Hello everyone:Being a new kid on the block so to speak here at the forum is kinda a funny thing to me.It brings back memories of my first day in a new school, or the first day on a new job, any situation where you get a feeling of starting new. Regardless what your history is , your experience is, starting in a new place is just a scary thing to do, at least to me. I don't know anyone. Will I be liked? Will anyone talk to me? lol Will I be able to contribute, will people laugh at my jokes, all question that run thru my mind. Feelings like this really do follow alot of us thru our life, and regardless of how old we get, it is still important to us to be well recieved in our new place of choice.We are all new , somewhere, at some point in our lives. Thankfully, I have been well recieved here. I recognize a few names, and that makes me feel better. People are saying hello and welcoming me in my new home. We all know here at forums there are people who are active each day, and some that just pass thru. I like to be active each day. I find so much more in a forum than a free chip. I find friends. Guess I just wanted to write down some random thoughts tonight. As a writer, I like to write my thoughts down and share them. Hope thats okay. Pam(PMM2008)
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