If Washington D.C. can do it, why can't other states? Do what you ask? Legalize online gambling within their borders. Even though the Dept of Justice made online gambling illegal on a federal level by passing the UIGEA in 2006, it did not list individual states within the bill.So now, states who are in desperate need of revenue have started thinking about allowing online gambling within their states. Just as Washintong D.C. did last year within a budget bill that was passed. The deistrict is even moving ahead with plans to create a site that will cater to their residents to allow them to enjoy and play casino like games. This is all according to the New York times. Online gaming news in the USA is becoming more prevelant as time goes by. This can only mean that lawmakers at the state and federal levels will be hard pressed to take a closer look at what gaming revenue can do for many states and a country as a whole. Money talks ....... and (you know the rest).