I need some Keno strategy, if there is such a thing.When I am down to my comp points, mostly at RTG casinos, I run, not walk, to Keno. I can wager one cent on a Keno game and have the potential to win big from what the payoff chart shows.What I want to know is what strtegic moves do you all use when playing Keno? I ask because I have yet to hit anything big. Once I hit 300 coins but was only betting a penny. A quarter bet would have made me happy. lolAll I want is that one hit when I am playing 15 numbers at one cent to receive $28 for hitting 11 numbers.So what do you do?1. Pick the same numbers all the time?2. Use the random pick option?3. Change your numbers for each bet?4. Use the 5 and 10 times play option or click every time for a one at a time play?5. Do you pick 15 numbers all the time?6. What amount of spots usually pays you something? Meanining do you play 9 spots because you noticed that you win more often than choosing 15 spots? Any help would be greaty appreciated! Thanks! Then we move to scratch cards. lol RTG scratch games suck though because they are a $1 minimum per game. Bummer.