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My bank only received $435 of my 500 cashout check


I received my check from Miami club casino cashed it but my bank called me today to say that the Canadian bank only sent them $435 of the $ 500 so I must pay back the $65
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Hi stallions!

At first thought, I can only imagine that it has something to do with the Canadian Dollar vs US Dollar conversion?

Did your bank explain it to you in any way to be able to explain what might have caused this?

You can always verify what Miami Club sent out to you, but I believe it was the whole $500.
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i got the full amount and the bank cashed it it was in us funds the bank says that when they sent it to the Canadian bank for their funds they only received 435 of the 500 whyI do not know I have never had this problem all I know is I owe the bank 65 dollars
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Hi again.

I'll have Mben ask the Miami Club Casino rep if they can shine some light into the situation, however Mben is not available right now, but I know she will see this thread, and answer accordingly.

I'm quite curious as well, as I have never heard of this situation happening to any other players.

Hang tight.
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LS0794799475 sorry went over my bank statements to see the dates I have a email record of when they sent the check and when I deposited . I emailed them they admit I received the check but said they done everything right on their end . they said my bank must have charged me the 65 as a fee for cashing out of country check I spoke to them and they said when they sent the check to Canada they did not receive the full amount back 435 of the 500 and I had to pay back 65 to cover their losses
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LS0794799475 sorry went over my bank statements to see the dates I have a email record of when they sent the check and when I deposited . I emailed them they admit I received the check but said they done everything right on their end . they said my bank must have charged me the 65 as a fee for cashing out of country check I spoke to them and they said when they sent the check to Canada they did not receive the full amount back 435 of the 500 and I had to pay back 65 to cover their losses

Would you still want us to look into it for you? We would be happy to help if you still need assistance!
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I have emailed the rep for Liberty Slots Casino. When I get a reply, I'll let you know.

Hopefully they can clear this up.

Thanks for your patience.
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:facepalm2:I sorry stallions that this happened to u and I Def hope you can get this taken care of I have not ever got Chevk from lib but other place I have n mu old bank no had problem s but when I had changed my bank last year they waiting n waiting n never check any of my check because they said they had to wait to hear vavk from the bank to be cjrsd n the bank woukd not ever respond n hiv the ok n when talking with the casino they just passed:weird: the blame saying the cut the check n sent but they are not the bank n there are different so it was the bank issue but u k ow it there bank n they sure could have but didn't I starting to think they do on purpose or atkesst I fell that they don't try to assist u know, ,,,, I sometime think n wonder how many dollars every year go unclaimed/collected because of these issue n other like these cause where that money go they just keep ????......... Anyways no deposit help me before on at another time n issue to be able to get my money :dollarsign:after some place ducked me around for almost 2 months so my fingers are crossed that they will be able to get you some results :bye:
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Hi stallions:

I've heard back from the rep.

First off, please verify where the check is from - what casino and your log in info. He has stated the last withdrawal on this account was Feb 16th, 2019 but all was redeposited. We need to be sure we are looking at the right account before we go any further.

Second, just for information purposes, the fee for check withdrawal is $45 - any other fees are taken by the banks- not the casino.

Once you verify that is was Liberty Slots, and your sign in, we can hopefully have accounts look into it further.

Just wanted you to know that the rep did respond, and we are still working on it.

Have a great rest of the day.
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Hi PMM, The check was for sure from Canada not sure what bank they use different ones at different times my bank may be able to trace it back not sure. LS0794799475 …….
From: support@libertyslots.com
Received: Fri, 18 Jan 19 10:46:1 EST
Subject: RE:cashout -- LS0794799475
From: support@libertyslots.com
Received: Fri, 18 Jan 19 10:46:1 EST
Congrats on your winnings!

We are pleased to inform you that your Check withdrawal of $545 was processed earlier today by the Payments department...…. This is when I did the deposit...... 01/31 500.23 501.37 Deposit by Check they always add odd cents to help the check get cashed $500.23 in this case 23 cents...…...This is my charge from a check that took over a month and a half after my bank sent it for their funds since they only received $435 0f the $500 they gave me this was what I owed...…….
Transaction Details

-$65.00 March 21, 2019
Transaction Categories

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Okay, the account number is correct.

From what you have listed here, it is not the casino that debited your check.

Your bank charged you a foreign check fee of $65

I'm not sure the rep can help with that. You will need to speak to your bank and inquire about their foreign check cashing policies.

Just know it was not the casino that debited your check. It was your bank.

I don't know why it took over a month and a half to get the funds from the check.

Could you call your bank and inquire as to the details of the $65 debit?

