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Liberty Slots issue


Hi No Deposit Forum, I have encountered a problem with Liberty Slots recently. Let me give you the run down. Ok I am a faithful depositor at this casino cuz it is my very favorite!! Well I had my cc stolen about 2 weeks ago that I used to make deposits on my casino account and I did start using a different card to make my last probably 7 deposits and on my last deposit I won and tried make a withdraw of my winnings of $3000.00 and that is when my account was blocked and I could no longer even sign in on my account. Finally got someone to correspond with me about the issue as to why it was blocked and they said it was due to some chargebacks that had happened. I believe that there was 4 or 5 total and the amount of them totaling $185 which I have told them I would without a problem pay the amount of the charge backs. They requested a copy of my card that has now been canceled and I have sent them the documents they requested 2 times now and have not heard anything. I chatted with someone named Vicki via live chat and she said that I wasn't going to get my winnings because of the current issue. I don't know if she just didn't know the extent of my account resolution or what. Cuz she didn't even know how to email me a copy of our live chat?? Let me give you my account info LS0617779565 Heather Ortegon 02/1/1972 Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you and look forward to hearing from you! Heather Ortegon


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Hi Heather,I sent your concerns to the casino rep. I will let you know what he finds out for you.


omg Heather- that's a shame to hear cuz this is my favorite casino too. and what a nice win!!! It sure sounds like they locked your account because of your cashoutand NOT the charge backs!! ... like they don't take issue about the chargebacks as long as you losing!!I really hope they make this right and pay you. Please post what happens :)(if i could'nt cashout from a casino where i made lots of deposits, i'd go back and dispute them!!)seriously


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Staff member
Heather, I heard back from the rep and I'm sorry but there is nothing that we can do for you.According to the casino, multiple chargebacks were made (a lot more than what you stated here) and two of which were from January (which was farther back than the 3 weeks now that you say your credit card had been stolen) and every successful transaction from March and April. The casino was notified about the chargebacks from the processor the day you won. The casino has no record of you reporting your credit card had been stolen. The casino feels that if you hadn't won, you would have never reported the stolen credit card and just let the chargebacks occur. And since you won, you wanted your winnings and came asking for help. Chargebacks are a very serious issue when it comes to casino processors. It can be very damaging. And because of that fact, you became a liability to the casino and they had to close your account and confiscate your winnings. Your deposits have been refunded so they would not get hit with more chargebacks. Again, I am sorry.-- Edited by Mben on Friday 25th of May 2012 01:10:10 AM


I found this..... Online casinos along with the other service providers involved offer certain facilities to the players. If the players use these facilities in the true spirit then the entire system runs like a well-oiled machine and everyone benefits. However if the players abuse the facilities given then everyone suffers. One common abuse that is most reported by online casinos is players informing credit card companies that they did not make the transactions depositing funds in online casinos and therefore their account should be credited or charged back . Credit cards offer credit to their users. The users can pay online or offline using the credit cards without any money being paid. The credit card company then pays the vendor and charges the credit card user in a consolidated monthly statement. Players use their credit cards to fund online casino accounts. The credit card company clears the funds to the online casino and the player starts wagering. When the player receives the statement from the credit card company he denies having sanctioned the payment and demands a charge back.This forces the credit card company and the online casino to carry out an investigation. Such investigations are an unnecessary cost to these organizations and hence are not appreciated. Pending investigation the credit card company may hold the actual transfer of funds to the online casino. The online casino will definitely prevent the customer from using its services. And the player cannot hope to get away with this. The transactions are made through secure channels that prevent abuse. Also the details of the transaction are recorded and archived and hence can be retrieved for investigation. The security processes in place are so strong that not only the exact date and time of the transaction is known but also the IP address of the computer from which the transaction was carried out. Hence due investigation will prove that the player made the transaction. Only a lot of people would have spent time and effort and unnecessary cost would have been incurred.Both the online casinos and credit card companies consider illegitimate charging back as fraud and the consequences for the player are disastrous. The credit card company will cancel the card and therefore the player will not be able to use it for other purposes as well. In addition the credit card company will pursue all means at its disposal to recover the dues. The online casino will eject the player and block him from participating again. And if the player is under the impression that there are other credit card providers and other online casinos then he is mistaken. Both online casinos and credit card providers share information about fraudulent clients so the player may find his other memberships being blocked as well and his applications elsewhere will be turned down. Hence gamble responsibly and do not try to recoup losses using fraudulent means because you will be caught and be worse off than before.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Very nicely put, IEatGoanna. That's what a chargeback is.


