Ummm, I think danny is currently using virtual funds in a high stakes poker game with Elvis Presley, but his address is located in the yellow pages under advertising mascots are us, right between dino of fruity pepples and elsie the cow. Just teasing.....but seriously Karnes, Danny is.....well, here's his most current picture<img src="" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" />, I'm sorry you can't effectively beat up a cheezy cartoon guy but you could write a letter of grievence to the virtual casino group......but, sadly if they do actually read and respond to it, you probably have 10000's of letters ahead of yours. The free chips are my methadone fix, I get a slot buzz off it, but I know it only treats the I want to play slots . I know it isn't the hard stuff(cash deposits) and until I have the willpower to just say no and deposit responsibly, I guess it's dr.danny at the methadone clinic....aka virtual danny's chips at the virtual casino group. I am sorry for your upset and frustration, but the only state danny lives a state of animation.Good luck to ya,latertater,talkintaco