The date has finally been set, we leave this Wednesday to go to Tampa for my husband's surgery. He will have lower back surgery and then 4 days later they will be doing the surgery on his neck. This is the last of a long road of treatments, surgeries, physical therapy, and recoveries. It is also the last chance for him to be able to walk again, or hold his head up unsupported, which he hasn't been able to do since he had the pop in his neck that caused his body to go temporarily numb. He had to drop out of school after the pop , and life has been pretty much at a standstill for him since that day. I am hoping and praying that all goes well with the surgeries, and that life for him can return to some simblence of normalcy, whatever that is. I have not known what normal is since the car wreck. Neither has anyone else in our family.Please say a prayer for him through all of this, and maybe keep the rest of our pack in your prayers too, lol.Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, and just for being there to listen when I have needed an ear, ya'll are all awesome!Trish