we have not managed to pay with one method or the other.&gt; If there is anything else we can help you with please let us know. &gt; Regards,&gt; CSR Luke&gt; iNetBet Support[/QUOTE] [/QUOTE]
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And my Facebook has been removed again. This is funny. Posted it twice and sent post to manager Emily Hanson but of course they would never do that. Maybe the Inetbet Casino pet saw a additional jerky treat on the DELETE button, licked it up and deleted all 8 of my posts.


 I am in no way making threats and I could care less if you feel threatened about me posting the facts about our interactions ON MY FORUM I have been member of for several years. I want my cashout approved and will go away quiety and post or my depposits ($130) refunded but with option 2 the posts will stay or option 3 which is I will contact the Federal Government and report your transactions. Gulf War Veteran here with Federal funds associated to my account. Bye bye!   From: support inetbet &lt;support@inetbet.com&gt; To: lane jones &lt;stinger444444@yahoo.com&gt; Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2011 10:54 AM Subject: Re: Your Account @ iNetBet!! Hi Lane,Thanks for your mail.Firstly please do not make threats in relation to forums. Our policy is to contact the board owners when their sites are being used as leverage in cases like this. Forum owners do not like their boards being used like this.Nobody has called you a liar, the accusations have all been made by you. Unless you can provide the info we need to confirm you were follow us prior to claiming the facebook exclusive offers then you will be deeming not eligible for the coupon. I am sorry but this is the only reasonable course of action.We also note that you 'liked' our page under your real name after you won on the coupon. Considering you are also refusing to disclose the alias you claimed to be using we find ourselves at a point where we cannot help you.Regards,CSR JaneiNetBet Support
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stinger4444:It is obvisous you are upset with this situation.   I appreciate the fact of you sharing your story with us here at NDF. However, as you know, there are ALWAYS two sides to every story, and the Casino INetBet has their side too.  Some of the same people here that we share the forum with like Inet Bet and have not had any issues as you are having now.  I certainly hate to see a member and a casino have problems like this.When things get heated, it becomes a sticky situation.  We as moderators are here to do just that. Moderate.  Both sides having a equal say in what is being discussed. I have no idea if Mben or Belgamo can or will discuss your situation with InetBet, and as of today, both are unavailable to do anything in reference to this.There is a fine line between sharing a experience here on the forum for other members to see and benefit, VS..using our forum for personal gain or to use it for an advantage over the casino when having issues with them.   Please remember this when posting any additional posts here about Inetbet about this situation, and I will see if Mben or Belgamo can do anything for you.Thank you so much....                                                                                    Pam   


Understand what you are saying but I am not perfect and I make a lot of mistakes but Inebet is not free from mistakes just like any other site. They made a rule after the fact because they did not want to pay and could have used another bonus. Sometimes standing up would bring chance for the better for everyone else and I never think of just myself so I am done with them and cancelling my account here also because I do not feeling like bad guy by calling someone on their made up terms to a deposit  bonus and they have yet to show me *terms under Facebook following. I really appreciate the support and PM's from other fellow members!


stinger4444 wrote: Understand what you are saying but I am not perfect and I make a lot of mistakes but Inebet is not free from mistakes just like any other site. They made a rule after the fact because they did not want to pay and could have used another bonus. Sometimes standing up would bring chance for the better for everyone else and I never think of just myself so I am done with them and cancelling my account here also because I do not feeling like bad guy by calling someone on their made up terms to a deposit  bonus and they have yet to show me *terms under Facebook following. I really appreciate the support and PM's from other fellow members!
 There is certainly no reason to cancel your account here stinger4444. NO ONE is calling you the bad guy.You are a good and valuble member. Please understand, I am just doing what I am asked to do, which is moderate and watch the forum for possible situations that may arise.Your thread was getting a little heated, and I just want to make sure that your anger at InetBet isnt making you leave here as well, because I never meant any disrespect in any way.  :boohoo:Your thread was valuble to alot of members, and as I said before, we appreciate it.Hope you stick around stinger4444.                                                                                      Pam


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Let my add my 2 cents here - just because :thumb:stinger4444, I completely understand your frustration - HOWEVER this isn't 2006. If you play at online casinos, you have to realize that they (in general) are not honorable people. They will invoke ANY excuse not to pay any winner, regardless of whether they deposited or not. You have to follow their rules TO THE LETTER - and even then, there's no guarantee that you will get paid.I do not doubt for a moment that you like d them on Facebook, but by your own admission, it was AFTER you took their Facebook like bonus. You went back and like d them after the fact, and it seems that they keep deleting those posts. This is their ticket not to pay you - no matter how much you fight and complain, they aren't going to concede and pay you.The entire online gambling scene isn't like it used to be. If you expect to be paid for any wins, you better be ready to follows their rules to the letter - if not to the extreme. The other option is to do what I do until everything changes (which IMO will be sooner than later) - play all of their free bonuses, but don't ever expect to be paid. I haven't deposited anywhere in over a year - what's the point if you aren't going to get paid anyway? Enjoy it for what it is - free entertainment. Keep putting in your withdrawal requests and laugh when they come up with another lame excuse why they aren't going to pay.In the near-term, if you expect to be paid for your winnings, please take a look at the brick and mortar casinos in your area. In general, they will pay IF you win - but that's the tough part. The Indian casinos around here are incredibly tight, so winning isn't much of an option.I apologize for being Debby Downer here, but that's the reality of the situation. I don't like it any more than you do, but at the moment there's nothing we can do about it.Play - Win - Keep Laughing :thumb:  


Pam my leaving had nothing to do with you and I been contemplating this for a while and I have refrained posting any more but will say she found Lane Jones and still won't pay because I lied about my age and dishonesty is not tolerated but who cares because they made me laugh at the joke that money makes people do so what if my privacy cost me $375. I loved this site and all the good people. I will cherish the memories from all the crazy posts. Belgamo and MBen and never forget ones that were on this forum (Whiskey RIP) thank you very much. Please somone delete Inetbet emails from my post so it doesn't infuence newbies not to play there because better to not keep that nonsense over $375 a distant memory. Goodbye everyone and stay safe. Take care!


Wishing you all the best Stinger4444.Please come back from time to time and tell us how you are. :roll:                                                                                                    Pam


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I said I didn't want to bump the thread in a PM to stinger, but what the heck? Here's my reply in a PM to him.(stinger, thanks for remembering Whiskey. RIP my dear friend) Hey Lane,I wanted to let you know that I read through your iNetBet thread this morning (I have been on vacation since my post to you in that thread) and wanted to reply there but didn't want to bump up the thread.I read where you were going to close your account here on the forum and I see that you haven't. Which is a good thing. I don't want you to close your account, being that you are such a long time member, because of the acts of a casino. I know it's frustrating to be (sorry to be so blunt) dicked around by casinos but if we let shit like that get to us, it will eat us alive. I can see fighting for thousands of dollars (remember my Bet Royal thread?) but for a couple of hundred and off of a free chip? Not worth it to me. Screw them and move on to another casino, is what I am getting at, I guess.I can see where you are coming from though, as far you know what you did as far as getting that free chip and you were in the right. But regarding what PSP wrote, the casinos will find any loophole to get them out of having to pay you. So with that said, I hope we do see you here on the forum from time to time and that wherever you do play at, you will come out a winner always! 
Take care,Mben
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I know you are about a Facebook problem InetBet upset. I understand it is said that they delete your posts, but they claim they are not. I unbderstand This is a cashout problems? If you like or not?

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