A repeal has been voted for and an admendment has been rejected by the MA State Senate that should make a lot of people happy.In 1984, the state of MA voted to ban happy hours statewide. This ban disallowed bars and restaurants from serving free or discounted drinks. The Senate just appealed this ban.At the same time, the Senate has been going through admendments concerning licensing 3 casinos and a slot parlor. An admendment that would ban free drinks at casinos was rejected after free drink advocates made the point known that it would hurt the states revenues from taxes on gambling because the casino's state licenses would be less valuable to bidders.Repeal of the state's happy hour ban was not included in a House version of the casino bill, and is worded in the Senate adopted amendment to only allow new rules for restaurants and bars if the casino bill is adopted. Sen. Robert L. Hedlund said bars and restaurants will be on an equal playing field. This is an amendment that really does help out local restaurants, said Sen. Stephen M. Brewer.