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Maybe just a little obsessed?


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
65,000 Phone Calls And You Thought Your Ex Was Scary?  <img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-140046 fancybox_border" src="http://cdn.inquisitr.com/wp-content/2011/09/65000-phone-calls-266x200.jpg" title="65000 phone calls" width="266" height="200" />One of the larger patterns of failed relationships seems to be one of the two parties failing to see or accept that a relationship is just heading south.If you havent been to that shameful place yourself, then you are likely to have seen it from a friend- or youve been biting your tongue and bored on the other side of a 45-minute long rumination as to why someone just hasnt returned a call, wanting to shout because s/he doesnt want to! Well, imagine what the poor friends of one lovelorn Dutch woman must have put up with while she struggled through the end of a relationship.As is common in situations like that of the woman arrested for placing an alleged 65,000 calls to the target of her affection, the scenario is a bit he said/she said. According to the 62-year-old victim, the two were never romantically interlinked. But the 42-year-old woman tells a different tale, alleging she and the man had a relationship and that the calls were not entirely inappropriate.Hague prosecution spokeswoman Nicolette Stoel confirmed that the perp claimed the pair had had a legitimate relationship at some point, but an on the supposed harassment, and if the numbers work out, it paints a fairly creepy picture of the constant stalking:
Early Show co-anchor Jeff Glor reported her calls works out to 1,250 times a week, 178 times a day or about once every eight minutes. Glor added that calculation is based on if she werent sleeping.
The court ordered the woman not to contact her possibly former lover again. Have you ever been the target of an overzealous ex?
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
PSP wrote: Have you ever been the target of an overzealous ex?
No, I was the targeter . :lol:True story and not one I am proud of but relationships that have gone south because of a third person makes some people go insane temporarily. I went a lil bit insane and one night went on a calling binge. I was calling the now ex husband non stop one night knowing his new friend was at my house. They called the cops who in turn called me and told me to stop. HaHaHa!Imagine that. The cop tells me to quit calling MY then husband and to quit calling MY phone that was in MY house. Now that I look back 11 years, I have to laugh at what you think is love, will make a person do. The woman in your story, PSP, has me beat in the number of calls, but just barely. :lol: 

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