I thought I would share a video of my youngest son. He loved Nickelodeon and there was this new kid band (The Fresh Beat Band) that had a show. They would show commercials with them singing this song. In one part of the song this kid starts rapping and then another one of the band members says Solo . Well as you could guess they played this commercial all the time. So I couldn't help myself from saying Solo every single time it aired. One day the commercial came on and my 2 1/2 year old was watching it. I did my normal solo and he got so mad! He really freaked out and had never responded that way before. He kept saying No Solo Mama and Stop . I love the little part where he is moving his hands, shaking his head and trying to rap. I couldn't help myself I grabbed my camera and kept rewinding it. And this is what happened. Just for the record my son is a happy normal 7 year old and he was not permanently scarred from the making of this video. [video=http://youtu.be/4WjP-afYbKo][/video]