Wendy, your story touches my heart reading it, I too went through a different but similar experience with my dad not too long ago. He has congestive heart failure, a bad heart valve, thickening of the heart, and emphysema. He is only 56. He was in and out of hospital because he would literally gain 20 pound of water weight over night, and wouldn't be able to breathe. He finally went in for surgery in August, and surgery went great considering it took 12 hours, immediatly afterwards the surgeon came into the waiting area and told us that it was a good thing that he had the surgery cause he was in the later stages of heart failure and wouldn't have made it much longer. Well on his 2nd day after surgery things took a turn for the worse, his kidneys were not working, he was fighting to breathe, and his bowels had failed to start back again. He had put on 30+ pounds of water weight, and was unrecognizable. He was in put in the ICU in critical condition, and all we had was pray and God, and let me tell you, God came through, after 3 weeks of not leaving my dads side at the hospital, not eating, not sleeping, it had taken it toll on me. I sat with him in the ICU one night, and prayed and prayed and a feeling came over me that everything would be ok, and I left it in God hands, and within hours everything had changed, my dad made a full recovery almost instantly. He walked out of the hospital 3 days later, and I will be forever grateful for the mercy that God showed on my family, I truely witnessed a miracle. So keep praying, and keep your faith. We will all be praying with you.