Words to live by ...... BE KIND The key chains I am making this weekend for <a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thelosthighwaysigncompany.com%2F&h=UAQE13usO&enc=AZMmxVGycBS1ahsJ_dyKzyXLX5xJeOaail-Wu1xEE0SwuBNo9clqhpcrIWAtmcpsswmjdYWvW2QCz-FQ1ZG5h1XWCJLcS9eZiHQyoDVoV81EwT74BnjeyYbUPdUr4zOg9BzPd3JV6YKTy9720SUbFqR1&s=1" >www.thelosthighwaysigncompany.com</a> are going to the <a href="http://www.bensbells.org/" >www.bensbells.org</a> organization to be distributed (I believe distributed and not in their shop, I hope) People who live in Tucson should know what Ben's Bells are all about. If you don't know, you should read the story on their About page. So sad why the organization started in the first place. I hope I find a bell one day. Oh and check out the LHSC products <a href="http://www.thelosthighwaysigncompany.com/html/products.html" >here</a>. My chains are displayed. Items can be shipped and are custom made and make awesome gifts. If you want a cool sign or whatever, let me know. This one is right up our gambling forum alley. <a href="http://www.thelosthighwaysigncompany.com/images/products/big/IMG_0166.jpg">
</a> PS - This is not a post to push sales in any way .... this is a post for the words BE KIND .
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