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New Marvel comic slot games at Cryptologic casinos


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New slot games at <a href="http://www.no-deposit-required-casino.com/Cryptologic-Casinos.html">cryptologic casinos.</a>Peak Entertainment, a leader in online casino gaming, has released a brandnew suite of exciting and captivating slots games based on the legendaryMarvel Comics series including star-studded appearances by the IncredibleHulk, Spider Man, Wolverine, and Sub-Mariner. In the Incredible Hulk - Ultimate Revenge , players now play against thebackdrop of a city where The Hulk has been battling SWAT teams andmilitary helicopters. Line up five Hulk symbols and win the top prize of5,000 times the line bet, or double the prize amount whenever that symbolhelps to form a winning combination.<a href="http://www.cscasino.com/index.asp?ID=156023&PID=10881" title="Online Casinos"><img width="468" src="http://www.focalclick.com/cgi-bin/focalimage.exe?10881" alt="Online Casinos" height="60" title="Online Casinos" /></a>Online CasinosFor the first time, players will be transported into Spider-Man's NewYorkCity realm to foil bad guys and rescue victims from danger as the web-slinger achieves his ultimate mission: defeating Venom and saving MaryJane. With three unique feature sequences and big payouts - up to 5,000times a line bet - rewards are around every corner. Players can also earnup to 15 additional rounds of play and double prize values with an excitingfree-spin feature.Wolverine, the Marvel Comics legend and The X-Men's most dangerousmember, now stars in his own action-packed online slot game. Notforgetting his love interest, Jean Grey; his razor-sharp adamantium claws,and his arch-rival, the savage Sabretooth. A re-spin feature is awarded whenthree or more Wolverine symbols appear anywhere. Three or moreSabretooth symbols launch you into the Bonus Round, a pulse-pounding battlein which you control Wolverine in a fight to the finish with Sabretooth.One of the first Marvel heroes, Sub-Mariner, rises up from the depthsbeneath the sea to star in his own action-packed slot game. Join and controlSub-Mariner as he defends Atlantis against Torpedoes fired from Submarinesand Battleships. Wager from 1 cent to $5 per line as players match symbolsup to 25 lines. These latest offers on our slots games continue to show our dedication tobringing players new and captivating slots excitement , says Johnny Jordane,Promotions Director for Peak Entertainment. Just as Marvel Comicschanged the world of comic books, Peak Entertainment's advancementsin slots have improved our customers overall gaming experience As If all this action isn't enough, players will also benefit from theMarvelJackpot feature. This consists of three separate jackpots, beginning at $50(Hero Jackpot), $500 (Super Hero Jackpot) and $5,000 (Marvel HeroJackpot). Each jackpot rises as players continue to play, until they areawarded one of them. Even more amazingly, these prizes are totally randomand can occur at any time. New and existing players at Omni andCSCasino.com receive a $100 slots bonus every month!<a href="http://www.omnicasino.com/index.asp?ID=156023&PID=10066" title="Online Casino Gambling"><img width="468" src="http://www.focalclick.com/cgi-bin/focalimage.exe?156023&10066" alt="Online Casino Gambling" height="60" title="Online Casino Gambling" /></a><a href="http://www.omnicasino.com/index.asp?ID=156023&PID=10066" title="Online Casino Gambling">Online Casino Gambling</a>
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