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I Lost Sight .....


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Sometimes we lose sight of what's around us.As my heart swelled with love for my grandson and his promotion, other parents and grandparents in Moore, OK, their hearts were broken beyond comprehension. My heart feels their pain but not even a minuscule fraction of what they are feeling.May their healing start soon.  


Hi Mben....Don't be to hard on yourself about celebrating Michaels accomplishments.  I know for a fact if any one of us could change the outcome of that awful storm, we would without hesitation, even if it meant sacraficing something of our own.It is part of our human spirit of survival that we continue to move on just as others are not able to at this time.  The human spirit.When these horrible things happen to good people, and I need a way to get my head around it, my faith helps me greatly.I actually am unable to watch CNN for an extended period of time without beginning to feel overwhelmed with grief for these poor people.I prayed and continue to pray for them, and I can tell you this, if I had any money at all, I would send it to them. Never have I seen a more deserving situation than this.It is no ones fault, no one to blame, and that makes it difficult.Ecspecially when there is children involved, our hearts breaks.  Children are the most innocent and vulnerable victims.Celebrating Michaels accomplishments was the right thing to do because all the while you are celebrating, your heart is with the people of Oklahoma and God knows that.Hug Michael even tighter for awhile, :roll:and hug him for me.I just want to say I appreciate this thread, and your honesty in it.I guess I needed to talk about it a little bit, and it is a comfort to know others are deeply affected by this tradegy as I am.  


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Thanks for your reply, Pam. I do understand that we are allowed to celebrate what is happening in our own lives in times when tragedy is striking others. I guess I didn't want others to think I was heartless when it came to those who are suffering with the devastation that the tornado caused. What triggered it was when I went to my Facebook page last night and read post after post from people that said nothing about the victims in OK, but went on and on about their own stuff. I have never really liked Facebook only because I have some friends who constantly brag about themselves. I brag too but I also have a heart but like I said, I lost sight as I was bragging about Michael. But he deserved all my bragging and he always will. :)

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