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The date has finally been set, we leave this Wednesday to go to Tampa for my husband's surgery. He will have lower back surgery and then 4 days later they will be doing the surgery on his neck. This is the last of a long road of treatments, surgeries, physical therapy, and recoveries. It is also the last chance for him to be able to walk again, or hold his head up unsupported, which he hasn't been able to do since he had the pop in his neck that caused his body to go temporarily numb. He had to drop out of school after the pop , and life has been pretty much at a standstill for him since that day. I am hoping and praying that all goes well with the surgeries, and that life for him can return to some simblence of normalcy, whatever that is. I have not known what normal is since the car wreck. Neither has anyone else in our family.Please say a prayer for him through all of this, and maybe keep the rest of our pack in your prayers too, lol.Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, and just for being there to listen when I have needed an ear, ya'll are all awesome!Trish
my heart goes out to you....I totally understand!!We had something similar 2 years ago in an accident....hubbys back popped and he has already gone through one surgery and they are talking another....lots of different drugs to no avail another surgery is in discussion.....do ya think social security disability will help...nope been denied twice...say hes too young(42), even though he lost his job, our house, and he cannot barely get out of bed!  Sheesh!!Good luck to you both and I pray for the best!!! 


I am sorry, I hope your husband gets better too. David has applied for Soc. Sec. but only a few months ago, I on the other hand have been turned down twice. With all the bones in my dominant hand crushed, a 2 pound weight limit on it and no repetitive motion. I can't even wash dishes without help, or breaking something! But they said I can do something else, I told them I wish they would tell me what! At almost 40yrs old, I don't even want their money, I would MUCH rather be in a nice peaceful dumptruck working and making in a week what they will give me in a month! "
I hope they can make yours better, as well as mine. Good luck.


A Mommy Machine
My prayers are with you as they always are. You are a wonderful person, wife, mother and friend, and I hope that their is a light at the end of this tunnel for you. Keep faith, be strong, and I am here if you need me."
God bless you and your family.


A Mommy Machine
Lord, I pray for my friend Trish and her husband because your Word says I should pray for their healing. I believe you hear this prayer from my heart and that it is powerful because of your promise. I have faith in your ability to heal , but I also trust in the plan you have for their life. Lord, I don't always understand your ways, and why my friend has to suffer, but I trust you. I ask that you look with mercy and grace toward Trish and her family. Nourish her spirit and soul in this time of suffering and comfort her with your presence. Let Trish know you are there with her through this difficulty. And may you be glorified in her life and also in mine. "
Amen "


Trish:My prayers will continue thru this long ordeal for you and your husband.There IS power in prayer.                                                                                                            Pam


My thoughts and prayers are with you Trish and Firebird and your entire family."
May God Bless you all."

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