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Hi guys, my son is biopolar and recently just got sent to juv. for threating to kill me and my husband. We went to his school today and found out that he told the counsler that he already has thought it through and knows how he wants to kill us.anyways, we got the police invloved and all. really hurt of course,but the big problem is he has a computer and we need to get into it to see what he has on it and what all he has been looking at. we are going to take it away for now. however, he knew something was up as he has a password on it, never has...we cant think of any thing and his bestfriend doesnt know it. as he knew an old one. Do any of  you who work with computer knows how to get past the being password area, The computer is an emachine ,xp home edition. that is the software. nothing fancy on it.If you have any ideas it would mean the world to me.Thanks sooo much...Now you know another reason why i havent been around lately....Virgie


No Deposit Forum Founder
An easy way would be to install a key logger program and then let him use the computer for a bit,then take the computer back away.  Anything he does and enters will be recorded. Parents do this alot .LOL


i cant even get into the computer to do that how would i get into the computer to do it. we are locked out of it?forward it to my husband, hoping he will figure something out with the site you gave, thanks sooooo much-- Edited by virgie at 20:37, 2008-01-17


LET ME KNOW what password u want to open??? (email ,admin,logincomp,.... )let me know if i can help u / not!! because i have some software for that all ( email , admin , logincomp deferent user name, anything ......)


My daughter said to try, when the screen comes up to username and password push the escape button, she said it works in school, guess it's worth a shot.


Hey Virgie, I am really sorry to hear about your son and have said a prayer for your family.  About five years ago, on a winxp pc, I had changed my password and then didn't logon for a few weeks.  Well, I ended up forgetting my password...knew it was some version of my name, but couldn't figure it out for the life of me.  I was randomly hitting keys and crying when I decided to call the pc tech support/gateway.  The tech guy talked me through removing and then replacing a small chip inside the computer that is made specifically to store admin passwords.  The process reset the pc to not require the password in order to logon.  I was able to boot right to my desktop.  I then checked my password document file and saw my password had been superhousewife...LOL, more like stuporhousewife.  Anyhoo, I don't know if this gives you any info that might help you, or if you were even still needed puter help but thought I'd share anyway.  Sorry that I wasn't quicker about seeing this and responding, I am trying to get my mojo back and appreciate how patient you all have been...and for all the kind support and well wishes too!latertater,taco
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thanks, i will let my husband know. my son went to juvy and they did not press charge,  dont know if i should be happy or sad. i do love him, but he has been much better since he knows he is on probation for the next 30days.  i just wonder how he will be after that. taking things away, smaller room, less things and the his  computer is in our room at this moment. hubby in the hospital today, unable to breath, asthma bad, we are all sick with allthis going on. but i will be back real soon, hopefully happy and spending.  but all this is reeally stressing me.but we still are not in the computer. he wont give us his password, so we are trying evertything we can.thanks to all of you for help. i told my hubby that i could count on all of you.Virgie


so u problem u cant login first time open comp they show up username & password !! u mend like that.let me ask u ? u have another comp for burn cd if i give u some software.after u burn that software going to cd put that cd going to comp(have problem)and just run that program otomatic. let me know i waiting u .


yes, we have another computer that we can burn from. yes, it is the main entry. when  you turn it on. needs password and signon that we cant get past.thanks for all your help.


if u turn off u comp and back up turn on what show first time on srceen like( boot prees f2 /...) they show that or not?and do you have email? so i can sent u the software what u need?


ok, i just want to let everyone know i have gotten all of your information. Both my husband and I have been real sick the last few days and havent had time to get to it as we would have liked. He was in er with pneumonia and couldnt breath with his asthma. I also have fibromyalgia and with all this bad weather has put me in bed and i had a really bad allergic reaction to flexall gel he put me on. i had to go to er as my throat closed on me this weekend. spent the whole day at the doctors today and pharmacy the last three days.the reason i am telling you all this is because i do appreciate all the help and really want to get to it, the computer is away from my son and he has been quiet the last few days.. i just dont want you to think i am ignoring all your wonderful help and hope to get to it real soon, but i have been in bed then on the computer or anything, thinking i am dying... sometimes wish...anyways. i will let you know in a day or so..thanks for all that you wonderful people do....Virgie,with much appreciation to the kindness people i dont know! LOL!! really do from talking...lol....again, thanks from the bottom of my heart.

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