The rep won't be able to tell us anything from his end.

Let us know if you get any details from the bank.

Sorry we couldn't be more help.
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No I talked to the bank they debit my account the 65 it was because the Canada bank only returned 465 of the 500 that the Canadian bank was to send them it was a adjustment fee for the foreign check because they did not receive the full amount of the 500 just 435 This was a deposit adjustment not a charge it was a deposit adjustment because I had to make up the 65 the bank did not receive...….

Deposit Adjustme FOREIGN CHECK DEPOSIT ADJUSTMENT Transfer …...Their Canadian bank is at fault and they should be able to fix the problem why should I play their if they charge 45 fee then I get 65 taken away from their bank that issues the funds all your rep needs to do is call the Canadian bank and asked them why they did not send the full amount back to my bank 465 of 500
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
No I talked to the bank they debit my account the 65 it was because the Canada bank only returned 465 of the 500 that the Canadian bank was to send them it was a adjustment fee for the foreign check because they did not receive the full amount of the 500 just 435 This was a deposit adjustment not a charge it was a deposit adjustment because I had to make up the 65 the bank did not receive...….

Deposit Adjustme FOREIGN CHECK DEPOSIT ADJUSTMENT Transfer …...Their Canadian bank is at fault and they should be able to fix the problem why should I play their if they charge 45 fee then I get 65 taken away from their bank that issues the funds all your rep needs to do is call the Canadian bank and asked them why they did not send the full amount back to my bank 465 of 500
Hey stallions, I'm back.

I have asked the rep about the possibility of their finance department getting a hold of the processor and/or the bank the check was drawn on to find out what happened, why they shorted your bank $65.

You know the drill ... hang tight until I hear from the rep. ;)


Thanks so much Mben I really would like to understand as a result of this their will be a hold on any checks I receive in Canadian form which can take up to 6 or more weeks to clear... Thanks again
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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stallions, the rep has spoken with Accounts about this. He is going to follow up with them and get back to me.

He did say that he's sure that they will need to see your bank statement showing the deposited amount, and that they will contact you about it.
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:facepalm2:I sorry stallions that this happened to u and I Def hope you can get this taken care of I have not ever got Chevk from lib but other place I have n mu old bank no had problem s but when I had changed my bank last year they waiting n waiting n never check any of my check because they said they had to wait to hear vavk from the bank to be cjrsd n the bank woukd not ever respond n hiv the ok n when talking with the casino they just passed:weird: the blame saying the cut the check n sent but they are not the bank n there are different so it was the bank issue but u k ow it there bank n they sure could have but didn't I starting to think they do on purpose or atkesst I fell that they don't try to assist u know, ,,,, I sometime think n wonder how many dollars every year go unclaimed/collected because of these issue n other like these cause where that money go they just keep ????......... Anyways no deposit help me before on at another time n issue to be able to get my money :dollarsign:after some place ducked me around for almost 2 months so my fingers are crossed that they will be able to get you some results :bye:

Thanks so much for taking the time to write I have had problems in the past but this one is very different not sure at all what took place. I am glad NDF helped you in the past maybe I will get the same results.
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Thanks so much for taking the time to write I have had problems in the past but this one is very different not sure at all what took place. I am glad NDF helped you in the past maybe I will get the same results.
I don't know if I can get your money back (I do hope so though), stallions, but with NDF having your back, at least the rep is taking a hard look at this for you. Without us, you'd probably just have to accept it and move on.

Glad we're here for you all. :)
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You are so right Mben I wrote them first at got little to no response . If I do not get it back I will be sad but I will know NDF went to bat for me and gave me a fighting chance one I did not have without you. Thanks


Just to let you Girls of NDF know It was my bank that charged me a international check fee since I was never informed of the fee they gave me back my money.Thanks again for your help sorry to have taken up tjme
Okay, the account number is correct.

From what you have listed here, it is not the casino that debited your check.

Your bank charged you a foreign check fee of $65

I'm not sure the rep can help with that. You will need to speak to your bank and inquire about their foreign check cashing policies.

Just know it was not the casino that debited your check. It was your bank.

I don't know why it took over a month and a half to get the funds from the check.

Could you call your bank and inquire as to the details of the $65 debit?

The rep won't be able to tell us anything from his end.

Let us know if you get any details from the bank.

Sorry we couldn't be more help.
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PMM you were right the bank charged me a international check fee but because they did not tell me upfront they gave me back my money yay. Had I not went back to push the bank for the truth I would have been thinking it was the casinos bank . Thanks so much for both of you help. Also got my free $75 chip did not win but had lots of fun trying. As always you Girls Rock
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