my comment wasn't directed toward  tamaroa or ieatgoanna. sorry if ya'll thought so.......i don't beleive in chargebacks when a person makes a decision to use a card to deposit:surprise:


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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mlkmn5029 wrote: my comment wasn't directed toward  tamaroa or ieatgoanna. sorry if ya'll thought so.......i don't beleive in chargebacks when a person makes a decision to use a card to deposit:surprise:
I knew absolutely who your comment was directed at, mlkman. Chargebacks suck and players like Heather need to think twice before claiming them. 
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Ok Ok Ok..... I thought this page was for casino help, not bashing of other members of NDF???Secondly, I personally know Heather. Truth be known I've been best friends with her since about the 4th grade :0)Maybe I can explain things a lil better to y'all?Have any of you ever had a cc stolen or know the bullSh*t that comes with trying to figure out who, when and where it was taken from? I know that this has been no day at the park by no means for Heather and when she was locked out of her account by Liberty Slots we both we like...HUH?? Neither one of us even knew what a charge back was or that it was even possible to basically recall a deposit after it had already been processed. Gosh I was sittin right next to her whenshe was chatting with the casino rep when we was trying to get to the bottom of all of it. Trust and believe the last thing that Heather wanted was to not be able to play there because that is our favorite site. When she told me what they were doin to her and I myself know that she did not intentionally report to the cc company to charge back ALL of the deposits she had made. For what?? What would that gain? NOTHING!! In our eyes because we are not abusers!!! We both have been depositing online for many years and never once had an issue or obviously even knew what a chargeback was.ANd Mben, Heather also found out AFTER she wrote in asking for some kind of help or to be directed somewhere, that there has indeed been more chargebacks! UGH!!! She even offered for them to tally up all the deposits made with said card and offered to pay them via western union (person to person) or Money Gram to make it right with them.And.....I didn't know that it had to be reported to a casino when a cc is canceled stolen or what ever the issue may be. Niether did she!!  SO, WITH ALL DUE RESPECTS NDF....I AM KIND OF EMBARRASED!! Embarrased because I was the one that told Heather to contact NDF because I have never had anything but good experiences with y'all and thought that the same kind of repects would be given to her as well. Everytime we chatted with them and was told to do this or that it was done without knowing that there was more chargebacks to follow. She contacted the cc company and told them not to do any more that were in such nature of the priors. We contacted Security, sent in the requested documents and like I said before offered to pay them whatever the $$ amount is that needs to be paid.So all of you that jumped the gun before even getting to the start line might want to consider this:NO ONE IS STUPID !!!! It is called ignorance.....what the definition of IGNORANCE is: NOT KNOWING!!! So perhaps there is IGNORANCE ON AL SIDES OF THIS ISSUE???HHHMMMM think about it.Sorry guys but those that had the rude or ignorant comments really pissed me off!! :angry:Well I hope everyone has a safe and fun Memorial weekend.Thanks Mben for you assistance. even though I feel like an ass! No worries I will always love you Mod's here and the other members as well. Just remember that we all make mistakes and for sure a lesson has been learned!!!  bye for now!Norleen :0)  
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well explained norleen....sorry 4 tha comment i made on that...i make mistakes too and figured after i posted that that i probably stuck my fooot in da mouth:surprise:


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Norleen,I'm am very sorry that Heather's issue turned this way. I never want our members to feel embarrassed, let alone the member that referred them to us. We ARE here to help when we can.With that said, I wish I had more insight on Heather's issue from the beginning. I wish I knew she was not the one who initiated the chargebacks, that she was a personal friend of yours, etc. I could have made a stronger case with the rep. Even throwing in the fact that you have met Belgamo in person, etc. But, even though I could have thrown all that in there, with the concerns the casinos have with chargebacks, it would not have made a difference. Chargebacks are very serious to the casinos. I will send the rep this new info, that nothing shady was being attempted and that Heather really is sincere about the whole matter and see what he says. It's up to their risk management though and not the rep. I'll update this thread when hear back from him. Oh and one more thing, I take great pride that we here at the forum do not bash our members the way I see others being bashed very nastily on other forums. We do have new members come on the forum asking for help and their actions are sometimes shady and we never hear from them again. Most of the time you can find their same post plastered on a lot of other forums just to make waves for the casino.In those cases, bashing of the member is not what I want, but I don't pay too much attention to the posts that may lean that way, as I did not pay too much attention to mlkman's post other than the fact that I acknowledged the fact that his reply was not to the other posters. I hope that makes sense and we can get past that oversight. Thank you for referring Heather to the forum. I will try to see what can be done now, in light of the new info, if anything.Sorry for not replying sooner. This weekend has been very hectic for me. -- Edited by Mben on Tuesday 29th of May 2012 01:09:41 AM


