65,000 Phone Calls And You Thought Your Ex Was Scary? <img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-140046 fancybox_border" src="http://cdn.inquisitr.com/wp-content/2011/09/65000-phone-calls-266x200.jpg" title="65000 phone calls" width="266" height="200" />One of the larger patterns of failed relationships seems to be one of the two parties failing to see or accept that a relationship is just heading south.If you havent been to that shameful place yourself, then you are likely to have seen it from a friend- or youve been biting your tongue and bored on the other side of a 45-minute long rumination as to why someone just hasnt returned a call, wanting to shout because s/he doesnt want to! Well, imagine what the poor friends of one lovelorn Dutch woman must have put up with while she struggled through the end of a relationship.As is common in situations like that of the woman arrested for placing an alleged 65,000 calls to the target of her affection, the scenario is a bit he said/she said. According to the 62-year-old victim, the two were never romantically interlinked. But the 42-year-old woman tells a different tale, alleging she and the man had a relationship and that the calls were not entirely inappropriate.Hague prosecution spokeswoman Nicolette Stoel confirmed that the perp claimed the pair had had a legitimate relationship at some point, but an on the supposed harassment, and if the numbers work out, it paints a fairly creepy picture of the constant stalking:
The court ordered the woman not to contact her possibly former lover again. Have you ever been the target of an overzealous ex?Early Show co-anchor Jeff Glor reported her calls works out to 1,250 times a week, 178 times a day or about once every eight minutes. Glor added that calculation is based on if she werent sleeping.
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