i just wanted to share a similar experience that happened in my family. my stepmom had the same problem when she was pregnant with my little bro. it had been 23 yrs since she had last had a baby and her body wasn't liking it a bit. like your sis, she carried him to 41 weeks. they planned an induction. she still wouldn't deliver. i was only 12 at the time but i can remember everybody crying in the waiting room. don't worry, this is a happy ending.... all in all, they delivered my little bro via c-section - healthy as a horse but covered in green muck because he had been in so long. i realize now that the people that were crying in the waiting room were my stepmom's mom and sisters. all they were worried about was the scar that she was going to have and 'no more 2 piece bikinis' yadda yadda. there was really no threat to either of them. if your sis doesn't repsond to being induced, they can deliver that baby in 45 seconds via c-section. that's a fact. everything will be perfectly fine. you'll see. put it in God's hands and he will do the rest!