I'm confused about the charge backs. So the person who stole the credit card disputed the deposits on the card, or did Heather72 dispute the charges after the card was stolen and everything that was charged since the card was stolen was then disputed. I thought only the card holder could dispute a purchase like having to give the cc company support your pin number etc.What I'm trying to say I guess is who initiated the charge backs and when were they initiated, before the card was stolen or after? If they were disputed after the card was stolen then the casino should be able to sort it all out, but if it was before then I think there would be a problem.I just have one question if the casino would unlock the account but not pay the winnings because of the charge backs would you still pay to the casino the chargeback amounts that they say happened but give you your last deposit that you won on back into your casino account. I think anyone would try to pay back the charge backs if they were going to get the $3000 withdrawal.I'm not trying to say Heather72 did the chargebacks I'm just trying to understand how the charge backs happened and who initiated it and when. Also If Heather72 didn't initiate the chargebacks why would she offer to pay the casino back I know I wouldn't if I wasn't the one who initiated the chargeback. Heather72 if you are being honest about this I hope you get your withdrawal and everything works out for you.I like to believe everyone is innocent until proven guilty,but damn i'm stuck in the middle here.


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tking1 wrote: I'm confused about the charge backs. So the person who stole the credit card disputed the deposits on the card, or did Heather72 dispute the charges after the card was stolen and everything that was charged since the card was stolen was then disputed. I thought only the card holder could dispute a purchase like having to give the cc company support your pin number etc. Mben said: Quote from Norleen ...  she   (Heather) did not intentionally report to the cc company to charge back ALL of the deposits she had made.   What I'm trying to say I guess is who initiated the charge backs and when were they initiated , before the card was stolen or after? If they were disputed after the card was stolen then the casino should be able to sort it all out, but if it was before then I think there would be a problem. Mben said: I am going to say Heather called the day she knew the card was stolen to have the cc account closed and dispute all charges that she did not make. But I do understand what you are getting at, tking.  I just have one question if the casino would unlock the account but not pay the winnings because of the charge backs would you still pay to the casino the chargeback amounts that they say happened but give you your last deposit that you won on back into your casino account. I think anyone would try to pay back the charge backs if they were going to get the $3000 withdrawal. Mben said: Good question.  I'm not trying to say Heather72 did the chargebacks I'm just trying to understand how the charge backs happened and who initiated it and when. Also If Heather72 didn't initiate the chargebacks why would she offer to pay the casino back I know I wouldn't if I wasn't the one who initiated the chargeback. Mben: I am wondering if the credit card company took it upon themself to charge back ALL transactions from the same processor which led them to charging back the transactions which were from January??? Heather72 if you are being honest about this I hope you get your withdrawal and everything works out for you.I like to believe everyone is innocent until proven guilty,but damn i'm stuck in the middle here.
We need Heather to come shed some more light on this so we all know what's going on and know what to do in cases like this if it ever happens to us. I have never had a CC stolen or lost so dealing with chargebacks is something I have never had experience with. 
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ty Mben, I hope she comes back also I have never had it happen either. If it ever happens I would like to know what to do.


Actually the company says thatThe Company reserves the right to cancel a Player's account for any reason, and to pay out to the Player any balance in Player's account at the time of cancellation. The Company shall not otherwise be liable for any such cancellation of any Player account(s). The Company also reserves the right in its unfettered discretion to void any winnings and refund the original deposit in the Player's account (and the Player shall have no other remedies) in any of the following circumstances: If a Player has more than one active account with the Casino or a related casino website. If the name on Player's account does not match the name on the credit card(s) or other payment method used to make purchases on Player's account.slot

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