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MasterCard chat


Jose: Hi, and thank you for using our Live Chat facility! Allow me to introduce myself as your chat representative. I will be assisting you, how could I be of service... Me : hello jose
Me : was wondering when i can get at those 5% web wallet bonus? Me : I can do QT no more with Mastercard either...
Me : and Ive put in a ton of deposits latley with no way to add funds to try to win them back now
Mastercard and usa restrictions can bite me! lol Me : oh, wait... they just did! Me : r u there? Me : hello? Jose :  Kindly note that if you read properly you will see that the webwallet promo is actually loyalty points that are spread out in your account every 2 to 4 hours Me : really,....thats just another bummer huh? these have not been very good days for me
Me : What in the world did Mastercard do? how could they determine if it was a gambling server or a shopping online purchase? all casinos and web wallets are no longer able to process the mastercard! it is not a free country USA.... Jose: Mastercard, is quiting the online gambling industry! Me : i guess, but how did they get determined it was for gambling? are they no longer processing foreign countries either? Jose: All over across the world! Me : no online shopping either then? Jose: The notice we got from them was for online gambling only! Me : I thought back when usa said they had to end as a means for us to be able to deposit,...casino's just had alternate servers to proccess for them and that has side steped the ban... if it says gambling and the server says 1800shopping ,...lol,...how did they know...and none have slipped through the cracks either,...its crazy Jose: Kindly note that i really will not be able to give you details, as to how they found out or what their policy is... Me : they cant say its illegal for us to do it,...that has not been able to pass into law,..so they said card cant let us deposit through them,...and so you set up separate servers to process and then they were't directly depositing into casino for us,...now they wont let that fly either and it sucks cause I just switched my banking through Mastercard and my other card is closed! I am really gritting my teeth over it...now i will have to spend another day just to change all my banking and order new cards from visa i guess! Jose: May i help you any further? Me : a special loyalty bonus couldn hurt...lol, I know its not your fault,..but now i cant play and now is my only free time to do so for a few days....bummed! Jose: Sorry, nothing withing the weekend promotional period Me : ok,...you have a nice day...no word if visa is soon to follow suit with this blocking of online deposits? It would be nice to know if its even worth the switch back if next week they shut us off.... Jose: No, VISA is cool with this! Me : good! wtg visa,..they be love the business i suppose! ok c-ya then
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